Chapter 1073
"Fifth Sword Gate has noticed the demon world's invasion for a long time! We have been making preparations, and we will soon be able to eliminate the evil trouble. But you, who practice taboo skills, can't keep you." The old man was as hard as iron, Fei Jiankong Ming, hit Huanglong straight.

Chen Xinghe frowned slightly, the other party was not his real body, but a projection.To be able to achieve this level, at the very least, he must reach the peak of transformation, and he must cooperate with unique methods. In short, he is a very difficult old guy.

Flicking with ten fingers, the electric arc slammed, and quickly exchanged blows with the flying sword.

The speed of both sides is very fast, playing fast with fast speed, temporarily tied.

"Fellow daoists with this level of energy should go to exterminate demons. Is Qingtianzong more terrifying than demons? As far as I know, the Fifth Sword Sect was indeed under the Nine Tribulations of the Yellow Springs, but it is not likely to be bitten by a snake all at once. , I have been afraid of well ropes for ten years."

"Well, you thief, it's really the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue. Extinguishing this kind of magic power is to destroy the demons." The old man was very persistent, fearing that he would be the victim when the fifth sword gate was poisoned by the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue.

Chen Xinghe didn't want to talk nonsense, the other party was at best a projection, but he was the main soul here, perfectly integrated with Song Tianbao, and even more powerful to help.

"Come here!" The mysterious yellow energy of heaven and earth floating in the air gathered in an instant, and Chen Xinghe bundled it into a sword light, and the Qingtian Sword Domain merged with the surrounding robbery power.

Hearing a soft "duh", Chen Xinghe was taken aback, Jieli and Jianyu seemed to be a perfect match, and he saw an arc of lightning disappearing from the old man's forehead.

"Back, back! How... maybe... Qingtian... Dai Zong..."

Chen Xinghe was stunned, the Jie power around him was exhausted by this sword.

"Uh! The Nine Tribulations of the Yellow Springs Jue can be combined with the Qingtian Sword Region to strike together? The Qingtian Sword Region was originally only able to defend, but at that moment just now it turned from defense to offense. Dare to love the Nine Tribulations of the Yellow Springs Jue is tailor-made for the Qingtian Sword Region No, Qingtianjianyu was born for the Nine Tribulations and Huangquan Jue! Of course, it’s still the big premise, you have to have the ability to trigger the Heavenly Tribulation, it seems that you will have to sharpen your right hand after you go back.”

At this moment, Song Tianbao had achieved a high-quality golden elixir, but his cultivation had only grown so far, because there was no more moonlight within a hundred thousand li.The moon moth sect's skills are unsustainable, and it needs to go out of this world to connect.

Chen Xinghe is proficient in the moon moth sect's kung fu, Song Tianbao's memory is mainly the moon moth sect's kung fu, and when the time is ripe, he can be lured into Yuanjun and Qingluo's sect.

The old man's death, I don't know if it will affect the Fifth Sword Sect's plan in the military tea world, but Chen Xinghe is more inclined, this old man is also a chess piece, but he is being used in the dark.

If this is the case, then the level of the opponent is high, and his true identity may have been revealed.

A voice came from the air: "Qingtian Sect Young Emperor Chen Xinghe, you are really supernatural. When Minghe was protecting the Buddhist sect, you actually had time to play in the seventh collar."

Sure enough, the old man did not appear for no reason, but was deliberately arranged and guided by someone.

Chen Xinghe gasped, how did the other party know his true identity?Does this sudden exposure mean that the Demon Realm already knows him well?Especially the Nine Tribulations of the Yellow Spring Jue has become an extremely distinctive personal symbol.

"Chen Xinghe, you killed two true demons. Your crime is not small. After the Qingtian Sect was destroyed, you ran to the top of the Styx River to stand up for the Buddhist sect. Today, you are in our hands. You are unlucky." Take out a black bowl.

There was a sound of wind and thunder, and Chen Xinghe was surprised to find that the surroundings were imprisoned and blocked, and the passage to seize the house became very far away.

"Go!" The mysterious yellow gas of heaven and earth turned into a flash of light, and wherever it went, it was messy and broken, and finally bombarded the black barrier, sparking dazzling sparks, but it did not break through.

"Hiss?" Chen Xinghe gasped, this small black bowl turned out to be a top-grade magic treasure, rare in the world.It seems that he has oversimplified the enemy. Being able to monopolize the world of Junchali and be named the seventh leader seems to have extraordinary power in the demon world.

Right now, he was almost in a desperate situation, but Chen Xinghe remained calm and did not lose the slightest bit of poise.

It was too late to say, but in an instant, he approached the old man of the fifth sword gate.

Thanks to the Black Bowl of Magic Treasure, this old projection was isolated from the main body, standing on the verge of being scattered.

Chen Xinghe rubbed his hands vigorously, the old man quickly turned into a sword shadow, and slashed straight towards the black barrier.

There was only a sharp sound of "铛", this attack also didn't work, at most it splashed a stream of sparks.

A loud laugh came from outside: "Chen Xinghe, don't try it, it's useless. Your real body may be able to open the Tartar Demon Bowl here, but it's absolutely impossible with this reluctant body."

Chen Xinghe had an extra treasure in his hands.

The old man of the Fifth Sword Gate has been in this world for many years, and he can always come across some good things. There is a vine hidden in the storage talisman. Although the spirit of the fairy is very faint, it also shows that his status is extraordinary.

This is Chen Xinghe's life-saving straw. He crushed the fairy vines to squeeze out the fairy spirit, stretched out his finger and pen to walk around the dragon, gathered a talisman in the air, and shouted: "Borrowing the way of a mage, the talisman is boundless, and the underground is still alive!" How much power is left, give it all to me."

"Boom..." The earth shook, and a huge head protruded from the ground. It was the head of a hundred-foot-tall snake, and it slammed into the black barrier with extraordinary strength.

This sudden change caught the magic bowl cultivator by surprise.

The reason why Chen Xinghe is as stable as Mount Tai is precisely because this place is not an ordinary place. It is the mansion of the ghost Tan Tiantong who stayed in this world. Even if it has been destroyed, some residual power can be drawn out with the spirit of the spirit and the seal.

This impact was so powerful that it immediately overturned the black bowl and summoned hundreds of millions of quicksands to wear it away.

Chen Xinghe knew that he was not the enemy, he stepped on a ripple, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Soon, the black wave turned upside down, suppressing the sofa and roaring.

Bringing a powerful magic weapon to suppress Song Tianbao, who had just been promoted to the golden core stage, was easily run away by the other party. If the other two magicians knew about this, would they have to laugh?
"Ah, it's unreasonable, Chen Xinghe, you can't escape, the Tatar magic bowl has already collected your breath." When he said this, he obviously lacked confidence.

If Chen Xinghe didn't care about Song Tianbao, he would be able to quit immediately.

But that would be equivalent to admitting defeat.

If you can't beat him, you can run, and after you run away, you can find a way. It is absolutely impossible to make him admit defeat.

Chen Xinghe has the complete memory of Song Tianbao, because he has a good mind, he can constantly go back to the memory, so he can explore things that others can't notice.

The Dayi Dynasty was not ignorant of the world and the outside world. Some clues were obtained from the study of the prince of the current dynasty. It seems that the royal family has been committed to excavating the relics of the previous dynasty.

Although there are no more detailed clues, Chen Xinghe has already found his way, and he will go to the Prince's Mansion first to find out the situation.

After Song Tianbao was promoted to Jindan, he was able to use the method of hitting the hour hand in the Candle Dragon Hall, which was performed by Chen Xinghe, just like chasing time.

Soon the imperial city was close at hand, and after a while, he escaped into the prince, looking for assistance that could be used.

(End of this chapter)

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