Chapter 1074
Chen Xinghe shuddered a little. The information efficiency of the Demon Realm was too high. He fought against Blood Shura on the Styx River. He once used the Heavenly Tribulation to increase his combat power. He did not report his family, but he had already exposed his whereabouts.

The opponent knew him well, and when he saw Jie Jie coming to fight, he immediately thought that Song Tianbao had changed his core, and that it was Chen Xinghe, the young emperor of Qingtian Sect, who was here.

How terrible is this positioning?It shows that the demon world has established a large net to target the monks in the world with the most precision. In the future, once the map is found, who can escape?

The Devil Realm is far more terrifying than imagined. It is definitely not a group of warriors who only know how to fight and kill. There must be unimaginable wise men planning strategies among them.

Right now he doesn't have time to think about these things, and when encountering difficulties, finding ways to solve them is Chen Xinghe's way of life.

Entering the prince's mansion with ease, he floated into the study like a ghost, and saw several formations, but how could these obstacles be so difficult to defeat him?

The powerful spiritual sense swept out, raised his hand and hit the wall in the air, and suddenly revealed a hidden compartment with several documents lying inside.

He got the documents and started to look at them. He didn't expect the prince to be careful enough to sprinkle poison on the documents. Such arrangements would naturally have no effect on Chen Xinghe.

After watching, Chen Xinghe was very interested.

It turns out that during the fall of the previous dynasty, a huge artillery was built at a cost of tens of thousands, hoping to use the incredible power of this artillery to kill gods and demons.

It's just that when the plan was coming to an end, the whole territory had fallen, and the members of the royal family suffered from demons, and people with the same blood suffered heavy casualties.

At that time, several monks in charge of this project went their separate ways, and those craftsmen were killed by them, and the demon-slaying artillery was buried in the dust of history.

The Dayi Dynasty had the intention to dig out such things to establish authority, but it is not known whether such behaviors were deliberately promoted by the monks of the magic way!
"Anyway, this is my only hope to get rid of the devil in this world." Chen Xinghe opened the ancient map collected by the Prince's Mansion, and imprinted it into his soul instantly. city ​​image for comparison.

Calculated by the time flow rate of Junchali, he is a person of the previous era, who has witnessed the change of ancient dynasties, and also witnessed the rise and fall of dynasties.

Today, no one knows the old dynasty better than him. All he needs to do is connect the fragments in his memory to form a grand blueprint, which can calculate the exact location of the Tiangong Creation Bureau and the Firearms Bureau.

Chen Xinghe looked at the map in his hand again, and immediately knew that the Dayi Dynasty had not made useless efforts in these years, and had still achieved some achievements.But the difference is a thousand miles away.

How could the development of artillery be in the Bureau of Tiangong?It is also impossible to do it in the Firearms Bureau, because there are too many people in these two places.However, there is indeed a relationship between the two, and it is necessary to mobilize manpower at any time, and it is also convenient to obtain the corresponding materials.

According to the information collected by the prince, a foundation cultivator participated in it back then, and his identity was the big boss behind the firm.

Chen Xinghe searched in his memory, and found many shops in this firm. Its headquarters is located at the north gate of Xishi City, forming a triangle with the Tiangong Artifacts Bureau and the Firearms Bureau, so there is a high probability that the secret artillery development site is within this triangle range. .

Then speculate based on the direction of the street, where it is more convenient to gather resources, and six locations are in front of us.

Time was running out, so Chen Xinghe flew away, not paying any attention to the series of changes that took place in the Prince's Mansion.

Since the Three Kingdoms of Dayi is a chessboard, how can the current emperor and prince be spared?It's all pieces on a chessboard.

Even if the fifth sword sect sent people here to monitor the evil, if they entered the chess game, they would unknowingly become a pawn, and the magic cultivator could easily move the chess piece.

And this is just the seventh territory named Curry Demon. There are six territories ahead, and most of them have already completed full control. I don't know what they want to do?

The Prince's Mansion quickly rang the alarm bell, and the prevention was not of any evil, but Song Tianbao, who was enshrined by the former kingdom.

At this moment, Chen Xinghe has scanned two suspicious locations and found nothing abnormal.

The enemy is about to kill, hurry up and follow the clues.

The third location and the fourth location also had no harvest, when he came to the fifth location, he was slightly taken aback.

This place has become a manor, belonging to the eighth prince of the current dynasty.It was the one who came here to avenge the emperor's uncle and was killed by Chen Xinghe.

The eighth prince has studied art for many years and rarely goes home.

Chen Xinghe used his spiritual sense to search carefully, and he already knew that the place where the artillery was developed was just under the manor.

No wonder the prince has been searching for many years and can't find it. Dare is in the eighth prince's mansion, no matter how courageous the subordinates are, they dare not lead the clue here.

In an instant, he shifted his shape and cast his earth escape to sink into the ground.

Speaking of which, Chen Xinghe is really not very good at spell cultivation, his ability to escape from the ground is all thanks to his primordial spirit, who can forcibly use the power of the five elements.

It took a full thirty breaths before he stepped into the cold and dark bunker.

Rings suddenly appeared on the wall, and one ring after another of bright light was rendered to the surroundings. This place actually has a very good defense mechanism.

It can be seen that those people put a lot of effort into it back then, but they don't know if the planned demon-slaying artillery is here.

Chen Xinghe exerted all his strength, using the limit speed his body could bear, leaving behind a string of afterimages to escape to the center of the bunker.

I saw the Broken Dragon Gate head-on.

Before those monks left, they were disheartened and completely sealed off the R&D center. It seemed that they were not planning to come back.

Today, this gate has added a huge obstacle to Chen Xinghe, and the Nascent Soul cultivator would have to spend a lot of hard work to get in.

The surrounding walls are very thick and made of strange metal.

Chen Xinghe swam quickly, slid his fingers across the wall, and suddenly stood still in a corner.

He was helpless against the gate, but as a monk of Jin Linggen, he once possessed the magical power of controlling metals, so he knew a lot about various metals.

The previous dynasty spared no effort to build this place, so naturally they would not cut corners!However, when casting a bunker in one piece, multiple metals are used to form an alloy.

Other places are really amazing, only this corner has a higher proportion of lanthanum and tin.

As far as Chen Xinghe knows, the metal lanthanum tin will turn black and become brittle in a low temperature environment, so this place is suitable as a breakthrough.

Song Tianbao's alchemy poured down like a waterfall, and the Moon Moth Sect's exercise happened to have the Hanxuan Bing Palm.

"Papapa" one palm after another, the wall was frozen to the limit, and when the 320th palm was shot, it seemed unsustainable, and with a soft "click", cracks appeared on the wall.

Not just cracks, the walls collapsed quickly, and the internal structure was completely destroyed.

Chen Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief, and walked in with hope.

When he walked into the bunker, he soon found the Demon Slayer Cannon, but...

"This is the Demon Slaughter Cannon? Why was it made so huge? No wonder it wasn't taken out to reveal the slightest bit. It can't be moved after it's built, and the storage charm can't carry it. The storage bracelet needs that kind of top-grade spiritual weapon to do it."

Chen Xinghe looked up, and saw the huge figure crouching on the ground like a tiger. It seemed that the momentum was enough, but it needed a hundred people to control it.

"Huh?" After sweeping through his spiritual sense, he found something new, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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