Chapter 1075
"It turns out that the cultivator who cast this cannon also felt that it was too huge, so he lit the fire to refine it, just like making a beggar's chicken."

"The outer layer is clay, which is very thick, and the inside is the real artillery."

When Chen Xinghe punched and attacked, a large piece of clay fell off, and inside was a layer of ceramics.

Continuing to punch, the ceramics quickly shattered, and "crashed" collapsed, revealing a pitch-black skin.

Although the giant cannon is a lot shorter, it is still so huge that you can only look up.

The fists hit it like raindrops, and the black skin turned out to be a thick layer of carbon ash, and the bunker was suddenly filled with dust and smoky atmosphere.

After finally removing this layer of carbon dust, the cannon revealed a gray luster.

Chen Xinghe knew at a glance that it was a shell formed by the condensation of metal impurities, so he continued to attack inside to see how many layers there were.

For a long time, fists and shadows clashed, causing the fists to tremble slightly, and the six layers of impurities shattered, revealing the true face of the cannon.

The flames rise up, and the giant cannon has absorbed the ground fire for many years and has strong firepower.

Chen Xinghe was a little discouraged, seven feet tall was still a giant, so it could only be placed here, and he couldn't even get out of the gate.


"If I set up a teleportation secret door in front of the gun muzzle, and the moment the artillery explodes, I can open the secret door there, can I use this power?"

"In recent years, the star power of the giant gate has begun to rise, and it has gradually separated from the Styx River. Although it is still impossible for living creatures to communicate, it may be feasible for this artillery to vent its power point-to-point."

The method is thought up by people. Chen Xinghe has acquired a whole body of magical skills and secret methods. When it comes to critical moments, he can think quietly and always find a way.

He didn't know if it was successful or not until he tried it, and he immediately closed his eyes to rest his mind and gather star power.

The star power of the giant door is very dim, without the corresponding method to absorb it, it will be quite laborious!

No matter how hard it is, the secret door must be erected. The muzzle of the cannon is almost as wide as a millstone, so this secret door should not be stingy, but should be generous.

When Chen Xinghe settled down to make the arrangement, the outside was already in chaos.

As a chess player, one thousand or ten thousand demon monks are unwilling to lose the game, even if they fall into a downturn, they will feel very uncomfortable. If it turns out that he is too incompetent, the master will take his life away with a wave of his hand.

"Look, find that bastard for me! Go and arrest Song Tianbao's family members, yell loudly in the air, and kill people if they don't come out. Since Chen Xinghe asked them to pack up the gold and silver and leave softly, it shows that they have a protective heart. If you don’t come out, you will massacre the city.”

In a fit of rage, the monk of the magic way didn't care about breaking the rules of the game. The so-called magician is a joke, and the efforts made by the royal family to subdue demons and demons over the years are also a joke.

Dozens of Foundation Establishment cultivators ascended to the sky, many of them were enshrined by the imperial court, and even the chief of the Anti-Magic Division, and now they shouted in unison, asking Song Tianbao to come out and die.If you don't come out, you will slaughter the Song family, if you don't come out, you will slaughter the city, until all Dayi is killed.

The Prince's Mansion has long been overthrown by the monks of the Demonic Way, and the Crown Prince sat in the study with a dejected face, only today did he realize that all his efforts were in vain.

This world has long fallen into the hands of the devil, and Xu Tu slowly nibbled and controlled it, and his influence has surpassed that of the Three Kingdoms.

The royal family of the Three Kingdoms is like a puppet, just used by the devil to relieve boredom and watch happy shadow puppetry. Once something happens, everyone can be obliterated.


"What's the point of living?"

When the prince was depressed, someone behind him suddenly said: "There is hope in life, and nothing in death!"

"Ah? Song..." The prince quickly covered his mouth.

"Don't worry, those people outside can't hear us." Chen Xinghe walked slowly to the table, raised his hand and signaled: "You are the crown prince, you should maintain your dignity and keep calm no matter how important it is. Here is the seat, sit on the ground and be careful not to catch cold."

"Ah?" The prince reacted and quickly got up, returned to his seat and asked cautiously, "Does Master Song have any countermeasures?"

Chen Xinghe smiled slightly: "The countermeasure is to slaughter these traitors and monks of the demonic way. If you are lucky enough to get through the difficulties, you have to stand up to stabilize the people's hearts. In addition, the previous dynasty left a cannon to slaughter demons, that is where the hope lies. In the future, monks can be banned based on this."

"Forbidden monks?"

"Yes, you have no way to tell whether a monk has taken refuge in the demon world, so you can only drive him out. After passing this level, try your best to imitate artillery! Put it on the city wall to protect the border and defend the country. Time flows very fast in this world. This is Your only reliance."

The voice faded away, and a jade slip was left on the table, which recorded the position of the cannon and the complete casting method, as well as gathering spiritual energy to identify the monk's magic circle.

Chen Xinghe flew into the air, and with a shake of his hands, he killed a foundation cultivator five miles away. All the traitors in the Prince's Mansion were already bleeding from their seven orifices, knelt down and died on the spot.

The monks who were shouting around suddenly heard voices.

"If you betray the human race, you should die."

Chen Xinghe didn't listen to the explanations of these monks at all, and no matter how many people were in Cao Ying's heart, since he obeyed the order of the demon cultivator, it was tantamount to declaring war.

One, two, three, four...

Someone flew to escape, it was useless!
A ray of air spread to the body from a distance, and the head immediately separated.

They are not Nascent Soul cultivators, they can escape from the Nascent Soul even if their heads are lost, they are dead if they die, and there is absolutely no way they can be reborn.

For Chen Xinghe, it is easier to kill these low-level cultivators by sniping than strangling an ant. If a wave of air is released from a distance, no matter how the opponent tries to escape, he will hit him head-on, without exception.

Two Golden Core cultivators appeared, they already belonged to the highest combat power of the Dayi Dynasty, but they had just approached Chen Xinghe, no different from those Foundation Establishment cultivators, their heads were in different places, and they fell into the sky.

Just kidding, Chen Xinghe drove the Qingtian Sword Domain across the sky at high speed, isn't he courting death by rushing up at this time?How can they resist Qingtianzong's swordsmanship?
There is not a single cultivator in Dayi who is qualified to reach out to Chen Xinghe. Looking at all walks of life, there are no more than twenty people who are also in the golden core stage who are qualified to reach out to him.

The Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue has been honored for seven and eight kalpas, now that Chen Xinghe has fully opened the nine kalpas, who in heaven and earth would dare not accept it?
At this time, hundreds of demonic energy appeared, all of them alienated into demons.

"Oh? Are there no chess pieces available? Tell me to come out, I came out, and ended up making these useless things an eyesore?" Chen Xinghe was not arrogant, since he dared to jump out, he was naturally prepared.

The other party seemed to know his heart, but hid himself and observed secretly, and even released so many strange demons to slaughter him.

"Slash the decision!" Frost dotted and gathered in an instant, turning into 120,000 nine thousand six hundred frost flying swords, piercing through the bodies of these strange demons in an instant.

These devils bared their teeth and claws, not paying attention to the injury at all, but they were stunned the next moment.

The eyeballs and buttocks exploded at the same time, spraying black blood and pieces of flesh outward, no matter how tenacious the vitality was, it couldn't hold back the rage.

Hundreds of ugly skins fell to the ground. After the battle between Chen Xinghe and Blood Shura, with the support of the calming spell, Chen Xinghe replayed countless battle scenes. He has absolute confidence in killing difficult monsters.

Now let's look at the demon-slaying cannon, I don't know if it can make a difference.

(End of this chapter)

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