Chapter 1076
Song Tianbao's strength was low, and Chen Xinghe forcibly promoted him to the early stage of Golden Core, which was the limit.

Fortunately, the military tea world has limited resources, so it is difficult to cultivate Nascent Soul monks. As long as the cultivation level is not too large, ordinary monks will not be able to stand in front of him.

In just a short moment, everyone who deserved to be killed was killed, everyone who deserved to be killed was killed, and the monk still did not show up. It was right to be careful, because no matter how careful you are when facing Chen Xinghe, you can't be too careful.

Since the enemy is afraid to show up, then do everything right.

Chen Xinghe flew towards the country of Daxi, intending to help Daxi eradicate evil troubles along the way. His real purpose was to search for a monster called the Red Flame Snake. The snake skin of this monster snake is very suitable for making talismans.

The news comes from Song Tianbao's memory, that snakes are not so difficult to hunt, and they are sold in shops in the capital.

The monks in Daxi Kingdom did not know that this kind of snake skin was very precious in the outside world, because the snake had the blood of an ancient snake, it was killed and hunted indiscriminately thousands of years ago, and it is almost extinct today.

As long as a certain amount of snake skins are collected, Chen Xinghe will be able to rely on more in this world, depending on how many merchants in the Daxi Kingdom have in stock.

In less than half an hour, he was already standing above the imperial city of Daxi Kingdom.

As expected, the enemy had a way to track his whereabouts, and nearly a hundred Foundation Establishment cultivators lined up and waited for him.In addition, there are six Jindan monks holding spiritual weapons in the rear.

The surrounding area is full of demonic energy, and a large number of strange demons have gathered, it seems that they want to consume his strength.

Chen Xinghe speeded up suddenly, and the frost around his body was dotted, pulling out blue light, driving the Qingtian sword field to collide violently.

"Boom..." Dozens of people were killed in one blow, but the surroundings suddenly became dark.

It was the black magic bowl, and it appeared.

At the same time, a monk's body shot out a hazy light and shadow, and there was a second magic treasure, and he seized the opportunity to launch a fierce attack.

"No, there's a third magic treasure dormant." After Chen Xinghe made a judgment, he raised his hand to open a black door, and the flames shot out, which made the strange demons terrified. The golden light was truly beautiful.

"Is that the ultimate demon-slaying holy flame? There is such a holy fire in this world?"

Wherever the golden flames went, the devilish energy was burning fiercely, and the blocking barrier propped up by the small black bowl immediately shrank by seven points. The magic treasure that was coming towards Chen Xinghe was also affected, the speed slowed down by ten times, and the devilish energy went crazy. Combustion-supporting, forward resistance increases greatly.

Chen Xinghe smiled slightly. Although this kind of cannon fire was not the real Devil Slaying Holy Flame, it was [-]% to [-]% as powerful as the Devil Slaying Holy Flame. In addition, the artillery had devoured the ground fire for many years, and the first eruption was quite spectacular.

Taking advantage of this time, he attacked around and wiped out the enemies in the air.

Where have all the foundation building monks seen such a fierce enemy?With fear, he ran away, only to be cleaned by the surrounding strange demons.

Demon cultivators don't want this kind of wall grass, they just kill it.

Chen Xinghe did not follow up, but erected the black door again, releasing brilliant fire.

Amidst the roar, the third magic treasure appeared, it was a doll made of wormwood, it was very ugly, and there were bloodstains on it.

It was this magic treasure that attracted necrotic energy, making Song Tianbao, who was not young at all, instantly aged 20 years old, his vitality and blood power suddenly fell to the bottom, and his cultivation almost dropped.

This is because this treasure was restrained by the demon-slaying holy flame. If there is no demon-slaying holy flame to consume its source of magic, even if it is powerful, it is afraid that it will not be able to reverse this unreasonable decline.

The second magic treasure came close, it was a blood coagulation flying sword, its lethality was terrifying, fortunately it was restrained and slowed down, otherwise it would have taken Song Tianbao's life in an instant.

Chen Xinghe opened the black door for the third time, standing right on Feijian's attack route.

Dozens of tyrannical flames shot out, completely turning the area into a sea of ​​flames.

Those strange demons screamed and fell to the ground, the black magic bowl rolled back, and the wormwood doll let out an ugly cry, and fled while burning, never daring to do it again.

Chen Xinghe knew that the cannon was destroyed, but he was able to fight off these magic treasures, which can be said to be a great contribution.

In the distance, three huge auras came quickly.

The purpose of setting up such a battle was precisely to see Chen Xinghe's hole card, the Blood Coagulation Demon Sword pierced the cannon, and its owner immediately knew that the opponent had no more support and the cannon was destroyed.

Chen Xinghe stepped across the sea of ​​flames, caught up with the fleeing Artemisia doll, raised his hand and released a blanket to wrap it inside.

"Zizizi..." The wormwood doll emitted white smoke, and the next moment Song Tianbao fell downwards, his breath was suddenly cut off.

The three major demon cultivators were slightly taken aback, a little out of breath, Chen Xinghe cut off contact immediately and ran away?I just don't know if the contact is cut off suddenly, will there be any loss to the main body?
However, one of the three major demon cultivators suddenly trembled and exclaimed: "No, Chen Xinghe, he..."

The voice stopped abruptly, and then the Artemisia doll broke free from the blanket, and flew towards a demon cultivator like a ghost.

"Third, what happened to Chen Xinghe?" When the other two demon cultivators were surprised, they saw the third raised his hand and threw something.

"That is?"

The third child actually threw out his own Nascent Soul, and the sword energy suddenly shot out, followed by the most drastic action of the Nascent Soul cultivator before his death, Explosive Infant.

"Boom..." The two were stunned, one of them screamed, and the wormwood doll lay on his shoulder and was gnawing.

This series of changes was so abrupt that they were caught off guard.

The third child among the demonic monks had already been taken away, so he rushed to fight another demonic monk in close quarters.

Although Chen Xinghe consumed a lot by doing this, but he is standing in the middle stage of transformation, his foundation is too solid, and the benefits of a high cultivation base are undoubtedly revealed.

Why do so many monks sharpen their heads and want to be promoted and then promoted?It is precisely because of the higher rank that crushes people, even if Chen Xinghe only has the Yuanshen here, once he seizes the opportunity, does the mere Demon Dao Yuanying really think that he can handle the young emperor of Qingtianzong?
Just kidding, on the one hand, he is a mid-stage cultivator who has been officially inherited by the Qingtian Sect, and on the other hand, he is just a subordinate of a certain second generation of the Demon Realm.

It's like a regiment trainer in a certain town wants to kill the most famous general in the country. Even if the general is not in the state, it is still easy to kill these little shrimps?
"Bang, bang, bang" three punches, punches to the flesh, after which the body of the demonic monk that Chen Xinghe forcibly seized collapsed, turning into interlocking bloody chains, suppressing the demonic monk in.

"Ah? Demon devours the heavens and evil methods? This is the old three's trick." Moxiu hurriedly took countermeasures, but it was too late.

Many bloody hooks were born out of thin air, piercing through its body.This one was also resolute, and immediately escaped from the Nascent Soul, wanting to escape.

However, it was too late.

This is equivalent to the all-out move performed by Chen Xinghe, the power has been increased by at least [-]%, and it is locked together with the Nascent Soul, killing it!

When Song Tianbao got up, he saw two springs of blood appearing in the sky, one was where the third child died together, and the other was where the Artemisia doll died.

The destruction of a magic treasure is no small matter, and it is naturally qualified to drag the target to hell.

But after the three of them died, there was still their master. If he didn't show up within ten days, Song Tianbao would go back after he settled down. After all, Styx's side was the most important thing.

(End of this chapter)

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