Chapter 1077
In five days, Chen Xinghe bought a large amount of snake skins!
The snake skin is really a treasure. A total of 330 three talismans have been drawn, and they become treasures as soon as they are tied together.

It's not that kind of fake talisman, it's a real talisman that truly has the power of a magic weapon.

Although this talisman can only explode three times at present, it has great potential. As long as it is cultivated with spirit stones or spirit veins, its power will be further enhanced.

Chen Xinghe killed a large number of monks at the foundation stage, and several monks at the golden core stage. Their net worth is not small.

Of course, what state is he in now?Don't care about these items at all.

In the past few days, Chen Xinghe spent twelve hours a day non-stop, distributing money and preparing for battle.

All chambers of commerce were patronized by him, and some residences of Jindan monks were also raided.

If you get some good things, you can buy them at a high price if you can use them, and if you can't use them, the merchants won't even look at them.

At noon on the seventh day, he was smashing spirit stones with a pestle on the cliff of Fuling Mountain to increase the power of the talisman, when a murderous intent came.

"Coming?" Chen Xinghe's body exploded, light and shadow whirled, and only a broken mirror image talisman fell down from the cliff.

The visitor was a little surprised: "You, Chen Xinghe? You have such a powerful talisman?"

A voice came from the air: "Is it strange? My master is Tan Tiantong."

"Damn, there is a lack of information." The visitor turned around and left, but since he had already made a move, how could he be allowed to leave?
With a sound of "buzz", the shadow of the sword flashed across.

This sword was too fast and evil, breaking through the opponent's protective treasure and cutting out half an inch of the sword, whoever wanted blood to spurt out immediately, couldn't stop it.

"Magic treasure? You actually...have a way to control other people's magic treasure?" The visitor was shocked again, seeing that the blood coagulation magic sword was covered with colorful talisman paper, which looked gaudy, but its power was unimaginable.

Chen Xinghe took a step back suddenly, a flash of sword light flashed in front of him, this sword was fierce and dangerous, instantly deflected and launched a thrust, no matter how hard it was to dodge.

"Dang..." The black barrier appeared, and it turned out to be the small magic bowl.

I saw that the small bowl was covered with talismans and turned into a sea bowl, and now I had to contribute my strength to defend Chen Xinghe from the decisive blow.

"Dang, clang, clang..." Five consecutive strikes failed, the opponent frowned slightly, and floated back.

Unexpectedly, a phantom of a huge snake head appeared, and "Kang Chi" swallowed it into nothingness, and could only feel a little breath of this person.

Chen Xinghe stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the figure that was being forced by the Blood Coagulation Demon Sword. These were two enemies, one bright and the other dark, with pure swordsmanship.

"You are the Fifth Sword Sect cultivator? Why do you succumb to the devil?"

"In our opinion, you are the biggest devil." The visitor let the blood coagulation flying sword penetrate his body, firing a dazzling light at Chen Xinghe.

This is a terrifying sword aura, which comes from a cultivator at the stage of transforming gods, the kind of overwhelming atmosphere that dominates all directions, and any existence below the stage of transforming gods will undoubtedly die.

"Pfft..." The sword qi was so violent that it cut through the figure, but this figure was not Song Tianbao, but the Fifth Sword Sect cultivator who was locked in a snake-headed phantom.

"You..." The cultivator's eyes were about to burst when he activated the sword qi, and his hatred grew infinitely. Chen Xinghe actually used his companion as a shield. It was really a good plan and a good trick.

"Clang, clang..." A crack appeared in the small bowl of the magic treasure, blocking the attack of the remaining sword energy.

The magic talisman cannot provide magic power for the magic treasure to show its power, but is fishing in the dry lake, constantly eroding the source, and the damage is permanent damage, and there is no possibility of recovery.

With Chen Xinghe's finger, the blood coagulation sword immediately turned into a thunderbolt, and when it caught up with the enemy, it burst into a bright red light, and the enemy cursed and died.

"Curse? It's only played by demons and heretics. The fifth sword gate is really in decline."

In a moment, a logo appeared on the soul. It turned out that this curse was to let the monks of the Fifth Sword Gate lock him, but he couldn't suppress it.

"Sacrificing his life mark, leaving such a tail behind when he dies, it's tough!" Chen Xinghe nodded, narrowed his eyes and looked around, if no other enemies came, then he continued to sharpen his sword, and exited this world when the time came.

The enemy is hiding in the dark, but he is in the light, how can he find it alone?So wait for the enemy to come.

These two sword cultivators are at the peak of the Golden Core Stage, not even Nascent Soul, but their combat power is indeed unique.In addition, the sword energy of the Dao Transformation Stage is really powerful. If the sword is not well prepared, if this sword is cut, even if the Yuanshen escapes back to the Styx, it will be damaged.

Obviously, the two were just throwing stones to ask for directions, and the other party was very careful and not reckless.

At this time, the sky began to rain heavily.

The heavy rain came very suddenly, Chen Xinghe raised his hand and released three talismans, immediately the heat wave roiled, and the rainwater evaporated within a radius of ten miles.

What surprised him was that the torrential rain had an astonishing amount of rain. The steam lingered for a while, but was quickly suppressed, making the rain curtain even thicker.

With a sudden movement of mind, there were two more people on the cliff of Fuling Mountain.

A half-covered pipa is gently holding the pipa, and the whole body is full of breath. Pilian and light gauze are wrapped around the delicate body, like flying into the sky.

The other was hunchbacked and ugly, but hunchbacked.

The two of them, one beautiful and one ugly, one female and one male, one tall and one short, looked at Chen Xinghe coldly, their eyes full of viciousness and the pleasure of finding their prey.

Chen Xinghe observed for a moment, then said with emotion: "A real devil?"

"As expected of the young emperor of the Qingtian Sect, he has the record of killing two true demons! This vision is really good, and we can see our background at a glance."

"The true devil has reached the extreme in a certain aspect, what way do you two follow?"

The pipa girl said coldly: "The melody of heaven and earth is driven by me, and all the magic sounds in the world are melted into blades."

Chen Xinghe praised: "The way of sound attack? Good!"

He looked at the hunchbacked ugly man, who said in a hoarse voice: "I like to torture corpses, hahaha, you will soon see the supreme skill."

Chen Xinghe said clearly: "Fortunately, there are only two Hinayana true demons, and they are still far away from the Mahayana true demons. It is said that the most terrifying existence among the true demons is the Dao True Demon."

"Chen Xinghe, I didn't expect you to know us true demons so well, but to destroy your soul, the two of us are enough!" the pipa girl said flicking her fingers.

"Ding ding..." The black piano sound bloomed around the cliff, Chen Xinghe raised his hand and released the small magic treasure bowl.

"Boom..." This pipa is also a magic treasure, and it is extremely activated. The small bowl of the magic treasure itself is damaged, and at this moment, the cover can't suppress the sound of the piano.

Suddenly, the blood coagulation demon sword appeared, and the origin of the magic way broke out in an all-round way, and a river of blood evolved.

The two magic treasures forcibly collided at the cost of self-destruction. In just a short moment, the confrontation was so intense that it was unimaginable.

Chen Xinghe slowly floated towards the cliff, with a green snake on his wrist and a small statue on his left hand.

The green snake is the treasure of the snake talisman, and the small statue is a trophy, which comes from the collection of a golden core monk, and a large amount of wood spiritual energy is sealed in it.

It is difficult to kill powerful enemies simply by using talismans, but it is different with this statue, which can create a very powerful giant snake.

"Go!" Before the two magic treasures were shattered, Chen Xinghe sacrificed the talisman, instantly created a big snake, coiled its body around the mountain, and opened its mouth to devour it.

(End of this chapter)

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