Chapter 1078
The giant snake swallows the sky, and the ten thousand trees take root.

Seeing the giant snake coiling around the mountain quickly taking root, the two real and devil fell into the mysterious forest, and the "clank" pipa sound continued to spread.

In an instant, an unknown amount of vitality was destroyed, but this giant snake was connected with all the forests within three thousand miles, sharing a huge root system.

Why did Chen Xinghe come here to rest?That's not where it counts, just settle down at will.

Now its intentions are clearly revealed!
Making talisman treasures is not enough, finding a huge wood aura from the spoils is one of them!

In addition, you have to choose an excellent place to display it, and that is the depths of the endless forest.

No matter how strong the real and demon duo are, if they want to blow up the three thousand miles of forests, it will take a few days and nights, so if they come, let them be safe, fall into the blockade and slowly consume their power!

The old god Chen Xinghe was sitting on the head of the giant snake, took out the spirit stone and crushed it into powder, and cultivated the talisman very patiently.

Naturally, this talisman cannot be taken away, so it is left for this body as a talisman!

In order to support him to project the military tea world from the Styx, Song Tianbao paid a lot, and it is estimated that within five years his soul will recover quickly.

So these five years are very dangerous. If you let it go and be dug out by those devil cubs, you will definitely die.

What shocked Chen Xinghe was that the breakthrough speed of the true devil duo was very fast, and the ugly ghost released many corpse puppets, and the destructive power was astonishing!It was originally planned to block them for a few days, but if they can be so powerful all the time, they may be able to come out in one day and one night.

Continue to wait for the enemy, and hope that the devil behind the scenes will work hard and send some powerful people over, otherwise the blockade with the talisman this time will be in vain.

On the surface, Chen Xinghe looked calm and relaxed, but in fact he was hoping and waiting, which was the same as Jiang Taigong's fishing routine.

Sure enough, after six hours, the two true demons did not show up for a long time, and the damn young emperor Qingtianzong actually attracted a stream of mountain spring water to make tea, no matter how good his patience was, his patience was exhausted.

An order came from a distance: "Attack, kill this bastard for me."

Curry is a self-proclaimed chess player, using this world as a chessboard, he usually enjoys himself leisurely and leisurely, and naturally he doesn't want to lose the game.

In addition, Chen Xinghe vaguely guessed that using the world as a chessboard involves the way of domination, and this devil named Curry might also be a real devil.

The true devil's pursuit of a certain way of magic is extremely clear, from the Hinayana to the Mahayana, and then from the Mahayana to the Dao.

That's not a joke, once you get to a high place, you will be equal to the supreme being of the same level, and it is estimated that the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue will only be able to fight with it if you have obtained endless power.Fortunately, the Hinayana true demons are very rare, and the Mahayana true demons are even rarer. The Great Dao true demons are legends. Whether there are such anomalies in the current demon world, I am afraid that God does not know.

An army of demons came in front of them, the demon army of the fourth army of ghosts and ghosts. This kind of void demon has a single horn, which can create strands of magic electricity. The more the number, the stronger the magic electricity.

Chen Xinghe's heart brightened, and he thought to himself: "It's come, I really thought that the mere Jindan early stage could kill the two Nascent Soul True Demons? If there is no external help, I'm just a fart now!"

"Let it go!" Thousands of magic electricity converged into a deep purple disc and suppressed it.

"Boom..." The mountain trembled, and countless gravels rolled down. Chen Xinghe sat in the same place without moving a bit.

"Let's play again!" Even more mighty magic electricity rushed down, this time it was not a disk, but a waterfall.

Inside the giant snake, Chen Xinghe suddenly appeared, standing on a huge branch, looking down at the real demon two.

"Damn it..." The real and demon duo wandered around the maze of trees for a long time, but couldn't get out without breaking through.

The second demon couldn't help but be shocked, there are no worthless people under the reputation of the secret path, Chen Xinghe's extraordinary record is indeed justified, although he only controls a body at the golden core stage, but the core is at the stage of transformation.If faced with the real bodies of these monks, how could the two of them dare to make trouble?

With fear in my heart, it is inevitable that I will make mistakes in judgment, just like now.

Seeing Chen Xinghe's appearance, the rickety ugly ghost immediately ordered many corpse puppets to rush up, and as a result, a mighty wave of magic electricity spread out.

"Boom, boom..." No matter how many corpse puppets there are, it is useless in front of such power.

Where is Chen Xinghe?It was just a cheap mirror image symbol.

The beautiful demon played the magic sound to resist the magic electricity, and cursed viciously: "Damn it, we have been tricked, the little master has lost his patience, and sent the guard army over."

"What do you need to say? Damn it, you are worthy of the person above who hates you so much, you have been practicing for a short time, but you are so insidious."

"What should we do? If we don't rush out as soon as possible, this Chen Xinghe will use his strength to grind you and me to death bit by bit."

"Hmph, so far, I can only use that."

"It's too dangerous, but...But facing Chen Xinghe, I'm afraid this is the only way to go."

A moment later, Chen Xinghe let out a surprise, and hurriedly got up and stomped his feet. After three rapid "pa pa pa pa" sounds, he stepped on 13 yuan like a huge shield snake scale and flew towards the demon army.

The demons felt inconceivable, they didn't rush to surround, but instead killed this guy alone, is it really so strong?

"Kill!" As one of the four prestigious legions of the Void Demon, and as the guard of the little master, they will never back down.

Chen Xinghe didn't know how much psychological pressure he had brought to these fearless void demons due to his vicious reputation, he was concentrating on mitigating the risks.

It was not expected before that the hunchbacked ugly ghost among the real devil and the devil actually raised half a corpse in the fusion stage.

This corpse is even uglier, with a faint demonic aura, but the main one is the demonic aura.

Who knows where the monster was dug out from, anyway, its rank is not low, and it was suppressed by the military world as soon as it appeared.

This side of the world is incomplete and has many restrictions. The golden core late stage monks reach the top, and it is almost impossible to produce the Nascent Soul stage by themselves. If you want to continue to improve, you need to accumulate strength and leave this realm.

Now that Chen Xinghe had reached the stage of transforming into a god, if he hadn't used his primordial spirit to seize the house, it would be inconvenient to force his way in, and even damage his morality.

So this trip will not encounter enemies in the transformation stage, this is the place where he feels most at ease.However, it does not include the corpses of high-level beings, and only the upper body, with only one arm supporting the sky alone.

As soon as the half body appeared, Chen Xinghe knew that the treasured snake couldn't hold it.

As the most adaptable monk in the world, he immediately changed his strategy, no longer using external force to destroy the two demons, but using the two demons to eliminate external forces.

The destruction came extremely fast, the giant snake coiled around the mountain trembled, and the scales all over its body suddenly opened.

Snake skin has a very powerful conduction ability. At this moment, Chen Xinghe kicked the snake-scaled shield around him away, like a battering ram attacking the demon army, and suddenly unbelievable power was released, and the broken limbs and corpses flew everywhere where the scaled shield went. .

These demons erupted with magic electricity between life and death, and made a blow to kill, Chen Xinghe secretly said hello, and followed the snake-scale shield to make up for it.

(End of this chapter)

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