Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1081 Is it stronger than this time?

Chapter 1081 Is it stronger than this time?

Chen Xinghe looked up into the sky, and the multicolored calamity clouds turned into a honeycomb shape, with rings of thunder and lightning circulating endlessly, as if an even more terrifying attack was brewing.

This scene made him tremble with fear, he hurriedly caught up with the blood Shura who fell into the Styx River and was running away at a high speed, raised his hand and released a sword energy to attack the sky.

"Boom..." A big hole appeared in the sky, and all kinds of thunder rushed in, pouring madly downward.

When this happened, Chen Xinghe heaved a sigh of relief.

This moment is very critical, the power of robbery can be scattered but not gathered.If he came here all at once like before, he would definitely not be able to take it anymore. There is only so much mana sealed in the Seal of Enlightenment, and there is no guarantee that he can defend against a heavy blow.

Now he ran away in a panic, blood Shura was depressed, and thought: "This kid is so arrogant! He actually left the Wanjie clock to suppress the area, but we must admit that the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan is powerful, winning more with less, fighting against robbery, it is simply cheating .”

If you run for your life, you will run for your life!What are you thinking so much about?
I saw the sword shadow jumping wildly left and right, and Chen Xinghe used the boundless force to disembowel the Blood Shura.

If the head is dropped, it can be put back, but what is it like to disembowel and disembowel?
Blood Shura will not be able to change his old habit of arrogance until his death. The disembowelment is just an appearance, and the real horror lies in the injection of sword shadow.

There is a connection between the flying swords, and the swords and shadows can resonate, especially after injecting the star power of the giant gate, they can transmit power to each other.

Chen Xinghe sent a flying sword into Jieyun, and the supreme robbery power was transmitted to Xue Shura's body, and it exploded crazily to form a ball of dazzling light.

No matter how high his cultivation base is, he can't suppress it, but this blood Shura is really amazing. Under such a fierce catastrophe, he insisted on holding on for dozens of breaths to save himself, and finally all means were powerless, so he exploded with a roar. into carbon ash.

died!Died reluctantly, grinned.

Chen Xinghe wiped off his cold sweat, thankful that the flying sword he sent into Jieyun belonged to the Lingbao flying sword clone, so he persisted for a long time. If he sent a sword shadow casually, he would definitely not be able to kill this powerful guy.

Now that he has won, what should he do if he encounters a special breed in the Blood Shura in the future?If there are true demons in Blood Shura, it will be even more troublesome.

"Don't take it lightly, and don't lose your vigilance at any time." Chen Xinghe turned around and returned to the ancient temple. There was no more lightning and thunder above his head, but the flames blazed everywhere, and even clusters of heavenly flames fell down.

High-level cataclysms are mostly attacked by lightning, and catastrophes based on the power of the five elements are relatively rare.

First there is thunder calamity, and then there is fire calamity, and there are even fewer such cases.

The Qingtian Sword Field was activated again, and the 27 flying swords turned into countless incarnations, all burning under the mighty bombardment of the sky fire, and the firepower was quite astonishing.

Chen Xinghe made a gesture, and immediately a flying sword entered the core of the ancient temple.

I saw the sword light flashing wildly, weaving into fire feathers, scattered on the resentment of all beings, making them cry out in horror.

Tianhuo wanted to refine Chen Xinghe, but the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue was also good at controlling the power of the Five Elements Tribulation.

Isn't it Tianhuo?You must know that the first calamity of the Nine Tribulations is the Sunshine Tribulation, which will control all kinds of flames in the world.

The Jiehuo was very powerful, one after another fell down, Chen Xinghe immediately split into 120,000 nine thousand six hundred sword shadows, using the power of the giant star to transmit the firepower and break down the firepower.

After a while, the ancient temple standing on the Styx burst into flames.

The flames climbed up the wall, burning more and more, burning more and more.

Jie's power was too unparalleled, after killing the enemy, Jieyun not only did not dissipate, but became wider.

Chen Xinghe could only take the demons and resentment accumulated by Buddhist monks for many years as the object of pouring out, and use the sky fire to burn it several times.

Regardless of whether it works or not, put it aside for the time being, there must be a place to eliminate the doom, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

This burning lasted for three days and three nights, and the walls of the temple faded to [-]% black. Although they still looked very black, they were much stronger than before.

It's just that there is an unknown amount of resentment being suppressed underground, and the walls have just become a little cleaner, and there are thousands of faces full of insults.

The sound was extremely noisy, and the walls returned to their original appearance at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Chen Xinghe saw this situation, and began to intensify his efforts to induce Heavenly Tribulation.

At this time, the sky fire turned into a divine wind, blowing everywhere into darkness.

When I encouraged my right hand to trigger the catastrophe, I didn't expect the catastrophe to last for so long.

Fortunately, it was only fierce and powerful at the beginning, and it was very powerful later on, but it has stabilized and even started to drop a little bit.

In this way, the calamity power is just accumulated for practice, and if the calamity power cannot be digested, it will be given to the ancient temple. There are so many grievances throughout the ages, I am afraid that it will not be able to be refined for a hundred years.

It's good to have a place to vent the excess power of calamity. You can't practice one time and get yourself covered in bruises, that would be too much for the gain.

The kamikaze blew for five days and five nights, during which he found the figure of Xue Shura, but the other party took a look from a distance and immediately fled away.

This catastrophe was coming to an end, Chen Xinghe didn't want to cause trouble, so he pretended he didn't see it, and honestly devoured the power of the catastrophe to deepen his skills.

In this way, hoarfrost rose again after the kamikaze, which was the cold soul and frost calamity.

At this point, the robbery power was not strong, at most it was colder, and with Chen Xinghe's physique of a beast with fairy scales, he only had a little difficulty in his movements.

After the smoke cleared and the top of the head returned to normal, it lasted for [-] days.

Chen Xinghe was startled and couldn't help but wonder, if his right hand would attract another catastrophe in the future, would it be more powerful than this time?

Thinking about it this way, I was a little dumbfounded.

"It seems that there are not so many things that can be obtained for nothing in the world. I had a good idea before, and hoped to continue to cause catastrophes through my right hand."

"Heh, that's a catastrophe, how can it come if you call it, and go away if you wave it?"

"Next time, if there are not more than fifty blood Shuras at the bottom, it is better not to disturb the right hand, so as not to attract a stronger catastrophe, and then catch the blind!"

Chen Xinghe suppressed his ambition to summon Heavenly Tribulation at any time, and began to think about the fall of the military world.

It's not bad now, Xu Tu of the demon world is slowly advancing, and one city after another has not yet been bloodbathed!However, wars are raging all over the world, and invasions are gradually becoming the norm. The monks who survive in this era are destined not to keep their heads down and practice, but also need to watch the situation to decide whether to enter the world.

"It's difficult! In the end, you still need a hard fist. Only by being strong can you ensure that you can live longer." Chen Xinghe rubbed his chin and thought about the past, and decided to leave Styx to deal with Xin Weiran as soon as possible.

As far as the old ghost Xin has been holding back for thousands of years, his plans are far-reaching, and he will never stand still when he reaches a certain level.In fact, both parties have a faint sense of crisis, and want to solve each other as soon as possible, but it is often unexpected.

"The ten-year deadline is coming soon, and it is obviously nothing to kill only a dozen blood Shuras. I hope that the heart of the dead Buddhist sect in the demon world will not die, and more blood Shuras will be called, so that I can try it once and see if the calamity caused by the right hand is better every time. Strong, if it is maintained at this level, it will be a beautiful thing! Hey, in the end, I still don't give up, and I am greedy for convenience."

(End of this chapter)

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