Chapter 1082

Chen Xinghe still wanted to have a big fight, but someone came the next day.

It was none other than Master Yichan, an old monk of Tianbao Temple who taught him meditation skills and was destined to teach him.

"Thanks to my little friend's protection, the Chihuangtian Buddhist Sect has time to rectify its internal affairs and eliminate major hidden dangers." The old monk clasped his hands together and saluted solemnly.

"Ah! I can't help it, I can't help it. You have been kind to me. It is because of the teacher's face that we have been sitting here for ten years! If it weren't for this fate, it would be impossible for me to accept my order."

The mage smiled: "Son, you have a heart! I am sincerely thanking the Buddhist sect this time. Let's put it this way! The entire Buddhist sect owes favors to children from now on, and all monks need to repay it with practical actions. If someone If you are disrespectful, you will be kicked out of the temple immediately."

The voice was resounding, and the old monk was definitely not joking.

Didn't you see him come to thank you in person?You must know that staying here is not as simple as risking your life, but also has great courage and perseverance.

It's just crossing the road, you asked the young emperor of the Qingtian sect to guard the gate all his life, do all Buddhist disciples eat dry food?Chen Xinghe is equivalent to his lay disciples, why don't you let your lay disciples guard the gate?
The old monk Yichan was very annoyed when he found out about this. If the old monk who passed away was not too senior and involved too much, he would have come to the door and yelled at him!
Although the time is short now, Chen Xinghe has already helped the Buddhist sect resolve two major crises, and refined the grievances of the sentient beings in the ancient temple from the inside out.

Where in the world can I find such a good boy and disciple with sincerity and sincerity?

A Chan master waved his sleeves towards the sky above the ancient temple, took a bell the size of a cherry, and put it in Chen Xinghe's hand, saying: "Take it."

"This?" Chen Xinghe was shocked, this is the three chimes of the Wanjie clock, not one, but three.

"Hmph, the Buddhist sect has been greedy for pleasure for the past thousand years, and has no future at all! A bunch of fat pigs who only know how to ask for benefits, they deserve to die."

"Teacher, calm down, I'm here to hone myself, and it's not all for Buddhism."

"Look, this is the realm, and it compares those bald donkeys lying on the merits of the predecessors to the soil." The old monk Yichan cursed, his meditation state is advanced, but what is it called by the Chihuangtian Buddhist sect? ?Letting people of the world stand in the way of knives is really fucking good at calculating, good at cultivation, and good at morality.

To be honest, Yichan had already suppressed his anger, and if he was even more angry, he would directly attack, running to the disciples and grandchildren of the deceased eminent monk, and slapping his ears one by one.

Damn it, I'm not a disciple of your family, so it doesn't hurt to use it!What kind of shit?Do you want that face?Can a bunch of bald donkeys sit still?
"Let's go! It's miserable here, what's the point of staying? Your Qingtian Sect is busy right now, if you don't go back quickly, the dignified young emperor might not even be able to drink porridge."

"The teacher is talking about those treasure maps?"

"You kid actually know? No, you definitely don't know. You only know that there is a treasure map. I didn't know that the lord of Qingtian Sect had left a message before his fall that the Huantian Pavilion was about to be born."

"Huantian Pavilion?" Chen Xinghe said with wide-eyed eyes: "I have seen it in the sect's classics. It is the place where Qingtianzong was in its heyday, and a lot of opportunities and treasures were poured into it. It is said that every famous and famous person in the past Master No. 20,000 has to search all over the world and send hundreds of treasures of heaven, material and earth into it. This tradition has lasted for nearly [-] years, and even the Qingtian Sect's own family members don't know how many treasures are treasured inside."

"Yes! It involves the strongest inheritance of the Qingtian Sect. The treasures in the Huantian Pavilion belong to you legally. The others are all bullshit and are not eligible to enter." He said in front of him, "Take it."

"This is?" Chen Xinghe was greatly moved. This saber was stained with the precious blood of the Buddha from the handle to the edge, which is equivalent to the essence blood of a Mahayana monk.

"I don't know how many people are thinking about the Qingtianzong Huantian Pavilion. You have risen from the lower realm to be lonely and lonely. How can you compare with those deep-rooted disciples? Now hundreds of sects have placed their bets. Choose a Qingtianzong disciple Support them so that they can seize the treasures of the Huantian Pavilion."

"Hundreds of sects?" Chen Xinghe immediately knew that this matter was very big, maybe it was so big that those sects didn't even care about the invasion of the demon world.

"No way! Even many people in the Buddhist sect are tempted, and they are all behind the scenes! You just act like an old man and bet on you, Chen Xinghe. In fact, I am fooling those bald donkeys who are greedy for profit. Otherwise, how can I get it? This ring knife?"

"Teacher's protection, Xinghe is very grateful. This Jie Dao must be returned. As for how to return it, it depends on my circumstances." Chen Xinghe remembers kindness the most. If anyone treats him well, he will always return it hundreds of times.

"Don't be fooled, it's still the same sentence, what the Buddhism owes you, all the disciples of the Chihuangtian Buddhism must pay it back, and if you don't pay it back, it will be cause and effect."

Master Yi Zen pulled Chen Xinghe up and changed his position. After a few steps, the sun shone down, indicating that he had returned to the human world from the Styx River, and the long-lost spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered here.

Chen Xinghe smiled wryly in his heart, he originally wanted to wait for the Blood Shura to assemble an army, so as to verify whether the right hand triggering the Heavenly Tribulation was more powerful each time.

However, if he said that, he would be looking for abuse. Master Yi Zen went all the way to find people, so how can he not know that his painstaking efforts are in vain?

So put his hands together and said: "The teacher has protected me a lot, but the disciple has achieved something and will never let it down. Bless the Buddha forever."

"Good boy!" Yichan rejoiced, Chen Xinghe was performing the ceremony for his disciples, the so-called Yongyou Buddhism is not a vast Buddhist school, but his school of Yichan Master.

Chen Xinghe nodded, he has already established a star power connection, and knowing that he is in a remote place, he must hurry to Qingtianzong as soon as possible.

Say goodbye to the two of you. Master Yichan is very cute. He said that now that the Qingtian Sect has been disbanded, if you can’t get along, you can be ordained and become a monk. As a teacher, I promise to help you become half of the Buddhist leader. At that time, those old monks will have at least half of your life savings.

Well!It is said that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, and the atmosphere of Buddhism seems to be really bad.

Chen Xinghe laughed it off, started the teleportation and went directly to those cities with teleportation arrays.

As he moved quickly on the road, he couldn't help thinking about a question.

If you know the general situation of Styx, use the star power of the giant gate to slide down Styx, and then use Styx to travel, can you travel in the heavens?

In theory, this path is feasible!
The Styx River is the most convenient channel in the world. However, there are many dangers. Maybe you can explore a little or two if you improve your cultivation base.

Press the heart of exploration, one yard for one yard, the Huantian Pavilion is about to be born, just wait for the treasures of heaven, material and earth, and treasures that can assist in improving the cultivation level, that is a must.

Chen Xinghe felt that it was not safe enough to be a cultivator in the middle stage of transformation, at least he had to be in the late stage of transformation, so that would be enough weight. When the time came, he would be able to handle the Moon Moth Sect, not to mention pinching it with his hands.

In this way, with a heart eager to improve, he returned to Qingtian Sect with the treasure given to him by the old monk Yichan.

(End of this chapter)

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