Chapter 1083

Chen Xinghe returned home like an arrow, Qingtianzong and his friends and subordinates.

Although he joined the sect for a relatively short period of time and had no sense of belonging, if others wanted to take over the territory that the sect granted him, he had to weigh how much he had.

After traveling day and night, he made ten transfers in seven days and seven nights, and finally returned to the border city of Qingtian Sect at the last stop.

I saw crowds of people in the streets and alleys, and a few Nascent Soul cultivators could be found with a light swipe of the divine sense, and there were even god-forming stage existences a little farther away.

There are more than ten times more mid-level and high-level monks than before, and the number of low-level monks is probably a hundred times more.

Listen and know immediately.

The Qingtian Sect fell, and the territory of the sect was vast, and there were too many good places. In the past, foreign monks were forbidden to enter, and those good things would not be released to outsiders even if they were left to grow hairs and maggots.

It is different now, there are no more monks patrolling, most of the restrictions are unsustainable, and many large formations have been opened.

As long as you are good at discovering and digging, you will know that this is the biggest opportunity for Chihuangtian in tens of thousands of years, not to mention earning a lot of money, at least you can enhance your cultivation.

Over the past few years, casual cultivators from all over the world have arrived one after another, and sects such as Jintianzong wanted to drive away these casual cultivators, but they couldn't find so many people to patrol.

Therefore, they had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, only confine some important industries, and find a way to transport them back to the sect, or directly set up branches.

It is said that when a whale falls, all things are born, which is not true at all.

The Qingtian Sect is like the biggest whale in the sea, and this ending has left too many legends in the open and in the dark.

Over the past few years, there have been fights around Qingtian Sect every day, and people have become rich every day. The business of those refining pavilions and elixir shops in the city is a hundred times more prosperous than before.

However, there are too many people and it is easy to swarm. Whenever there is some news, thousands of casual cultivators will rush to it immediately, which is a test of speed.

Chen Xinghe suppressed his cultivation to the mid-Yuanying stage, this level belongs to panacea.The monks at the bottom will avoid you, and the monks at the same level will avoid you out of precaution.And the monks in the late stage of Nascent Soul are much less than those in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, so most of the time they will not encounter that kind of blind guy.

The late Nascent Soul is indeed rare, and you may not be able to see one of the fifty Nascent Soul monks, so the middle Nascent Soul is a small watershed.

As for Chen Xinghe's current rank, that is the real watershed. He has already stepped into the ranks of the high ranks in Chihuangtian, and if he takes a step forward, he can be called the Daoist King, sweeping small sects is no problem.

Breathing the air of the sect, he felt refreshed, no matter what he came back.

From Jintianzong to the front line, and then from the front line to the Jingyi sect, during the period, he experienced many caves, giant clams, Dadong Temple, fairy corpse cave and so on.

This road is constantly improving, and it can be said that all hardships are rewarding, and finally reached the dream state.

Now he wants to take away what belongs to the young emperor of Qingtianzong.

As for what belongs to the young emperor of the Qingtian sect, does it need to be said?As far as the eyes can see and the divine sense knows this piece of land, you can take whatever you fancy.

Although Longmai doesn't need ingots anymore, Chen Xinghe has already made collecting ingots a habit. Have the owners of these shops, big and small, paid taxes?The young emperor has supervisory authority.

Don't care if you are holding a chicken feather as an arrow, and don't care if you take it yourself or steal it, if you have the ability to reach out and return his mother's polite fart.

Chen Xinghe narrowed his eyes and grabbed it lightly.

The ingots locked up in the treasury by the opposite bank have already flowed into the dragon's veins, but unfortunately there are only two or three thousand pieces, so we have to find a more prosperous city to start with.

Pawnshops, medicine shops, crafting pavilions, talisman towers, grab them as you go.

After going around for a while, almost [-] ingots could be brought into the account, as well as some spiritual weapons, pills, and treasures, all of which were sent to the storage ring and put away.

In doing this, Chen Xinghe actually had a desire for revenge.

The Qingtian Sect collapsed, and the entrances of the halls and the cities and veins have unshirkable responsibilities, so it's okay to be distracted at ordinary times, but still distracted when defending against the demon sect, it's a mother's fault.

Now everyone is making a lot of money from the sect, and as much as they eat, they have to turn it into ingots and spit it out for him.

Three days later, the major merchants were in panic.

Chen Xinghe specifically picks out those who follow the trend.

For example, Zhuangzi who hangs the banner of Jintianzong, or the lackeys who actively integrate into other sects.

To this day, those spies have publicly disclosed their identities.

They were full of complacency about the fact that they had undercovered the Qingtian Sect, as if they had single-handedly contributed to the decline of the great sect.

Mom sells skins, when encountering this kind of people, Chen Xinghe is very ruthless, sweeping them from the inside to the outside, even packing away the dishes for the dogs.

After a few days, such acts have offended the public. All the losers looked for someone with red eyes, and vowed not to find out this bastard.

If it were found on Chen Xinghe's head, it would not be as simple as losing property, maybe he would die in an instant.

On the sixth day, Chen Xinghe concentrated on extracting ingots.

There are too many other things, and the storage ring is already full, but unfortunately none of them can enter the eyes of Dharma, so let's vent unilaterally, that's all.

This kind of running around to commit crimes, even if the means are clever, there will always be traces to follow from one city to another.

At this time, many monks showed their god-catching attributes and locked their eyes on the teleportation array.

After investigation, it was found that a young man had been wandering between major cities for several days.

In fact, Chen Xinghe was crossing the Qingtian Sect. His area of ​​jurisdiction was too remote, and he was stopped at a tea shop as he was about to arrive in another transit.

"Fellow Daoist, you have gone too far recently." The visitor was an old man who looked amiable, but Chen Xinghe couldn't hide the targeted intent in his eyes.

"Oh? That's right, but it's just a little too much. I can definitely go too far. Tell me! How much benefit do you want? Some things outside the body, if you can't do it, don't do it."

The old man's eyes lit up, and he seemed very moved, but the poisonous needle in the palm of his left hand definitely didn't just want some benefits, he wanted everything.

"Pfft..." The poisonous needle only pierced the skin a little, but it couldn't go in. This is why Chen Xinghe voluntarily gave up his defense and let the poisonous needle pierce the skin as much as possible, otherwise there wouldn't be a single hole left.

"Are you a body-refining monk?" The old man was shocked. A body-refining monk in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul is a very difficult existence.

You must know that the difficulty of body training becomes more and more terrifying as your cultivation level increases, but there is also an advantage, that is, once you are promoted, it is difficult for monks of the same level to hurt you.

Chen Xinghe was amused, and savored the taste: "Thirteen kinds of poisons are mixed together, it is indeed somewhat poisonous, but it has no effect on me."

The old man knew it was not good, so he was about to use his trump card when he raised his hand. He never thought of being slapped on the shoulder with a "slap", and he immediately lost his ability to resist, and sat on the chair in a daze, with great panic in his heart.

"You are the first one. Next, let's play a game, go from the weak to save the strong, and see how many Nascent Soul monks we can recruit for my driving."

(End of this chapter)

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