Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1084 Chen Shaodi chapter is here?

Chapter 1084 Chen Shaodi is back?

After a cup of tea, another Yuanying monk came to the door.

It seems that the old man next to him is not the only detective, and there are not a few monks who can break Chen Xinghe's teleportation trajectory.

Interestingly, without exception, they all want to make a fortune silently.

After these people knew that the other party was a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, they felt that they had the ability to make a move, and immediately ran to seize a huge amount of wealth.

They also didn't want to think about how they could ignore the many bans and take out many treasures from the secret room surrounded by the ring.

How many people can achieve such exercises?Is it possible for ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators to provoke people with such skills?
In short, as soon as my head gets hot, I only see those merchants losing blood and doing a lot of work, so I don't have to worry about making a living in this life.

Good idea, but the reality is cruel.

Chen Xinghe sat on the chair and sipped tea, as if he wanted to make up for all the leisurely time spent sitting and guarding Styx these years.

The person who came came made a move, and the first old man who came to the door greeted him.

The two Nascent Soul mid-stage masters collided several times between lightning and flint.

The old man lost an arm, and the visitor escaped from the Nascent Soul and fled, only to be slapped back.

"Don't run away in a hurry, sit down and have a sip of tea. You have three chances to heal your wounds here." Chen Xinghe is very skilled in medicine. He lost his arm and put it back. It is not a big problem for his body to be poisoned and paralyzed. There will definitely be more in the future. The monks came to make a fortune.

Sure enough, after the two, the number of visitors increased.

The old man and the second visitor stared at each other, can't you tell?I didn't look at the almanac when I went out. This is because I met an expert.

Look at this little tea, the wind is light and the clouds are calm, leisurely and contented, can't sit still without big skills?I'm afraid he would have fled long ago.

Chen Xinghe scared the two of them to death with one sentence: "You two should cherish the opportunity and fight with the people who will come later! There will not be too many places, and the useless people will die if they die."

In this way, the small teahouse was like a bottomless pit. In just one and a half hours, nearly sixty Nascent Soul cultivators were absorbed, and all the thrilling battles were silent. When Chen Xinghe stepped out, there were eight more followers behind him. .

The first old man was eliminated long ago, and his possessions became the spoils of the latecomers. He naturally thought of running away, but he couldn't.

With so many powerful monks trapped and unable to get out, how could the monks invited by the merchants behind dare to do anything wrong?Stand on top of the tall buildings near the teahouse to observe the movement.

When the person came out, everyone was shocked.

"What's going on? Why does Lu Fengchen, the happy guest, stay by this person's side?"

"Lu Fengchen counts as a ball? Xu Zhuan, a casual cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage is enough to be ranked in the top ten existences, but he actually sits next to this person."

"Damn it, no matter how you look at it, it's the middle stage of Nascent Soul, so why is it so powerful?"

"Could it be a disguise?"

"Damn it, do you think my eyes are blind? I have practiced the secret technique of seeing and seeing for 180 years, and there is absolutely no way I can see it wrong."

"Everyone, how about we attack together? How dare you be so arrogant, and attacking in groups is not too much, right?"

"Naturally we have the upper hand in terms of numbers, but why did these eight people follow the thieves, I'm afraid we will have to pay a heavy price to take them down."

"Hahaha, if I say that these eight people are not to be feared, they are probably under duress. With so many monks attacking together, are they still unsure of what to do with their experience and cultivation?"

"It's saying that we are saving them. This person is an enemy of so many businesses. Isn't standing guard for him helping the evildoers?"

For a while, you can say anything.

The more people there are, the stronger the courage. According to preliminary statistics, there are at least ten late Nascent Soul monks sitting in the town, and more than 200 mid Nascent Soul monks gathered.

What a terrifying lineup is this?There were only nine people on the other side, and eight of them were coerced monks of their own side.

Chen Xinghe stood on his arms, smiled and said to the eight people around him: "When the fight starts, you can try to escape, or cooperate with the person coming."

The eight people hurriedly lowered their heads and cupped their hands: "I dare not wait!"

They dare not!

Regardless of how this person perceives that he is in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, the methods he uses seem to not exceed this category. It's just that people are more angry than others. Even if you are in the late stage of the Nascent Soul, you are still being manipulated to death.

Let's put it this way!No matter how much you resist and struggle, how much you look at death as home, it is useless in front of this person, and it will be dissolved in an instant.

It's completely the difference between adults and babies, just to tease silly kids!Didn't take them seriously at all.

In addition, after a fierce battle, those Nascent Soul cultivators in front won't take a penny of their net worth, and they will use their excellent medical skills to treat them after they are injured, which is equivalent to a few extra lives.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is not bad to sacrifice one's life for this person. It is definitely not a one-time deal. A life can be used repeatedly, and no matter how serious the injury is, it can be rejuvenated.

Everyone has their own ideas, and not all of the eight people are moved to surrender, but it doesn't matter, because they don't have much time to think, and they will soon be thrown into the battle.

The nearby houses have been emptied, and monks are not allowed to fight in the city. The large formation for protecting the city is one, and the monks patrol is the second.

However, these rules have long been thrown into the cesspit for the merchants who are united as one.

"Kill!" I don't know who couldn't help it first, roared wildly, and then it was like igniting gunpowder, and figures rushed out of the tall buildings.

The brilliance of the magic weapon bloomed, and the magic power of the five elements aroused enormous power.

All the merchants were afraid that the mad thief would escape, so they ordered people to stand outside the battle circle and set up a blockade.

The moment the battle started, dozens of layers of restraints were raised. They thought that they could trap Chen Xinghe to death, and they were so innocent and cute.

Eight Nascent Soul cultivators who had experienced battles went up, and as soon as they fought, they used all their skills to kill as many people as possible in the shortest time with the most powerful moves.

The light is sometimes dim and sometimes bright. This kind of large-scale confrontation between Nascent Soul cultivators is rare.

Chen Xinghe looked to the east. These merchants have a deep background and flourishing branches. How could they put their hopes on the Nascent Soul cultivators?They have already invited monks from the Transformation Stage, and there are more than one of them.

Before he came back, he was simple and easy, so these people didn't know who they were dealing with.

However, never underestimate the capabilities of these merchants, Chen Xinghe reckons that the heat is almost ready.

Suddenly, a voice came.

"Little friend, we searched your past and found that there is no such Nascent Soul cultivator. We specially asked a physiognomist to look at the face and found that there are traces of disguise. It is really shocking to help you restore your face and draw the original face."

He raised his voice and said: "Chen Shaodi, you will only do anything wrong when you come back. You are not small, don't you know that Jin Tianzong and several other big sects are looking for you?"

Chen Xinghe recovered his face and said: "Yes, it is I, Chen Xinghe, who has returned. I have slaughtered the next suzerain of Jintianzong. Are you a ball?"

"Hiss..." The monks present stopped and stood still.

Some people were trembling with fright, some people knelt down on the spot, two of the eight newly recruited attendants were pale, and they slapped themselves to death with a "slap", they only wanted a quick death and nothing else.

(End of this chapter)

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