Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1085 Under Prestige

Chapter 1085 Under Prestige
Chen Xinghe is not a strong person, he is strong when he should be strong, and weak when he should be weak. It is precisely because he is good at making good use of the situation that he can live to this day.

However, today he is standing here, representing Qingtian Sect Yuyun, and it is absolutely impossible to back down.

Of the eight followers who had just been accepted, two of them cut themselves off simply because they knew that once they got involved with the young emperor Qingtian, they would stand on the opposite side of Jintianzong.

That is Jintianzong!

Whenever a disciple of the sect sneezed, it would shake for a hundred miles around, and Fengshen He Bo hurried over to beg for mercy, blaming himself for not adjusting the climate properly.

Of course, those Fengshen Hebo were self-appointed by the Jintian Sect, even so, they are quite impressive, the more they know how powerful the Jintian Sect is now, the more fear in their hearts.

If it wasn't for love, if it wasn't forced to a certain level, who would solve himself so simply?

Chen Xinghe withdrew his gaze, looked around and said, "Since we are here, there are only two outcomes, to be included in the command as a pawn, or to risk our lives. There is no third way to go other than that."

"Damn it! Run quickly." Some monks reacted and ran away. As for attacking this Chen Shaodi, they would not dare to lend them a hundred guts.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, the Qingtian Sect has a little ancestor who harms people, who doesn't know, who doesn't know?

It is said that an important descendant of Jintianzong died at the hands of Chen Xinghe.

This is nothing, look at the current Clean Clothes Sect, the flames are raging every day, the disciples of the sect are living in dire straits, and they don't know when they will die. Before Chen Xinghe came, it was heaven, and after Chen Xinghe came, it was hell.

He is also a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage, but this Chen Shaodi can create brilliant achievements time and time again.

This kind of prestige or vicious reputation stands out from the crowd, and it is really not something that ordinary monks can approach at will.

How powerful the Jintian Sect is, there is absolutely no way to take this one. It is by no means a fluke that the reputation has reached this level, and it must have something unique.

Many people were speculating before that Qingtian Sect was disbanded. Where did that troublesome Chen Shaodi go?Don't you care about the sect's relics at all?
Some people disdain, saying how dare Chen Xinghe come back?Those arrest warrants are not for display, they will kill you.

It's fine if Chen Xinghe doesn't show up, once he shows up, Jin Tianzong must catch this madman and light up the sky lantern for the sake of face!

A few years have passed, and the Qingtian Sect has changed from the deserted situation in the past, and has become extraordinarily lively.In such an environment, Chen Xinghe's name is naturally often mentioned by others, and his ears are almost callused.

You don't need to know the seniors of Qingtian Sect, but you have to know Chen Xinghe.In fact, Jin Tianzong's investigation of this Emperor Chen Shaodi had just been relaxed. In the past two months, there were still monks walking around with pictures.

Unexpectedly, this young emperor really dared to come back, and he seemed to be announcing to Chihuangtian that Jin Tianzong is a ball, and I can come back anytime.

Some people were afraid that they would end themselves, and some people knelt down on the spot and shouted excitedly: "I will welcome the emperor to come!"

The Qingtianzong Building has collapsed. Those high-ranking people may have died in battle, or they may have been disheartened. Most of them dispersed, and a few went into hiding.

At this time, Chen Xinghe was the only one who dared to stand up openly.

In this vast land, there has always been a saying that the young emperor is the heir of the sect.

Although no one has ever taken this sentence seriously, at this moment and at that moment, for those monks who are devoted to the Qingtian Sect, they seem to see hope at this moment.

Since Chen Xinghe is still alive and dares to come back, does it mean that the Qingtian Sect still has a chance to revive?
Chen Xinghe smiled indifferently, waved his hand and said, "I recently raised a sum of money, and it is no problem to raise hundreds of monks. Those who want to keep warm will stand behind me. By the way, those who disobey will beat them to surrender, or like this The two of you are self-defeating, so you don't have to worry about it."

Ordinary monks don't know the horror of Jintianzong, so they really can't let go of that cruel self-killing.

All the merchants are sitting on wax, it turned out to be this evil star, can those treasures come back?Some merchants stubbornly thought: "We can definitely get it back, Jintianzong can be the master for us."

These merchants waved out various communication talismans, and used commercial channels to inform them that the evil star of Jintianzong had returned.

At this moment, the six monks in front of them were worried, knowing that Lizi had made themselves miserable today, but how could they have any choice in this situation?

For the current plan, we can only run to the black all the way, jump on the thief boat, pick up the knives and guns and unanimously attack the outside world.

"It's done!" The six bowed down solemnly, hoping that Emperor Chen Shaodi would be as miraculous as the legends said, and that someone would be behind him.

Cultivator Nascent Soul is really nothing in Chihuangtian, so what if he is the king of the same rank?A few cultivators at the stage of transforming gods came, and they still lost their lives!

It is said that the reason why this Chen Shaodi can live to this day is because the speed is fast enough, so fast that it exceeds the limit of heaven for monks in the Nascent Soul.

When you meet a big enemy, you like to rub the soles of your feet with oil.

Everyone had their own thoughts, Chen Xinghe didn't show any coercion, nor did he show any domineering aura, just stood calmly in the breeze.

However, the more this was the case, the less daring those cultivators at the stage of transformation would dare to act rashly.

They are not stupid, since the young emperor Qingtianzong has such a great reputation, since he dared to return to Qingtianzong, who would believe him if he said that he had no reliance?
This kid is not pretending to be calm, but really calm from the bottom of his heart, and even the highest state of returning to basics can be seen in him.

If you really treat Chen Xinghe as a Nascent Soul cultivator, you must remember that when you reincarnated, you have multiple considerations, and don't be so stupid in your next life.

Relying on prestige alone, the more than 200 menacing Nascent Soul cultivators turned against each other.

Naturally, it wasn't a real defection. What they thought was that when the restrictions on the businesses outside were lifted, everyone would just leave.

There are thousands of beautiful things in the world, and these Nascent Soul cultivators want the most beautiful things.

Chen Xinghe didn't want them to return to their hearts, it was enough to stand with him in name, Jin Tianzong would select the strong one by itself.

Sure enough, Jin Tianzong's reaction speed was unbelievably fast.

First ten disks flew over from the sky at a very high speed, and then the blue barrier was pulled open abruptly, and then dozens of figures leaped over, their faces full of solemnity.

That kid surnamed Chen actually had the guts to jump out. Do you really think that Qingtianzong is still his own land, and he can take whatever he wants?
However, the monk who received the news could not calm down.

Who is that?That is Chen Xinghe, the evil that the Jintian Sect must admit, relatively speaking, he has caused the Jintian Sect to suffer relatively lightly!
Look at the Clean Clothes Pie, unlucky mother opened the door for unlucky, unlucky home.

Many forces believe that whether the Clean Clothes School can last for 200 years is a problem.

Chen Xinghe, who is so calm and inactive, is not ordinary in the eyes of others. They think that he is a scourge and must be treated with the highest standard.

The monks of Jintianzong came, and those merchants couldn't help but feel relieved after seeing the backbone.

However, something is not right.

After the arrival of the monks of Jintianzong, the first thing they did was to form a formation to protect themselves. They just kept an eye on Chen Xinghe and never took any random actions.

(End of this chapter)

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