Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1086 Challenging Cognition

Chapter 1086 Challenging Cognition
Looking at the battle in front of him, Chen Xinghe felt a little guilty!

Jin Tianzong's posture is not small, and some very powerful positioning and transmission methods are used. It is afraid that some important figures will arrive soon.

Of course, he has no fear in the transformation stage. If a monk in the fusion stage appears, he can only see how terrible the catastrophe is caused by his right hand.

Those Nascent Soul cultivators who had just joined their ranks were restless, and the grass on the wall fell with the wind, and they began to fantasize about fighting back, so as to be rewarded by the Jintianzong.

It can only be said that they don't understand the pissing nature of these top sects, where can you stand on whichever side you want?It is no more difficult for someone to crush a Nascent Soul cultivator than to crush a bedbug.

Chen Xinghe waited for a moment, the light curtain suddenly stretched out, and three figures stepped out of it.

Looking at the past, the heart was immediately put in the stomach.

After making a fuss for a long time, three monks at the stage of transforming gods were sent, and they were only mid-stage cultivators of transforming gods.

There is no way, the watershed is the watershed, the monks in the late stage of the transformation of the gods are very rare, and it is very rare to be able to send three mid-stage monks of the transformation of the gods in such a short period of time.

The visitor was very arrogant, he lowered his head to look into the restraint, and asked coldly: "Are you Chen Xinghe?"

Such a question, Chen Xinghe didn't bother to answer, he has already removed his disguise, won't he see it by himself?
When the cultivator at the transformation stage asked, the mere Yuanying didn't even look at it, and his arrogance immediately annoyed this person.

"Well, you are a remnant of evil, today is your death day."

The other two cultivators at the transformation stage didn't stop him, and this hot-tempered one had already rushed towards the restraint.

"Ang..." The voice of the dragon roared loudly.

Seeing the bright light of the dragon's crutch bursting out, it pierced through all the obstacles with just one blow, and printed it on Chen Xinghe's forehead.

When there was no time to spare, the shock wave spread, and a surprising scene appeared, and the cultivator at the transformation stage actually "thumped, thumped" backwards.

Everyone hurriedly looked at Chen Xinghe, only to see that he was surrounded by 27 magic weapon flying swords, and the combined formation exuded a trace of aura.

"What? Lingbao?"

"Is that the Spirit Treasure Flying Sword? Chen Xinghe actually owns a Spirit Treasure?"

"No wonder he dared to come back. It turns out that he has such a support?"

While everyone was shocked, they felt relieved!
That's right, Chen Xinghe is not stupid, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, he prefers to go to the mountains, is it possible?

Looking at his mind and nature in the past, he is definitely not an arrogant person, so he must have someone to rely on when he comes back.

Now I know, it turns out that he got a Lingbao flying sword!
It's a Lingbao, not to mention using it, an ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator can brag about it for a long time even if he takes a look at it.

Even if a cultivator at the stage of transformation is in person with such a powerful bodyguard, he is not a small character to be manipulated by others.

The cultivator of Jintianzong suddenly realized that the person surnamed Chen dared to rely on the power of Lingbao.

"Lingbao!" The three cultivators of the Heavenly Transformation Stage were all moved. To be honest, they have been searching for a spiritual treasure for so many years, but they couldn't get it. Can't hide my excitement.

The Lingbao Flying Sword is theirs, and the three of them have to worry about the final ownership.

They never thought about whether they could defeat the possession of Lingbao.

As for being counter-killed by the opponent, who would dare to think so, and slapped him with a big ear.

"Let's go!" The three of them shook their bodies in unison, and suddenly the dazzling light burst out, blasting away the Nascent Soul cultivators gathered around Chen Xinghe.

This is a unilateral killing, those with poor cultivation will fall on the spot, and the Nascent Soul will directly turn into green smoke when it escapes.

The rank barrier is too high, and there is nothing unique about it. If you want to survive this kind of bombardment, is it for nothing to practice as a monk in the transformation stage for thousands of years?
If a normal monk wants to go to the stage of transforming gods, 1000 years of practice is considered a small amount. Like Chen Xinghe, with the help of dragon veins, there are so many worlds in the heavens. One copy.

An adventure, life-long benefit, that giant clam demon has been looking for him all these years, which shows how resentful he is.

In the present duel, if Chen Xinghe revealed his true cultivation, wouldn't he be three mid-stage cultivators?
One sword at a time, if you kill him, you don't even need a second sword.

However, one must leave room for one's life, not for the enemy, but for oneself.

The three swords stabbed the three to death, and the eyes are very happy, I am afraid that the master of the Tianzong will come to the door tomorrow.

So the meal has to be eaten bite by bite, the cultivator of the transformation stage has to kill with one sword, and the cultivation base of the middle stage of the Nascent Soul is the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and everyone present is a witness.

"Qiangqiangqiang..." The shadow of the sword was majestic, colliding with the light of the sky.

The Qingtian Sword Domain is showing its majesty for the first time, even if you shine a thousand times, I will stand still, this kind of scene is shocking.

Three monks in the mid-stage of transformation of gods shot together, but they couldn't take down a monk of Nascent Soul. This kind of thing is rare in a thousand years!

Previously, if someone said that a monk in the middle stage of Yuanying could hold three monks in the transformation stage and kill them, if anyone believed it, the front teeth would be smashed immediately.

What the hell, is there any common sense?

Not to mention the mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, even the peak Nascent Soul cultivator, try to meet the early-stage cultivator of Transforming God?One hundred percent not seeing the sun the next day.

However, Chen Xinghe subverted everyone's cognition, and at the same time exaggerated the power of Lingbao.

"Spiritual treasure!" No wonder there are fewer spiritual treasures than cultivators at the transformation stage. It turns out that they can defy the sky to such an extent.

The faces of the three spirit-transforming cultivators were as heavy as water, and they stepped back slightly to look at Chen Xinghe repeatedly. One of them had extraordinary eyesight and said, "Your magic power can't support Lingbao! But it is so abundant, it seems that apart from Lingbao Feijian, There is also a treasure stored on him."

The so-called stored treasures refer to treasures such as god pots, which are stored in mana on weekdays, and can be continuously replenished in times of crisis.

This kind of treasure has different levels of value because of the different storage limits.

Obviously, Chen Xinghe must have a treasure with a lifespan that is outrageously high, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to control the Lingbao with this level of cultivation.

"Hahaha, yes, I do have one of the most rare treasures in the world, which can ensure the continuous replenishment of mana. You three should be careful in the future. Since I, Chen Xinghe, have the courage to come back, I will naturally do it." Get ready for the big battle."

As soon as the words fell, there was a soft "buzz", and the brilliance burst!

One group, two groups, three groups, four groups, more and more.

"Stupid!" The three of them didn't care, didn't they just explode some treasures?The power is indeed not weak, but in their eyes, this kind of behavior is like a child's play, childish and ridiculous.

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of talisman treasures formed a dazzling brilliance, and many merchants beat their chests and feet. It was the product they placed in the magic circle, and the bastard Chen Xinghe used some means to hook it.

Soon, the three cultivators of Huashen realized that something was wrong.

These talismans are divided into gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and the power of the five elements has reached a delicate balance. Suddenly, the sword light pierced into it, destroying this balance.

The next thing is amazing, the five elements are opposite, intertwined and upside down, mutually restraining and colliding.

"Boom..." A bell rang quickly in his mind, and Chen Xinghe actually reversed the five elements to imitate the bell of a clock in ten thousand realms, and a ring of coercion unfolded.

"Not good!" The three of them turned pale with shock, but it was too late.

(End of this chapter)

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