Chapter 1088

Chen Xinghe went back home.

Shaodi's residence is long gone, and he has been flattened seventeen or eight times by the monks of Jintianzong, but he believes that Brother Xiao will be safe, this is absolute trust.

Sure enough, mobilize the star power to observe the past, and immediately know where the mystery lies.

One step into the ground, another step through the ring formation, seeing the magnificent underground buildings, can't help but sigh that Lao Xiao can really dig holes.

Suddenly, the study arrived.

Suddenly the bell rang loudly, and Chen Xinghe thought he had come and gone without a trace, so he triggered the alarm and released his consciousness to investigate carefully, only to find that more than ten transparent spider threads were broken.

"This arrangement is really good." He sighed and hurriedly transmitted the sound, because Lao Xiao's family ran away without sound transmission, and Thirteen Niang, Li Shiqian and others also slipped away.

Hearing the voice, Xue Shisanniang patted the god tapir sitting next to her, and said with a light breath, "He's back!"

The tapir also breathed a sigh of relief and said, "The young emperor is really extraordinary. You must know that the entire area is my domain, and now I feel a trace of escape."

"That's right! He's able to survive outside to this day, and his ability is getting better and better." While Thirteen Niang was talking, she saw two men, one big and one small, standing in front of her, their eyes full of sadness.

"Okay, okay, didn't you just run away and didn't take you with you? I said it a long time ago, once a strong enemy invades, life and death will be in peace."

"Mother, you, you..." The young man was so angry that this was his mother.

The man said desolately: "I'm not as good as Thirteen Niangs. It seems that these years have been lax. Fortunately, Xinghe has returned. If a strong enemy invades one day, how can we do it without strong reaction skills?"

"Stop talking nonsense, bring Dan'er and me to meet the lord! Pay attention to the change of identity, Xinghe is now our emperor, this is the law of the hidden door!"

"Obey!" The man was Chen Xinghe's only candidate to introduce Chihuangtian from Kongtong Mountain, Li Shiqian. It was half an hour later that he found out that Xue Shisanniang was married to him, but women are strong and men are weak, and husbands are weak!

Everyone gathered together, Lao Xiao's family laughed, and the joy was beyond words!
"Xinghe, you are amazing! You just came back and did such a big thing, and the Jintianzong was ashamed and humiliated, so don't be careless, those strong outside sects will dig you out even if they dig three feet into the ground." Xiao Shen has grown a beard over the years, and his body is four circles fatter, which well interprets the law of middle-aged men getting fat.

"Don't worry, since I'm back, if I don't send out those who are in the fusion period, they won't be able to gain a foothold in front of me." Chen Xinghe's words conveyed an important message.

"This? Your strength has improved too fast, and the family is exhausted and can't catch up!" Lao Xiao sighed for a while, even if he didn't relax secretly all these years, he was still far behind Xinghe!

Chen Xinghe patted his old friend on the shoulder and comforted him: "You have done a good job. When I came in, I found that the underground area is vast, and the life of 100,000 people is not chaotic at all. The underground is like a labyrinth city. Brother Xiao and Thirteen Niang have contributed a lot to the development to this extent!"

"Hehe, aren't you scared of this?"

Old Xiao said: "A few years ago when the sect was still there, when your reputation came back, I knew that if I didn't arrange a way out for my family, I would definitely be doomed! Fortunately, in order to prevent the disaster of the demon ship, you went to Bai Lushan brought so many pangolins."

"Speaking of which, these pangolins are really good at digging holes, and they have the cooperation of the god of land, the tapir. In just ten days, we dug a huge space underground!"

"At the beginning of the construction, I thought there was enough time, but who knows that you provoke more and more enemies and forces outside, and they are getting stronger and stronger. So much so that our family and Shisanniang's family have to keep their eyes open when sleeping, for fear that one of them will not open their eyes The guy ran to the Shaodi's residence to slaughter and vent his anger!"

"How nervous do you think we are in such a situation? It's like having a hundred beasts chasing after us. Every day we don't think about anything else but how to dig holes and arrange the way out."

"Who knows that digging is quite addictive. Many people have been extradited from outside to develop secretly, and poured money into the development of hidden doors. They built a large number of underground plank roads and fortifications in one go, and there are hundreds of underground palaces to confuse the public. Xinghe, you It's amazing, I can accurately find the core, I don't believe that other monks can do it to this extent."

Chen Xinghe laughed: "I can tell, your tone is still a little unconvinced. Okay, I can tell you that there will only be more scourges behind you. If you don't run wildly, you will make yourself into a living monster, and go There will definitely be problems in the end! Jin Tianzong is not as scary as the devil, you have to use the most terrifying monsters as your imaginary enemy, if they invade, this arrangement is far from enough, you need to continue digging deep underground, and prepare a lot of defensive treasures, Defensive array. The extradition of 100,000 people is too little, and it requires millions or even tens of millions of people to work continuously and actively expand the underground living space! Don’t think that the outside world is going well now that the Qingtian Sect’s territory is fine. Do you know where I have been these years? ? I fought against the blood-stained Shura in the Styx, and the situation is not optimistic."

"Hiss!" Xiao Shen and Xue Shisanniang looked at each other, knowing that they had neglected the important direction these years, that is the overall situation!
They have fought such battles all these years, and they are still complacent, but the invasion of the demon world is ahead of schedule!
Maybe the entire invasion process will take thousands of years, but once some signs cannot be concealed and exposed, the people in the world will panic, leading to rising prices, robbing houses, forcing people to rebel, and so on.

Chaos will soon descend on Chihuangtian, this fairyland-like world will be tested, and every day in the future may suffer.

Work harder now, and when the world is in chaos, there will be more protection and more ease. Xinghe is serious and needs to build an extremely large underground facility.

Suddenly, Chen Xinghe got up and said: "It's decided, I'll go and drag the monster boat from the mountain. Those monster clans beat them until they succumbed, and they will all be incorporated into our house guards! The monster boat itself is a treasure in the sky, and it is pulled underground. Rebuild a warship in the depths! No matter what, it is a treasure of the Xuantian Sect. There are still three catties of nails in the rotten ship. If you don’t have enough financial resources, go to those merchants to collect taxes.”

"Xinghe, according to the information from our Yinmen three years ago, many Xuantianzong disciples have entered the mountain. It seems that they want to take back the sunken ship."

"Oh?" Chen Xinghe raised his brows, and hastily released a large amount of supplies, saying: "The things on my site cannot be handed over to others. You immediately receive these resources, development and growth require investment, and there will be no shortage of ingots. Immediately carry out bulk purchases, if after the Clean Clothes Sect, there will be a demon army in other places, the world will be in chaos within ten years, this is my premonition!"

"Okay! Do your best to assist Your Majesty. In our hearts, the Qingtian Sect still exists on this fertile soil!"

Next, Xue Shisanniang said something incredible to Chen Xinghe.

(End of this chapter)

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