Chapter 1089

"I think the disbandment of Qingtian Sect was a premeditated action."

"What did you say?" Chen Xinghe was greatly surprised.

Xue Shisanniang took out a document, unfolded it, and explained carefully: "I found that in the past 470 years, the Qingtian Sect has been shrinking assets in a restrained manner, and even used some unexpected means to destroy the property! I thought it was the sect moth. , after a very tedious comparison, it was accidentally discovered that those hidden assets occasionally appeared in other places in the sect."

Chen Xinghe picked up the document to read it, and didn't pay attention to it at first, but following Thirteen Niang's thorough investigation, he also discovered the problem.

"Interesting, at least the three forces are planning for a rainy day. From this point of view, the battle with the Demon Cult seems more like preparations have been completed and the speed of destruction has been accelerated."

"That's right, so I said it was a premeditated move! Thinking about the current situation, I always feel that someone is playing a big game of chess."

"Understood!" Chen Xinghe nodded and said: "Such a big sect, it is really suspicious that it collapsed suddenly! With a hundred Nascent Souls, even if monsters appear in the future, it will be safe within the territory."

"Siphon effect?" Lao Xiao's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he was full of admiration: "After listening to your analysis, I feel more and more that the Qingtian Sect is just turning from light to darkness, and this way preserves its strength in order to make a comeback in the future."

Chen Xinghe smiled: "It has nothing to do with us. Even if there are all kinds of schemes here, so what? After the chaos, is this a paradise? I'm afraid there will be more speculators, and ambitious people will make trouble. Therefore, you need yourself to forge iron." Hard, don't expect the Qingtian Sect to be your backing, we are all outsiders after all, and have never set foot in the core layer of the sect. Assuming there is a revival plan for the sect, who will be the beneficiaries?"

"Hiss..." The few people in front of them gasped, knowing that they thought things too well.The beneficiaries are naturally those who set the plan. Even if everyone enthusiastically joins in and finally gets included in the plan, they are still cannon fodder and cannot escape the fate of being used.

Everyone was enlightened, and the seven apertures were connected to the six apertures. Xue Shisanniang felt that she had been doing useless work all these years.

Chen Xinghe put away the paperwork and said, "Very well, now that you know that there is potential power around you, you need to be more vigilant! Whether it's an enemy or a friend, you need to distinguish carefully in the future! Don't think that they once put me in the position of the young emperor, and they are all together! The truth may be On the contrary, I am so tossing around, they think it is uncontrollable, and most of them hope that external forces will obliterate the unstable factors. The reason why the superiors are called superiors is because they don’t look at the process, but only the results. They don’t care about right or wrong, just Concerned about profit and loss."

"That's reasonable." Xiao Shen felt that after Xinghe left, he had to seriously think about the future structure. Those previous cognitions obviously couldn't keep up with the development needs. A basic disk worthy of the status of a god.

Everyone benefited a lot from talking with Chen Xinghe. When everyone saw a large number of precious materials, they felt that they had fallen into the legendary treasure hall.

It's too extravagant, too luxurious. For low-level monks like them, any item can increase their combat power.

When Chen Xinghe spoke, he had locked onto the shipwreck in the depths of the Million Mountains. After explaining the matter, he teleported it out with just one step, and arrived at the destination after a few steps.

With the improvement of cultivation base, the long mountain road that was supposed to run for several days and nights can be reached in a short time.

Such a move would naturally consume a lot of energy, but to Chen Xinghe today, it was nothing.

As soon as he arrived here, he heard a roar, and then a large amount of smoke and dust sprayed obliquely into the air, and several mountains were enveloped in it, and the peaks could no longer be seen clearly.

Then the ground trembled. It shouldn't be the first time this happened. The birds and beasts in the nearby mountains and rivers had disappeared.

Chen Xinghe remembered that there were not so many lakes nearby, and only after he released his divine sense did he realize that these lakes were traces of the Great War, and the groundwater poured into the craters to create a scene of vicissitudes.

Yinmen received information that Xuantianzong disciples entered the mountain, and that was already a few years ago.

It seems that in the past few years, this place has been very lively, and I don't know how it is progressing.

Because this shipwreck originally belonged to Xuantian Sect, so Xuantian Yaoxiu should be familiar with the ship spirit and the structure of the ship, but after so many years of taking root, the ship spirit is unlikely to obey orders, seeing that they are still tossing around here, you will know the delay Did not succeed.

When Chen Xinghe came to the explosion site, he saw corpses all over the mountain.

Across the thick smoke, a dozen or so monks surrounded a cow, manipulating the sword array to bombard it with all their strength.

"Who?" A demon cultivator jumped out next to him, obviously the teacher who was helping these disciples.

"Wanwandashan is the backyard of my house. Just after I got home, I heard from my family that someone was making trouble, and they actually came all the way to miss our feng shui boat."

"Millions of Mountains is your family courtyard?" Hearing this, the demon cultivator raised his head and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, who do you think you are? A mere Nascent Soul cultivator, how dare you come to control our Xuantian sect?" Things! Hmph, you are quite courageous."

Before the words fell, there was a "嘤", and the flying sword had already pierced through the head of this demon cultivator at the transformation stage.

Except for Chen Xinghe, no one expected such a scene to appear.

Jianguang sprayed back and forth in the head of this cultivator at the stage of transformation, and the guy let out a scream and revealed his original shape. It turned out to be a saber-toothed tiger that had transformed into a Taoist form, and he had cultivated for many years.

"Lingbao? You actually used the Lingbao flying sword to attack me?" The giant saber-toothed tiger let out bursts of tiger roars, competing with the sword energy that invaded its body.

Chen Xinghe was a little surprised, he pierced his head with a sword, and this guy was fine, the monster cultivator's physical fitness is really strong.

Is that okay?The sabre-toothed tiger was rolling all over the ground in pain, and in order to clear the sword energy, it had put all its cultivation on its hands.

"My feng shui boat is broken, tell me! How should I pay for it?"

"Hey! Don't worry about that beast, kill this kid with all your strength." The saber-toothed tiger was furious. Didn't he think that even if he couldn't resist the Lingbao flying sword, his disciples would be able to withstand it?

At this moment, a voice came suddenly: "It turns out to be the young emperor of the Qingtian Sect. Who would have thought that you would come to such a barren mountain! Offending the Jintian Sect and the Clean Clothes Sect is not enough, do you still want to offend our Xuantian Sect?"

The person who came was very extraordinary, before the figure arrived, the cold and demonic aura arrived first.

Chen Xinghe waved his hands and said, "Don't listen to the rumors, I never thought of becoming enemies with the Jintian Sect and the Clean Clothes Sect, everything is a coincidence."

"Hmph, you also know to be afraid?" The visitor thought that Chen Xinghe had given in, so he deliberately shied away.

"It's really a coincidence. One yard counts for one yard. This boat is a Fengshui boat in my backyard. Although the sect was disbanded, the jurisdiction entrusted to me is here. Millions of mountains are all within the range. This territory is I am Chen Xinghe's mansion. If you leave, everyone will live in peace! If you must be a robber, I will use practical actions to tell you who is the owner of this place."

(End of this chapter)

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