Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1090 Throne Thunder Dragon

Chapter 1090 Throne Thunder Dragon
A figure slowly descended from the sky, his eyes were cold and he reprimanded: "You little brat named Chen, it seems that with the help of foreign objects, you won one or two victories against me and other Huashen, so you don't know the north and south. People don't know There are people outside, there is heaven beyond the sky, our Xuantian sect has never been threatened by others."

Chen Xinghe laughed, nodded and said, "That's right, there are people beyond people, and heaven beyond heaven! But you are a monster, neither human nor heaven, so I will use my treasure to force you, what's wrong? This ship has been dusty here for many years , the millions of mountains are all mine, how can there be such a reason for the Xuantian Sect to send people here to seize them?"

"Huh, let me teach you, big fists are the truth." It was too late to say, but in an instant, this demon cultivator of the transformation stage made a move, and a ring of thunder and lightning burst out. If you look carefully, it is a meteor chasing moon hammer.

Chen Xinghe allowed the hammer to hit him, his movements were not affected at all, and he made a stunning sword gleam.

It was too fast, when the hammer hit him, Jian Guang actually pierced through the opposite Yaoxiu's body first, which was extremely astonishing.

When they first came up, they used this kind of tactics that hurt both sides. They didn't follow the routine at all. Anyone who encountered this kind of enemy would have to vomit three liters of blood.

He really doesn't talk about Wude!
Fighting skills should not be like this, even life-and-death battles have never been seen so tough, I hit you with a hammer, you kill me with a sword, monks fighting are like street gangsters fighting, it is unreasonable!
What made people dumbfounded was that a phantom rose from Chen Xinghe's body, like a towering gate, and the hammer only formed circles of ripples on his body, it was painless, safe and sound!

And his sword was too cruel, the sword shadow invaded the opponent's body and filed back and forth, bringing out a stream of magnificent blood arrows, the power of Lingbao was undoubtedly revealed!

"Bastard!" The tiger demon managed to suppress the injury, and just as he was about to use his means, he saw a cloud of insects covering him.

"Roar..." The tiger burst out with power, but it was a pity that Chongyun was not affected. Seeing that your illness was killing you, it crawled into the saber-toothed tiger and gnawed it madly, and the sound spread far away.

Chen Xinghe raised his hand and released a green coffin.

This was the method used by the two cultivators of the Heaven Transformation Sect before, and it was not enough to look at him in front of him. In the blink of an eye, Xuanxu was broken into his pocket.

However, he was able to decipher it in an instant, and when the two Xuantianzong Huashen met in front of him, he couldn't do anything about it.

One was devoured by thousands of insects, and the other was taken into the coffin by strange skeleton hands. There was a "cracking" sound, obviously going through danger.

Chen Xinghe looked at those bewildered Xuantian sect demon cultivators, and they were so frightened that they backed away, unable to resist the slightest thought.

Before I heard how terrifying the young emperor of Qingtian Sect was, how he harmed all sects, many masters could not do anything about him, everyone just laughed it off.

Because there are always false rumors, if you think about it, you will know that it is impossible. He Chen Xinghe is not superhuman. He accidentally killed a few powerful enemies and was blown to the sky. In fact, those losers gave him face. Gold, only if the enemy is strong enough, can they save some face if they fail.

It's just that when I saw it today, I was surprised to find that those rumors were not exaggerated, but seemed to underestimate Chen Xinghe's ability.

My God!When did Nascent Soul cultivator become so powerful?Sweeping the existence of the transformation god stage is as easy as eating and drinking water!
That's a cultivator at the stage of transforming gods, how could a mere Nascent Soul not tremble standing in front of these two?And kill them in turn.

"Separate and run!" Someone yelled in a flash of inspiration, so these Xuantian demon cultivators tried their best to escape.

Chen Xinghe glanced around and didn't chase after him. He raised his hand and patted the saber-toothed tiger's head and said, "Are you convinced? If you don't accept it, you will be eaten dry and wiped clean. These insects can really do it."

"Hey, I will never give in!"

This one is more stubborn, and maybe he still has something to rely on, so he is still gritting his teeth and persevering.

Chen Xinghe asked another demon cultivator: "Do you accept it? If you accept it, you will show your original shape for me to drive, or you can be tough until you die without a place to die."

Unexpectedly, this demon cultivator with a mid-stage cultivation of God Transformation hastily begged: "Submit, your methods have convinced me to lose!"

"Haha, show your true colors and persuade your fellow disciple." Chen Xinghe retracted the coffin as he said.

The strange thing is that this green coffin is fierce and fierce, and there is obviously a big and fierce ghost inside, but it fell into Chen Xinghe's hands well-behaved, restraining his breath and daring not to be disrespectful.

"Hiss..." The cultivator in the transformation stage fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment, feeling inconceivable.

He hastily revealed his true colors, it turned out to be a Fenglei pterosaur, it looked a bit like a mixture of a dragon and a bat, but he actually had a little blood of Yinglong, otherwise he wouldn't be able to practice like he is today.

Chen Xinghe nodded, raised his hand and released a round of mighty purple light, which was printed on the forehead of Fenglei Winglong.

The roaring sound crushed, and the Fenglei pterosaur didn't dare to resist, it just felt a tingling in the head, and it had an inexplicable connection with the master in front of it.

"So that's how it should be!" Fenglei Pterosaur immediately understood Chen Xinghe's real cultivation level, his practice time is so short, and he has reached the middle stage of transformation. How did he cultivate?
It's nothing more than a high cultivation base, but the Taoism is unfathomable.

He Thunder Dragon is also in the middle stage of transforming gods, but he is far behind this young emperor of Qingtianzong!
One is in the sky and the other is on the ground. There is at least a [-]-fold difference in the degree of mana filling alone, and the difference is even worse for others, such as body training!

Explain what?It shows that this son is already qualified to become a monk in the late stage of Huashen, but he has been struggling for many years and still can't find a way.

Lei Long came back to his senses, and said embarrassedly: "My lord, I can't persuade this saber-toothed tiger. He is a genuine disciple of Xuantianzong, and I am just a thug who became a monk halfway and was recruited by Xuantianzong."

When Chen Xinghe heard it, he suddenly realized that this is what happened.

Even if a disciple of the Xuantian Sect who is serious in the eight classics dies a thousand times, he will not be a slave to others. The Fenglei Pterosaur is equivalent to a casual cultivator. Who is he working for?So when you encounter difficulties, you succumb.

"Understood!" Chen Xinghe didn't push himself too far. When he raised his hand to take back the worm cloud, the saber-toothed tiger had already fallen, leaving behind a tiger skin besides some belongings.

"These things are all yours. If you follow me, there will definitely be no shortage of enemies. If you want to live and live well, you must learn to support war with war."

"Yes!" Thunder Dragon crawled under Chen Xinghe, still happy in his heart.

The sabre-toothed tiger is the core disciple of Xuantian Sect, and he has several extremely powerful treasures in his arms. Now these belongings are all cheap for him, and this tiger skin is quite extraordinary, it can be turned into treasure armor after refining.

In Chen Xinghe's eyes, those so-called treasures are no different from rubbish. In his hand, he has the seal of enlightenment that seals the gate of heaven, the saber that infects the precious blood of Mahayana monks, the three projections of the clock of the ten thousand worlds, and the flying sword of the Lingbao. Can't be seen.

Introduced by Lei Long, the second-five boy, Chen Xinghe immediately knew the progress of Xuantianzong's collection of the sunken ship. The ship spirit has already fallen into blockade, and the sunken ship may be recovered in three months, so what's the matter with him?
(End of this chapter)

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