Chapter 1091
Chen Xinghe sat on top of Leilong's head, and the scenery on both sides quickly rolled back, and in a short time, he came to a place surrounded by a large formation, with green smoke curling up.

"This is the place where the Xuantian Sect's array locks chains and the ship spirits are imprisoned." Lei Long floated in the air and looked down.

"Hahaha!" Chen Xinghe laughed loudly: "I'll just say it! Originally, I worked so hard to find the boat spirit. After the boat spirit suffered a loss, how could it be possible that I didn't have a long memory? Seeing the situation here, I feel relieved."

"Is the ship spirit fake?"

"Well, it looks very real, but there is a mysterious connection between me and the ship spirit like you. If I hadn't been the first to find the ship spirit, I'm afraid I would have been fooled."


"It's very mysterious to confuse the fake with the real!" Chen Xinghe pointed to the distance and said, "Find the real boat spirit, Xuantianzong will not succeed."

"Yes!" Lei Long was about to escape from this place when he saw a handsome man with a beautiful face and a tall and straight figure. He stared at Lei Long with green pupils for a while, and said coldly: "The sect shouldn't treat you dog slaves. Being so tolerant, it is a big taboo to defect in battle!"

"Fox spirit, I'm just a guest of Xuantianzong. Could it be that I sold my life to you just because of the three melons and dates that Xuantianzong distributes on weekdays? It's fine to get stuck with exercises these years, and I'm not Xuantian. Sect disciple, why are you so demanding?"

"Stop talking nonsense, Ah Hu died because you gave up resistance, and you dared to bring the enemy over, it shows that you have no regard for the sect's affection at all, and you sold us out very thoroughly."

Thunder Dragon is very practical to be a monster, and he said via voice transmission: "My lord, this fox has advanced skills and is said to be very difficult to deal with, so avoid it as much as you can."

"Okay!" After Chen Xinghe found out the real situation, he didn't want to stay here to listen to the Xuantian Sect monks shouting, so he informed Lei Long to leave.

Who knows that the fox is cunning, seeing Thunder Dragon about to leave, he immediately cursed: "You bastard, are you in a hurry to reincarnate? If you have the guts to come, why don't you have the guts..."

This is the end of the conversation, because a stunning sword light flashed across.

It was another sneak attack. There was no warning before the attack, and it was only after the attack that it was discovered that something was wrong.

When you find yourself under attack, the sword light has often pierced through. Even if you have a magic weapon for defense, you can't prevent the Lingbao flying sword. The rank barrier is too high, unless you also have a spirit treasure or a seal Those kinds of rare treasures may not be able to guard against them.

You must know that Chen Xinghe cultivated with the help of dragon veins, and he can travel thousands of miles in one day!The magic treasures and spiritual treasures on his body are also practicing with the help of dragon veins, so it goes without saying that their power has increased.

So the Guizang Sword is really a thing now, whoever stabs it is unlucky!

In addition, Chen Xinghe's hand speed was so fast, others thought he was making a sneak attack, but in fact, he was so fast when he was controlling the flying sword with his primordial spirit.

He hasn't done his best yet!It is far from the speed limit, otherwise you will not see the flying sword at all, and you may not be able to capture the shadow of the sword if you cultivate the soul.

The vixen screamed, he was not a saber-toothed tiger, although his cultivation level was slightly higher than that of a saber-toothed tiger, but he belonged to the kind of monster with poor defense, relying on speed and agility to hold the scene, but Chen Xinghe was the most restrained against this sensitive type of enemy.

This is really hitting the muzzle of a gun. In a moment, the handsome man showed his original shape, suffering from the air to the ground, and then from the ground to the ground, and then jumped out of the soil and crashed into the dense forest. This jumping up and down was only to drive away the sword energy.

The sword energy was raging in the body, comparable to the most vicious toxin in the world, this tossing only forced out nearly half of it, and the remaining half of the sword energy would soon cause irreparable damage.

Lei Long was terrified when he saw it, and said in his heart: "Fortunately, I know the current affairs, and I will bow down at the feet of the young emperor in time, otherwise I will die ugly."

Chen Xinghe didn't expect that this guy was so stupid that he couldn't even bear a sword. The saber-toothed tiger and thunder dragon were not in such a mess.

The vixen suddenly yelled: "Don't wait, launch it immediately."

The flame burst, and more than 60 black arrows shot out orange flames and approached.

Suddenly, light and shadow flickered, and Chen Xinghe seemed to be blown upright.

After only a layer of smoke passed, all the arrows disappeared, and there was no scene of a scorched body falling from the sky.

Chen Xinghe said politely: "I can't afford such a big gift, so I'd better give it back to you!"

As soon as the words fell, the gray-white net was unfolded, and those arrows shot towards the vixen without falling.

"Boom..." This time the arrow was considered real.

At the critical moment, a figure helped the vixen take the attack, otherwise this guy would be finished.

A cultivator in the Transformation Stage is superior in many places, but he is nothing in front of Chen Xinghe. It is very kind to kill him without a single sword strike. Three strikes from such a demon cultivator are not enough to kill him.

"What a young emperor of the Qingtian Sect..." The visitor was extraordinarily tall, with big hands and feet, and heavy hair.

Thunder Dragon was shocked: "Why is he here? Your lord, be careful, this is a very rare mammoth, and it is the No. 18 powerhouse among the existences of Xuantianzong's transformation into gods."

Chen Xinghe never underestimated the enemy, nodded and said: "It is indeed much stronger than this vixen, with a solid foundation."

The vixen flew into a rage: "You are dead, you are really my son..."

Some people just don't have a long memory. The sword light flashes at ten times the speed, and the soul can't react at all.

"Pfft..." This is really a blood-stained demeanor, who said that the vixen's mouth is too broken?He might be able to do something, but he was seriously injured and on the verge of death before he could perform it.

"You, you can't be the Nascent Soul Stage."

No matter how slow you are, you will find the problem. The Nascent Soul cultivator is never so fast in controlling the flying sword. Don't get fooled by the Lingbao flying sword. There has never been a Nascent Soul cultivator who defies the sky and kills a cultivator of Huashen, and he is so casual, Chen Xinghe Is it difficult for this kind of monk to hide his true cultivation?

Chen Xinghe doesn't admit such conjectures, he must be in the Nascent Soul stage now, and those monks in the Composite Stage will not take action for the sake of face.

"Let's go!" Chen Xinghe didn't bother to look at the two monsters again, the vixen was seriously injured, and he didn't have the time to arrange a killing array to kill Qingtianzong disciple No.1.

Thunder Dragon released a dazzling electric light and left in an instant.

When they left, the vixen vomited blood and shouted: "No, then Chen Xinghe probably came for the boat spirit, but he dismissed it instead, which means that the boat spirit is different."

"What's going on?" Mammoth's head was straight, he couldn't think of so much, but the vixen rolled his eyes and passed out, so miserable.

Chen Xinghe changed his direction several times, and finally found the hiding place of Chuan Ling. After a careful look, his face became dignified, and he raised his voice: "Chuan Ling, you are quite courageous, you dare to ambush me in secret."

"Little thief, you are not small, you dare to set foot on my territory." The boat spirit no longer hides, showing a violent side.

The two groups of auras appeared, Chen Xinghe was even more surprised, and asked: "Monkey, why are you back? Didn't you run away with the Lingbao?"

"Hey, the spirit treasure is damaged, and this demon will come back to settle the score with you." The giant ape who had the Lingbao Daluo Wanhua Umbrella in the millions of mountains back then stood beside Chuanling impressively.

This monkey has broken through and has become an existence in the stage of transforming gods. Its cultivation speed is not slow, but another aura made Chen Xinghe vigilant.

The demonic aura is so vast that the saint's double pupil can't see his real body clearly. This guy is probably the ship spirit's support.

(End of this chapter)

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