Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1093 Wolf Howl

Chapter 1093 Wolf Howl
Chen Xinghe's mouth was really not in vain, he flickered around and scared Jin Xia away.

If it is true as he said, Qingtianzong still exists, but it has just turned from the bright place to the dark place, then the Qingtianzong hidden in the dark place is even more terrifying.

However, Master Jinxia is not stupid, how could he listen to his one-sided words, and asked a question: "Hmph, tell such a secret at will, if it is true, those masters of Qingtianzong will forgive you?"

Chen Xinghe stared: "Are you stupid? Without their support, can I borrow a treasure to protect me? As for leaking secrets, even if you spread it all over the world, so what? Who would believe it? Even if you believe it, so what? Send people to investigate from door to door What do you think I came back for? In addition to collecting this sunken ship, I also want to muddy the water, the muddier the better! Do you understand? These are all conspiracy."

"Hiss..." The other party sucked in a breath of cold air, and said calmly: "Yes, it is Yangmou. After all, the Qingtian Sect has been disbanded. Even if there is a reunion one day, it will be a one-day event. The key lies in this time point." However, the invasion of the demon world gave you a chance."

Hearing this tone, Chen Xinghe knew that the other party had believed him [-]% to [-]%.

"I won't let Fellow Daoist make this trip in vain. The monkey spirit treasure belongs to you. In addition, I will give you a cloud of worms, a coffin of a ghost corpse, and four thousand ingots. What do you think?"

Chen Xinghe was very willing to spend his money, he increased his pupil power while speaking, and vaguely saw thirteen figures hidden in the golden glow.

Twelve of them belonged to the twelve zodiac signs, and they were arranged in a large array of Yuanchen demon gods. This lineup was beyond imagination.

However, the guy who leads the twelve zodiac signs is the most terrifying one. He still can't see his true body, but can only see a brilliant golden glow.

It was the first time Chen Xinghe saw the existence of this kind of god transformation stage, so he took a step back and used the loot and some ingots to find a way for the other party to go down. If the two sides really fight to the death, it may not end well.

Why do ordinary monks fight less after they have cultivated to the Nascent Soul Stage?

Today, Chen Xinghe met a monk of the same level, and also experienced the experience of ordinary monks.

I am really afraid, one is afraid that it will consume too much to fight together, although there are many treasures, but there is a limit on the number of times, unlike the Guizang sword that can be used at will.

The second is worried that the masters of Jintianzong will feel the movement and rush over, and they may be captured if they just grab it. The snipe and clam will fight and the fisherman will benefit.

The third is that the monks of Xuantianzong were on the side, and they jumped out to snatch the boat spirit after losing both, so why bother this battle?
So Chen Xinghe tried to find a way to calm things down, to get the spirit of the shipwreck peacefully without doing anything.

"It seems that you are very sincere. Two-thirds of the production on the ship will belong to me." The golden glow was not polite at all, and the lion opened his mouth.

"Okay! Take it as you like, and I'll give you a few storage or storage items." Chen Xinghe raised his hand and sent over the negotiated price. Chuan Ling felt that he had been tricked, and roared angrily, but was stopped by Jin Xia.

As for the ape with the spirit treasure, it seemed that he had been surrendered long ago without any resistance.

Chen Xinghe smiled, patted Thunder Dragon, and stepped forward to receive the spirit.

Only then did he see Master Jinxia's true face.

This monster did not turn into a human form, but maintained its original appearance, which was a golden-billed purple-haired penguin.

"Daoyou is unique in life."

"Is it because I don't have a human form? Don't make a fuss, many of the monster races in our area are like this." The golden-billed penguin threw out a monster crystal, which was the real body of the boat spirit.

Chen Xinghe nodded and said: "Thank you! Fellow Daoist, you can come to my place as a guest when you are free."

Before the words fell, the surrounding mountains and rivers rumbled.

Penguin looked around in surprise, and exclaimed: "Using such a strong fairy spirit to forcibly usurp the foundation of the sunken ship. Although it is convenient to do so, the consumption is not ordinary."

"There is no way, we should act in a hurry. The sunken ship is like an old tree with tangled roots, and the root system is too deep. After thinking about it, only by using the spirit of the fairy to guide and sort out, so that the sunken ship can be successfully withdrawn from the mountains and rivers. , not to resist instinctively." Chen Xinghe had already thought about it before he came, he would need to spend a lot of money to collect such a warship, let the ship spirit see the benefits, and there will be less resistance.

Sure enough, the boat spirit was nourished by a large amount of fairy energy, and immediately became lively.

Before that, Chuan Ling was like a patient who had been bedridden for many years and couldn't get up. Now that he took a dose of good medicine, he immediately felt full of vitality.

"I don't know what to call your honor?" Chen Xinghe met a monk of the same level today, so he naturally wanted to get acquainted so that he could have a long life in the future.

"In Xiayue Zenghui, I live on the ninth peak of Qijue Mountain in Antarctica outside the country. Because I was stuck in the bottleneck for a long time and couldn't make any progress, I went to Chihuangtian to look for opportunities! Daoist friends probably don't know Qijue Mountain. Every master there is a fusion period. I It can only be ranked second after the Seven Absolutes."

"Oh? The competition for overseas monks is fierce, and those who can survive are all those with outstanding combat power. I think fellow daoists are second only to monks in the fusion stage, and they are already preparing for promotion to the fusion stage."

Penguin said with desolation in his eyes: "It's difficult! I thought my foundation was very strong, but I didn't know it was far from it until I got to this pass!"

Chen Xinghe was about to say a few words of comfort when he suddenly felt something, so he looked up.

I saw a little cold light coming.

"Not good." Penguin was moved.

Chen Xinghe also knew it wasn't good, this cold light seemed fragile, but it actually contained a terrifying power.

At the critical moment, hundreds of sword shadows greeted him, but a howl of wolves spread in all directions, and a circle of thick dust suddenly rose up here.

Howling wolves is an attack, killing everything here indiscriminately, no matter who the enemy is, if you are an enemy of Xuantianzong, you will take your life.

The phantom of Tianmen shattered in one breath, Chen Xinghe sent the thunder dragon into the human race bag, the penguin took the monkey with him, and escaped from the range of howling wolves as quickly as possible.

However, a situation that shocked the man and the demon appeared, and they went around and returned to the original place.

"Closed loop?" Howling Wolf actually formed a closed loop here, so he couldn't escape at all, and could only accept the crushing power of terror.

You don't need to ask to know that the cultivator of Xuantianzong has already reacted, so he used his trump card from a long distance away.

This kind of sect has a profound background and cannot be underestimated.

One man and one demon each cast spells to resist.

Chen Xinghe intertwined sword shadows with his hands, and if you look carefully, you will find that there are twelve pocket secret doors in the sword shadows, which guide wolves howling into Styx to reduce damage.

The golden-billed penguin was also unkind, shrinking again and again, forcibly shrunk down to the size of a baby's fist, and got into a wooden box to temporarily avoid the limelight.

It seems that these two are cheating masters, refusing to take the blow head-on.

When the howling of wolves weakened and the smoke and dust fell back to the ground, monks from Xuantianzong ran over to collect the corpse.

It's just that when they saw the man and the monster clearly, they were stunned.

"Why is it all right? Impossible! This is a blow during the fusion period."

Chen Xinghe was out of breath, and there was killing intent in his eyes.

Fellow Daoist Penguin has already taken action. If he didn't have that small box and he had practiced shrinking thaumaturgy, he would be half dead today.

"Run!" The cultivator of Xuantianzong only thought of running now, how could there be time?

(End of this chapter)

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