Chapter 1094
Chen Xinghe was happy to have a fellow Taoist Penguin beheading a monk of Xuantianzong.

It's inconvenient for him to show his cultivation right now, even though the fire cannot be contained in the paper, he will be exposed sooner or later, but he can pretend for a day is a day.

Soon, Penguin flew back and sighed: "I killed the cultivator of Xuantianzong, and the trouble is here. This sect must have a way to track it down, so I have to leave this place!"

"Alright, if there is fate, next time I will invite brother-in-law to drink."

"Hahaha, let's take care of yourself first!" The golden glow spread towards the front, and soon the penguin disappeared, no matter how high the cultivation level was, it would be troublesome. After all, Xuantianzong is not an ordinary sect, and there are many powerful demon cultivators sitting in it.

Chen Xinghe hurriedly took the time to collect the sunken ship. In the past, even if he risked his life, he would not be able to shake it. Now relying on the dragon veins to provide the spirit energy, it is not difficult for the ship spirit to gradually regain control.

"Boom, boom..." Many monsters jumped out, the bold ones looked around, and the timid ones ran all the way to the dark, and they definitely couldn't stay where they were.

The sound gradually escalated, and Xuantianzong monks took off to look down on this ancient and precious warship.

Chen Xinghe is strengthening the connection with Chuan Ling. He had set restrictions on Chuan Ling before, but those methods are nothing in the eyes of experts, and they can be easily broken.

It's different now, with all kinds of means used, even if a monk in the fit period wants to crack it, it won't be so easy. This is the benefit of becoming stronger.

The sunken ship began to shrink, and many mountains, rivers and hills remained in place, only taking away one-thousandth of the huge territory.

Rooted for many years, the spirit of the ship has developed a long way, but when you really want to move, even if the ship has the attribute of the cave, you have to consider the weight and moving cost.

Chen Xinghe is quite satisfied. Chuan Ling has cultivated many resource bases through the tribes under his command over the years, and now they have gathered them all. The colorful colors are really beautiful, and the aura has become particularly strong. The accumulation of this family property is not a small amount.

"Young Emperor Qingtian, come out, we can discuss it."

The ship spirit is fully recovered, so naturally it will not expose its owner to the enemy's sight.However, just now, I used too much force to collect the property, and I don’t have the strength to expel the monks of Xuantianzong. After all, this is a shipwreck that has been abandoned for many years. The aura of a huge fairy.

Chen Xinghe didn't want to be so extravagant, but his time was limited. If he followed the normal procedure, he would need to draw as many talismans as possible to generate talisman treasures, and sink them together with the spirit-gathering circle around the ship. It would take two to three months to prepare. Possibly pulling boats.However, forcibly pulling it out, the effect is definitely not as good as it is now.

The ship spirit has already thrown the rebellious heart out of the sky, and now it can enjoy this kind of fairy spirit, which can be described as extraordinary good fortune.

With such a background, the Shangchuangzi would have to go to the past. He didn't know that the master's family had already flourished, otherwise he would have been willing to be a pawn.

Outside, the Xuantianzong cultivators yelled at each other for a while, and put forward various conditions for a while. In short, in short, we can't just watch that little thief take away the treasure that the sect has been thinking about for many years.

So angry!When the Qingtian Sect was not disbanded, it would be fine if the treasure ship was taken away!It's not like they came all the way, but they waited for them to make all kinds of calculations and searches. After three years of hard work, they felt that hope was right in front of them, so they came to make trouble at this time.

Damn, how could there be someone like Chen Xinghe in the world?He looks quite delicate, neither fierce nor evil, but for those demon cultivators, the things he did are just two words, rough bastards.

If Chen Xinghe is a monster, he must be a bastard in human form!

At this moment, all Xuantianzong monks got the news and gathered together as quickly as possible to see if they could stop the sinking ship from being pulled up.

It's just that the roar is getting more and more intense, and the hull has entered the second contraction stage. If it completes the third contraction, it may be able to barely move.

These Xuantianzong monks were all wondering how Chen Xinghe managed to achieve this level, but ordinary methods were ineffective against warships.

What ants are on a hot pan, they are what they are now.

The Shipwreck Cave continues unloading, sending useless land into barren mountains and wild mountains, choosing the best and only taking the best of the best.

At the same time, most of the bottom-level monsters avoided the Million Mountains and had to leave the sunken ship.

Only those monsters with deep energy and great potential are left on the ship, and the space is becoming more and more limited. It can only maintain the daily needs of small or even miniature caves, and the main force must be reserved for combat.

A warship is not a merchant ship. It doesn't matter if the merchant ship is bigger. The warship needs to reserve space to train fighters to meet the needs of various levels of war.

Xuantianzong monk exclaimed: "The third contraction, hurry up and form an array to suppress the sinking ship."

Where can they suppress it?I don't even know which direction to suppress it. I saw mud flowing out of the ground, hundreds of dust pillars sprayed out, and the sunken ship officially left this area.

The third contraction was even more decisive, throwing away all the broken walls and splitting those parts that were seriously injured and hard to return to. Although doing so would lose the original position, it was better than dying here.

"Boom..." appeared, and the once famous Xuantian warship appeared.

The mottled hull floats in the air with moss and scars. Through the scars, you can see that the hull structure is very complicated. Many places are made of giant wood and metal mortise and tenon pins. The length is thousands of feet, like a ship-shaped mountain or fortress, majestic and majestic Looking down at the earth.

"This? This is our warship? You can only know its greatness when you stand close to it."

It's a pity that they didn't have a chance for this greatness. Chen Xinghe gritted his teeth and poured more spirit energy into the sunken ship. The bottom of the ship slowly lit up with red light, and soon formed a burning cloud, with roaring and piercing sounds.

"Get on the boat, and you will be stuck on the treasure ship if you die."

The idea is beautiful, but the reality is too cruel.

There are still three catties of nails in the rotten ship, let alone this warship?It sank here back then, and more or less retained some methods, which became even more extraordinary after years of polishing.

"Papa..." Dark blue ripples appeared, and all those who dared to get close to the ship were ejected, just like swat a fly with a fly swatter. No matter how strong you are, you will be shocked, which will affect the subsequent performance .

In an instant, where is the figure of the sunken ship?It has already crossed the Hundred Thousand Mountains and slid towards the outside of the mountains.

Chen Xinghe was worried, this was a scrapped and sunken ship, and he had to pay a huge price to pull it up, hoping to make it to the place.

Even if it lasts, once it is put down, it will be completely lying down, and I don't know how long it will be until I want to move.

To be honest, he doesn't have high requirements, even if he can't repair it well, it would be nice to be able to build a shelter deep underground.

Fortunately, there are sixteen hundred-foot-long pangolins and a god-like tapir at home, and many places underground have been hollowed out long ago. With the cooperation of everyone, we finally watched this dilapidated warship sink into the ground.

Chen Xinghe was in charge of cleaning up the traces. This was not an easy job. It needed to use the star power to disturb the secrets of the sky, and it was also necessary to truly erase the shadows of time, so as to cut off hidden dangers.

(End of this chapter)

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