Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1095 Magic Heaven Pavilion

Chapter 1095 Magic Heaven Pavilion

There is a saying that good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles. Chen Xinghe just offended Xuantianzong, and everyone knew it the next day.

There are more and more rumors about him in the market. Originally, many people have forgotten about Qingtianzong and him, the young emperor of Qingtianzong. Who knew that after such a toss, everyone picked up their impressions again.

There were constant discussions in teahouses and restaurants, and those low-level monks seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, feeling proud!
Two days ago, Chen Xinghe had just accepted a group of Nascent Soul cultivators. These Nascent Soul cultivators more or less had disciples, relatives and friends.

Now the Lord has not spoken!The out-of-reach monks suddenly changed, and began to call themselves the Shaodi sect!

Don't tell me, those city foxes and social mice in the market immediately became honest when they heard Chen Xinghe's name.

Regardless of whether the other party has anything to do with Chen Shaodi and his old man, he has to give some face.

Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!What if it has something to do with this big man who is almost everyone's enemy?I'm afraid that one sentence will be crunchy.

It is rare for Chen Xinghe to go back home, these few days he played with Xue Shisanniang's son.

It is hard to imagine that Xue Shisanniang, who has bottomless scheming, and Li Shiqian, who protects the body with smooth supernatural powers, gave birth to such a son?Is it negative?

This kid is full of righteousness, and his actions and words are so simple and cute.

"Dan'er, it seems that you are not suitable for Qingtian Sword Field. My profound knowledge of swordsmanship pays attention to drawing arcs. I use arcs to attack the enemy, or wait for the enemy to hit me by itself."

"Uncle, isn't this superfluous? Why take a detour when you can walk in a straight line?"

"Hahaha, do you see that the blade is bent into a certain arc, is it more powerful after being drawn out? The arc is suitable for defense, and this kind of shot can ensure that some strength is left at any time to deal with emergencies and changes. It is more flexible. "

"Isn't it enough to kill the enemy with one sword? It is said that the best is the simplest, as long as you can make a fresh move, you can go anywhere in the world."

If it were someone else who taught this straight son, he would have to scold him head and face, but Chen Xinghe's realm is high, what he hears, thinks and thinks is completely different from normal cognition.

He thought for a moment and said: "You are right, I am deeply inspired, Qingtian Sword Domain can finally evolve a sword directly, the others are superfluous, just that sword is enough!"

As he said that, Chen Xinghe raised his hand and slapped Dan'er on the forehead with a "slap", directly imparting all kinds of kendo knowledge.He really wanted to stay and teach him carefully, but he couldn't take it easy because he knew everything with his toes.


"Ah ah?"

"Why so many contradictions?"

Suddenly accepting the comprehension of swordsmanship by the cultivators of the transformation stage is unbearable for anyone, but Chen Xinghe thinks that this kid Dan'er can succeed.

Seeing that he was sweating profusely and was about to go crazy, Chen Xinghe sent a voice transmission in time: "Fool, didn't you say that the way is simple? Don't worry about those bells and whistles, take it if you think it's useful, forget it if it's useless, why fall into confusion Looking for trouble?"

"I know." Others say they know, maybe they just think they might know it, but Dan'er says they know it, that means they understand it completely.

He doesn't care at all what a pity it is to forget the essence of swordsmanship. It's good to have a rectum, so I'll look for one to go deep into it.

Chen Xinghe knew at a glance that Dan'er had begun to realize at a young age, and he might be in a daze for the next year, and when he sorted out the clues and completely freed himself from the influence, the way of swordsmanship would be accomplished.

In this way, one can stand in the forefront within the same rank, and whether one can go further depends on one's understanding.

When it comes to leading apprentices, Chen Xinghe is not a good master.

Brother and sister Yue Qingqing and Yue Xin are his descendants, but they have been kept in free range, leaving them only some life-saving things.

There are hidden doors everywhere that need someone to take care of them. The siblings have spent a lot of money in housekeeping, and they have been wandering outside for the past two years.

There is also Zhang Dundun. His old ancestor didn't care about him, but he lived a good life in Yinmen. He was responsible for opening up the joints of the underworld and establishing multiple downlines.

The second-generation children who are freed are the good ones. Chen Xinghe received a letter from his apprentice, and was about to go and have a look, when he suddenly had a feeling.

There was a change in the dharma letter transformed from the Yingluo pattern.

"Huh? A new map has been generated?" Chen Xinghe was slightly taken aback, then summoned star power to check the position, and frowned, "So troublesome?"

The law did not directly reveal the map, but set up nine levels like a fight, and whoever can break through can know the true location of the Huantian Pavilion. "

"I don't know how many people have already taken action. The location of the first level is a bit far away! Who arranged for the inheritance? Don't cross the sect easily, okay? It's very tiring."

Chen Xinghe immediately summoned Xiao Shen, Thirteen Niang and the others to give some instructions before replying to his disciples. He had to be considerate and not treat his family badly.

Sure enough, he was too tired to rest, so he wanted to rush to Cuixia Ridge as soon as possible, if he didn't enter the pass within three days, he would be denied entry after that.

"Let's go now?" Everyone was a little frustrated. Chen Xinghe's cultivation is now as high as the sky, and he has helped everyone increase their strength by a few days. If they stay at home for a long time, they will not be able to talk about going to heaven, but their combat effectiveness will definitely be. Aww solid.

"I'm just going out for a while, and the range of activities is in the sect! There is no need to act like a life-or-death. I call you here to urge, don't indulge in cultivation, and work together to repair the treasure ship. Qi Ling knows what to do, and the requirements may be very high. Find ways to overcome difficulties and satisfy him.”

After Chen Xinghe finished talking about the important points, he chatted with everyone and immediately went to a nearby city to take the teleportation array.

In order to avoid complications, he disguised himself from head to toe, even suppressing his cultivation to the early stage of Yuanying, looked up and down, and felt that there was nothing wrong, so he went to the city and rushed to the teleportation formation.

Unexpectedly, the vicinity of the teleportation array was already overcrowded.

Hearing the yelling and talking about the topic around him, Chen Xinghe knew that secrets could never be kept.

All the monks in the city knew about the change in Fadie in his hand. It seems that the birth of Huantian Pavilion was definitely not to attract a few people into it, but a deliberate arrangement for the general public.

line up!Chen Xinghe still wants to teleport alone!This can change the coordinates. Now there is a large group of people, not to mention the Nascent Soul monks account for the majority, but also [-]% to [-]%. There are even four monks in the transformation stage.

He didn't expect to see two familiar faces, they were the disciples Hao Changyun and Bi Linping who came out of the trial. These two people used to work in Qingmutang, and now they are both pregnant.

Chen Xinghe didn't intend to go forward for a chat.

They were just acquaintances with nods, not fighting side by side, not to mention that it has been so long, people's hearts are separated by belly, and loyalty is the most difficult to distinguish.

Now, instead, he has to guard against those acquaintances, in case the other party has already taken refuge in Jintianzong.

It's just teleportation, and seniority has to be judged by cultivation level. This is the orthodox cultivation world.

You can be dissatisfied, but you have to spend the cost of dissatisfaction.

Chen Xinghe stood among the Nascent Soul cultivators.

If it is normal, the Nascent Soul stage monks are on guard against each other and need to keep their distance!However, today is an exception. As long as you can set foot on the teleportation array as soon as possible, why is there no distance?Hugging each other is bearable.

(End of this chapter)

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