Chapter 1096
The moment the teleportation array was opened, Chen Xinghe saw that the teleportation array was overcrowded, and the Nascent Soul Stage monks joined forces to drive away the Golden Core Stage.

Not everyone can participate in the opening of the Huantian Pavilion. If the monks in the Nascent Soul stage are weak, they will also be brushed down.

One teleportation is not enough at all, and it takes multiple transfers to reach Cuixia Ridge.

Looking at the map, it is a rare and barren place in the Qingtian Sect. The aura is thin and there are few plants in the surrounding four or five thousand miles.Could it be because there are so many treasures in the Huantian Pavilion, which drained the aura?
It is very possible that everyone is full of ambition and hopes that this operation can be rewarding.

The reason why these Nascent Soul cultivators are so enthusiastic is because they have obtained some gains in the previous treasure maps, and some of them have gained so much that it is not an exaggeration to say that they have reached the sky in one step.

The small treasures in front can reach this level, and the Huantian Pavilion is the largest treasure of Qingtianzong. It is exciting to think about it.

Chen Xinghe felt that the previous few treasure maps were all hooks, for the purpose of helping Huantian Pavilion attract people, but he didn't know what the purpose was.

The masters of the Qingtian Sect will not be too idle to hand over the treasures to the people of the foreign sect. It would be better to take the treasures by themselves.

However, he was so generous in the past few times, and now he has attracted as many monks as a cow hair, so there will be a space crack in the territory, right?

The troubles of the Jingyi faction are alarming. The army of the demon world has begun to invade in an all-round way. If there is a space crack, this will be a large-scale battle.

Since it is not easy to guess behind the scenes, why did Chen Xinghe take the risk?
It was said that curiosity killed the cat, and he wanted to see if such a spatial rift really existed in Cuixia Ridge.If the guess is wrong, all the masters really want to pass it on, then the Huantian Pavilion is the great gift they prepared for the former disciples of the Qingtian Sect.

With the mentality of Ning Dangerous and Don't Miss, Chen Xinghe will definitely participate.

The other monks were not stupid, and they also guessed that the masters of Qingtianzong must have intentions.But just for the few hundredths of a possibility, fight!

No matter how hard it is at the Nine Passes, can it be difficult to be promoted?The feeling of standing still is really uncomfortable. Everyone wants to reach the sky in one step. It doesn't matter if they are as rich as the young emperor of the Qingtian sect. Wouldn't the monks in the transformation stage be cool under the Lingbao flying sword?

Perhaps it was because of what Chen Xinghe did in the past few days that happened to strike at the heart of the Nascent Soul cultivator. Too many people dreamed of fighting against the sky!
It turns out that there is a reason why the top sect is so rich, Chen Shaodi is so powerful, the sect equipped him with heavy treasures, so does Huantian Pavilion, where the heavy treasures gather, also have spirit treasures waiting for everyone to collect them?

Imagination is a good thing. As long as there is an introduction, through various brain supplements, a beautiful blueprint can always be drawn in the mind.

There are too few monks who are really rational, know how much they are worth, and can resist this kind of attraction.

Looking at the scene in the teleportation formation, one can see that the Nascent Soul stage monks who are high in the eyes of the monks at the bottom are like young men who have been injected with chicken blood, full of longing, blood boiling, and will not give up until they hit the south wall.

Therefore, there is no real calm in the world, and there is no real idle cloud and wild crane. The reason why you are calm and idle is because you have not encountered anything that tempts you. Once an opportunity or attraction is in front of you, how many people can stand aside and watch. Opportunity slipped away?

It is no exaggeration to say that even those rational monks, driven by the crowd around them, may still hesitate today and tomorrow, but when the gate is about to close, they are likely to jump into the pit with one bite and change from rational to Be irrational.

A pit is a pit. If you don’t cheat people, what do you dig a pit for?
Chen Xinghe walked very depressed along the way!

The speed is too slow, he now understands the gap between the Nascent Soul stage and the Transformation Stage. He used to ride thousands of miles a day on a bloody BMW, but now he rides a lame horse for dozens of miles a day. He really has the urge to vomit blood.

However, he could see that the teleportation array is a very good screening mechanism for seniority ranking. Those who can enter the gate within the specified time are either powerful or powerful, and they must not be far behind.

After two days and two nights of rushing along with Da Liu, he finally walked out of the last teleportation array.

Looking up, good guy, there are a lot of black clouds, and they are all flying towards Cuixia Ridge at high speed.

A beam of light followed by a beam of light descended behind him, followed by a hundred or so monks.

Chen Xinghe didn't dare to gallop, his speed was too fast, he could see the problem at a glance.

Take off slowly, take off slowly!
Although it was too slow to doubt life, it was undeniable that ordinary Nascent Soul stage monks lived like this.

As for dodging, it is a method used only for escaping. However, Chen Xinghe has already integrated escaping into his daily life. It is difficult for ordinary people to imagine what kind of life it is to be constantly tested by life and death. Why is this kind of monk not powerful?
So to a certain extent, compared with these monks, Chen Xinghe is no longer a creature on the same level. Can domestic pugs and Tibetan mastiffs be the same?What's more, it is still the king of Tibetan mastiffs.

Many masters have extraordinary momentum, but Chen Xinghe has returned to his original nature, and he usually looks amiable. It is difficult to connect him with the rumored ultimate scourge, the young emperor of the Qingtian sect.

Boring on the road, he got to know the testers Hao Changyun and Bi Linping again. Chen Xinghe still used the identity of Li Qinyuan, and he talked about the origin with reliable evidence and can withstand scrutiny.

The three of them walked together, and their speed was not slow among monks of the same rank.

When I got to the ground, my scalp was really numb.

It is unimaginable that there are so many monks in the infant stage.

On the contrary, Jindan monks became a minority group. They were either scared away by such situations, or they had a deep background and gained a foothold under the protection of several Nascent Soul monks.

There is a bronze gate standing on Cuixia Ridge, which is currently closed and has not been opened.

Looking around, people from the Jintian Sect, Xuantian Sect, Hantian Sect, Fifth Sword Sect, and the Clean Clothes Sect all came. Among them, the Jintian Sect and Xuantian Sect had the largest number of people and the most luxurious lineup.

Originally, Jintianzong wanted to seal off this place, but as the number of people increased sharply, they never mentioned it again, even though they were afraid of offending the public.

However, the powerful spiritual consciousness swept away, and Jintianzong and Xuantianzong lost face. They were obviously looking for someone.

Someone yawned and let his divine sense sweep over him.

If it was so easy to be discovered, he wouldn't have to mess around, he would go back to his prison and come out when he felt safe.

Of course, if someone brings a mirror to heaven, that's another matter.

Unexpectedly, there will be more Nascent Soul stage monks coming from behind, and the sky is full of darkness. I am afraid that it is a territory as large as a few Qingtian sects. All the middle and high-level monks have arrived. This force is concentrated together, and it can completely compete with the army of the demon world. Gestures.

Such a grand occasion is rare in ten thousand years. Fortunately, there are nine checkpoints. If they all have a chance to get a treasure, if they can get half of them, they will be considered invincible in Huantian Pavilion.

With so many monks breathing, the already thin spiritual energy here has disappeared, and it has become a desert of spiritual energy.

Under all expectations, when the time came, the bronze door slowly opened, revealing a deep darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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