Chapter 1097
"The door is open?"

"Is it going to come in?"

"Hehe, there are so many people, let others go in and take the lead! I don't want to be the leader."

"Look, the cultivators of the Heavenly Sect have moved. We are worthy of being the leader of the Scarlet Emperor Heaven. We really see our strength at critical moments."

"Hahaha, it's more convenient this way. I will enter according to seniority. I hope the first few stages will not be too difficult, and there will be some gains."

Some monks laughed out loud, tacit understanding!The main purpose of their coming is not for treasures, but to kill some unlucky ones and increase their wealth.

Everyone is a Nascent Soul cultivator, more or less wealthy, and they can't count on Qingtianzong's treasure, how about a few heads?
"How does Li Daoyou plan?" Hao Changyun looked around vigilantly. The Qingtian Sect collapsed. Many disciples did not leave, but continued to live and practice in this territory, but there were always people who were not open-eyed and wanted to make trouble.

There was even a group that hunted and killed the disciples of the Qingtian Sect, and it was convenient to accuse them of committing crimes, saying that the other party had conspired against others, and they were kidnapped to see the monks of the Tiantian Sect.

In the past few years, there have been constant disputes and many casualties.Fortunately, it is not easy for disciples to survive from the battlefield of the Demon Cult. Hunting and killing such characters usually fails, or they are counter-killed.

Chen Xinghe replied slowly: "Leave the limelight to others, we just need to enter in the middle."

"Okay!" Hao Changyun and Bi Linping nodded in satisfaction, because they got along well with fellow Daoist Li on the same road, so they got together to act.

Of course, this is a temporary combination and can be separated at any time.

As time went by, more and more monks entered the gate.

At first everyone was on guard, but after observing for a period of time, they found nothing unusual, so they accelerated the progress.

Even if they speeded up, it took half an hour for the three of Chen Xinghe to enter. It can be seen that there are really many monks participating in this pass.

The Nascent Soul cultivator was not slow, he turned into a light and rushed in, but after stepping into the gate, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

"Damn, this is the teleportation array, where are we going to teleport?"

As soon as he spoke, the teleportation aura had shot into the ground.

Even with Chen Xinghe's level of cultivation, he was not spared, when his feet hit the ground, he could see magic light all around him.

When you come, you start a war, which is not at all the same as you thought before.

A colorful frame popped up in front of him, a familiar style of painting, just like the trials back then.

A sentence emerged in the center of the border: "The one with the most points wins the treasure. There are nine passes, nine plains, and the first plain is the bone."

Isn't it the Plain of Bones!There are countless huge skeletons lying on the dim red plain, and the skeletons are piled up like mountains in many places.

Such a scene is like being in hell. I am afraid that since ancient times, the corpses buried in the ground will all fall here?

I didn't have time to think about it, but I saw skeleton monsters rushing towards them, white fire, red fire, and blue fire danced in their eye sockets.

"Could it be that the Ferry Envoy of the Underworld was transformed from here?" Chen Xinghe threw out three talismans while guessing, and immediately shattered the oncoming ribs, and the colored borders immediately showed points.

"One cent for a skeleton in the Jindan period, one cent for a skeleton in the early stage of Nascent Soul, two cents for a mid-stage Nascent Soul, three cents for a later stage Nascent Soul, and thirty cents for a skeleton in the early stage of Soul Transformation."

This is the reminder of the border, Chen Xinghe laughed dumbly, is this an upgraded version of the Netherworld Trial?Interesting.

Just as I guessed before, the masters used the hidden treasures as an attraction to create such a big scene, and they wanted the outside monks to help clean up the hidden dangers.

Just looking at the environment here, it is similar to the forbidden area blocked by the Jingyi faction. Maybe there is a space crack deep underground, and the answer is ready to come out.

"Awesome! If you really go down to fight against the army of the demon world, the senior officials of the Qingtian Sect are obviously better than the senior leaders of the Clean Clothes Sect."

Now is not the time to think about things, and I don't know what is the mystery here, but the skeleton monsters are emerging in endlessly, and the number is outrageous.

Fortunately, there were more Nascent Soul cultivators coming in. Soldiers fought against soldiers, beheaded each other, and [-] skeletons had already been wiped out. They were no match for Nascent Soul cultivators at all.

The difference is that only a few skeletons know spells, and they are extremely monotonous dirt and curse spells, no more.

The monks were far away and used tricks. When these ribs rushed to the front, they were basically not far from being broken.

The monks who came in behind couldn't even reach out their hands, so many people jumped into the air and took the initiative to kill them at the place where there were many skeletons, saving them from death.

Chen Xinghe was not interested in this kind of enemies, so he found stacks of magic symbols from the storage ring, usually he was too lazy to clean up these debris, but now it just happened to be consumed.

He has gained a little in the way of talismans, and his moves are clean and quick, which can often make the talismans exert [-]% of their power.

Soon the rumbling loud noises were strung together, which made people's eyes shine.

Hao Changyun and Bi Linping were full of praise, and quickly rushed out for thirty miles, and began to reminisce about the trial of the underworld.

The three of them were all very strong, and while others were still dawdling behind, they had already advanced a hundred miles. They thought their numbers would decrease, but the surroundings were full of roars, and they could encounter battles wherever they went.

After an hour, the Bone Demon dropped by an order of magnitude, no longer roaring and tsunami rushing over, and only occasionally emerged one.

Everyone did not relax, because the newly drilled bone demon is not weak, and sometimes it is even troublesome.

Naturally, Chen Xinghe had no taboos, there were a lot of talismans in his pocket, and there were a lot of miscellaneous items, so it would not be a problem to throw them away for a month or so.

Hao Changyun and Bi Linping were eye-opening today. Li Daoyou is a wealthy man who has been using talismans in order to preserve his strength.

No way, who calls someone a talisman maker?What would you use if you didn't have a talisman?
Chen Xinghe directly ignored the points, what's the use of ten or twenty points?If you really start a war with the demon army, I believe it will be easy to take the lead at that time.

On the first day, I spent time on the Plain of Bones. The frame was very annoying, and I often jumped out to write where someone broke through, how many points they harvested, and so on.

After seeing these news, many people must be rushing forward to kill.

After the Plain of White Bones is the Plain of Giant Worms. When the three of Chen Xinghe arrived, someone had already crossed over and entered the Plain of Earth Monsters.

Unexpectedly, the vanguard was so fast, Hao Changyun and Bi Linping were a little anxious, and urged Li Daoyou to hurry up and escape.

run away!As fast as he wanted, Chen Xinghe randomly took a few pictures of the Acceleration Talisman on his body, and began to move forward.

The bugs on the ground were ignored, but there were also bugs in the air, and they ran wildly for an hour and were intercepted by the vast cloud of bugs.

More than three people were intercepted, and many monks were stopped here, and they could only wait until the flying insects were slowly worn away before going on their way.

However, some people tried it for a while and felt that they could support it completely, so they activated the magic weapon of protection and entered the worm cloud, trying to pass through it.

Chen Xinghe saw the big guy hidden in the worm cloud with just one glance, but anyone who can pass through this place independently must have two brushes.

Seeing this situation, Hao Changyun and Bi Linping said with a sigh of relief: "Brother Li, the two of us can protect you well, how about we just cross over there?"

(End of this chapter)

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