Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1098 Soul Lamp

Chapter 1098 Soul Lamp
Chen Xinghe has nothing to do, since the two fellow Taoists in front of him are in a hurry, let's follow along!There is an interception in the worm cloud, but it shouldn't be a problem for these two people.

After a while, Hao Changyun released a light curtain, wrapped the three of them and plunged into the worm cloud.

The speed is naturally not very fast, after all, the resistance is in front of us!I can't get up fast even if I think about it.

Two quarters of an hour later, the three of them went deep into the cloud of insects, and suddenly saw a large group of black shadows gathered together, which were huge flying insects.

As soon as they approached, Chen Xinghe realized something was wrong.

"Huh? Insect control technique, there are people inside the flying insects." He was alert just now, and there was already a crisis around him.

"Kach..." A blade of light slashed past, too fast, too sudden, and there was no time to react.

Chen Xinghe was chopped off in the middle, and it was Hao Changyun and Bi Linping who shot him.

It's just that the two were not happy, but unbelievable.


Seeing a piece of yellow talisman paper falling down, a black gate appeared on the spot, Chen Xinghe stepped out frowning, and looked around in surprise.

"How did you two find me?"

Hao Changyun and Bi Linping turned pale with shock, they knew they were not Chen Xinghe's opponent, if they didn't take advantage of it, how could they take the risk of assassinating him?

"Hahaha, Chen Xinghe, no matter how capable you are, since you have entered the encirclement set up by our Heavenly Sect, you will definitely die today."

Along with the laughter, 16 people appeared, each of whom was a cultivator at the stage of transformation.

Just looking at this lineup, it is simply too extravagant to dazzle.

Chen Xinghe looked at Hao Changyun and Bi Linping without getting angry, and they were so scared that they begged for mercy on the spot: "Brother, please forgive me, we were forced to take action against you. They paid a high price for your soul lamp."

"Hiss..." Chen Xinghe couldn't help but gasped, knowing what the problem was, the Qingtian Sect had a soul lamp when recruiting disciples.

With the soul lamps, it is an excellent guarantee to be able to perceive the disciples' location. However, after the Qingtian Sect collapsed, there is no news about who these soul lamps fell into.

Unexpectedly, Jintianzong's supernatural powers have found such a terrible thing.

"Tell me, whose hands did my soul lamp fall into?" Chen Xinghe was furious.

"This..." Hao Changyun and Bi Linping hesitated a little, and a sword glow had already swept across, and the two of them, together with the Nascent Soul, exploded immediately, and their flesh and soul continued to collapse, obliterating all traces of existence except their belongings in a blink of an eye.

"Papapa..." Someone applauded: "Good skill, good flying sword, clean and neat! Chen Xinghe, do you know that you are the only junior that this seat has admired in recent years."

"Tell me, who owns my soul lamp?" Chen Xinghe pointed to the applauding old man opposite and asked.

"Tsk tsk, young people are so anxious..." Before he finished speaking, the old man became vigilant, but before he became vigilant, the flying sword pierced through his body.

"Pfft..." The blood splattered, and all the cultivators of the God of Transformation were shocked. The flying sword was too fast, too fast to react.

"No, it's impossible for the Nascent Soul Stage to control the flying sword so fast!"

"It's the primordial spirit, he has cultivated into the primordial spirit, and he is a member of my generation."

These cultivators turned pale with fright, but Chen Xinghe really didn't have the time to dawdle with them, so he started to frantically shuttle around with his flying sword.

If you want to block Lingbao Feijian, you can!You have to have a defensive spirit treasure, or have supernatural means.

It's a pity that spirit treasures are hard to come by, and even the cultivators of the God of Heaven Sect don't have such a chance.

So they bled blood continuously, but couldn't catch the sword shadow.

terrible!Chen Xinghe actually existed in the stage of transformation, and definitely not a new stage of transformation, because two old men in the late stage of transformation in the team were also stabbed, so there was nothing to do with this kid.

Chen Xinghe has the dragon veins to restore mana, so he doesn't have to worry about lack of strength to control the Lingbao. If he wants to be an enemy, at least if he is at the level of a blood Shura, the rest should ask for blessings!

When he heard that the soul lamp fell into the hands of the enemy today, he became anxious. If such a deadly thing was left outside, how could he hide his cultivation?

"No, you, what are you going to do?" The most vulnerable monk in the team has already fallen into the hands of Chen Xinghe.At the same time, the thunder dragon appeared, spread its wings to suppress the insect cloud, and at the same time burst out lightning to strike the enemy in a second wave.

As Chen Xinghe's mount, it also exists in the mid-stage of transformation, and what he is best at doing is fighting with the wind and killing you when you are sick.

As the thunder dragon raged, Chen Xinghe had already grabbed the monk's dragon's head and crutches, and suddenly established a seizing tunnel to attack the soul.

"Damn it, what kind of method is this?" When Fang Yuanying yelled, he was twisted into a ball of light by the sword light, and his memory flowed uncontrollably.

Seizing the house with the right hand is more clever than any soul-searching method. Chen Xinghe has insight into the ins and outs of the incident in an instant, and knows that the soul lamp has not fallen into the hands of the enemy, but a traitor provided a shadow lamp.

"So that's it! Fortunately, it's just a shadow lamp. If I got a real soul lamp, I'm afraid I would have known that I had entered the middle stage of transformation."

Chen Xinghe glanced through the memory of this cultivator, but he didn't find any bright spots, not as good as Song Tianbao in the military tea world!That kind of meticulous research spirit is worth learning.

After obliterating this cultivator of Heavenly Sect Transformation, Thunder Dragon had released all his mana, causing five deaths and ten injuries, and the wounded were running for their lives separately.

The flying sword hung high all the time, chasing and killing them with infinite murderous intent, beheading one after another.

But these monks are not all useless, five of them have extraordinary background, they suppressed the sword wound in a very short time, and vented their magic power in horror.

Now that Chen Xinghe has been exposed, how can they escape?

Ripples swayed under the feet, directly positioning and teleporting.

Even if the enemy runs out of the worm cloud in time, it is useless, they will suddenly appear beside them.

"Chen Shaodi, no, Lord Dijun, we dare not offend you with such cultivation." This is showing weakness and begging for mercy.

"Surnamed Chen, if you dare to kill me, I will not let you go." This is a trick to restrain Chen Xinghe.

It's useless, no matter what methods they use, it's useless in front of Chen Xinghe, even if the two old men in the late stage of transforming gods jointly performed a fatal blow, they were intercepted by the gate of Tiangong.

But it was this blow that made Chen Xinghe's heart beat wildly.

He spent several years and squandered nearly half of the mana he had accumulated so hard in an instant. The cultivator in the late stage of transformation is really extraordinary. If he didn't have this heavenly gate, it would be impossible to block this blow.

"Monster, isn't this dead? Chen Xinghe, Chen Xinghe, you'd better keep up this monstrous cultivation speed, otherwise you will die ugly."

Once the two great masters died, Chen Xinghe knew that Jintianzong would definitely attach great importance to it. No matter how subtle the aura was restrained, the actual record is here, and the level of response must be raised to the late stage of transformation.

The key is to find a way to kill the traitor after returning. The other party was very careful when selling the shadow lamp, and did not reveal his whereabouts. However, with the help of star power to track down the time, it is necessary to look at the origin of this person.

Chen Xinghe snorted coldly and withdrew his troops back to the camp.

With so many masters in the stage of transforming gods killed by the sword, the wealth left behind is a huge harvest. Thunder Dragon got one-third of it, and he shook his wings with joy, galloping all the way with his noble master on his head.

(End of this chapter)

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