Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1104 Extreme Speed ​​Against Extreme Space

Chapter 1104 Extreme Speed ​​Against Extreme Space
Chen Xinghe and Haoran Zhenglan went deeper and saw more and more monsters.

When entering the seventh plain, the geology and landforms have undergone great changes, and many sealed mounds on the ground emit demonic energy, and there is a feeling of being in the demon world.

Haoran Zhenglan and the seven sword cultivators behind him couldn't help but look serious, no matter how slow their reactions were, they could guess Qingtianzong's intention.

Suddenly, words appeared along the bright borders on the left and right, asking whether to use points to exchange for treasure immediately.

"Oh?" Everyone was surprised. It turns out that after entering the seventh plain, you can use the points to exchange for hidden treasures. You will know if it works or not.

Among the seven sword cultivators, one of them ran out of points, and a halo suddenly appeared above his head.

In a moment, the fist-sized dream stone fell down, which can enhance the power of the flying sword.

"Wonderful!" Everyone couldn't help but be overjoyed. It turned out that the treasures could be exchanged. The ranking did not drop, but the word "redeemed" was written on the back of the points. If you want to get other treasures, you need to accumulate them again.

Chen Xinghe nodded, he is not in a hurry to exchange so early, he will kill No.1 first.

Speeding forward again, there are magic dragons flying in the air.

It's not that kind of real dragon, it's a kind of dragon with the blood of a dragon. It's less than three feet long, but it can't hold up too many people. At a glance, there is no way to move forward.

The two stopped, Chen Xinghe and Haoran Zhenglan nodded to each other, the meaning is self-evident, it means that it's okay to talk about it, and it's okay to fight here.

"Fellow Daoist, please!"


The 27 flying swords spread out around Chen Xinghe, and strands of aura jumped between the flying swords, quickly forming a mysterious pattern.

These imaginary patterns are the manifestation of Taoism, which is equivalent to building an outstanding sword array, and its power will naturally be multiplied. If you dare to underestimate it, you will suffer a lot.

Haoran Zhenglan disdains these bells and whistles, and sacrifices a flying sword hanging in front of his body. The sword and body, the body and the heart, the heart and the god, the god and the sword, and there is a trace of the god that only a monk in the fusion period can produce. Compassionate temperament.

Although he was still far away from the fusion period, but the moment he used the flying sword, he seemed to be a different person. He was by no means a reckless person, but rather like the reincarnation of a sword fairy.

Chen Xinghe observed carefully for a while, he found that there are no worthless warriors under the reputation of the secret path, and being able to reach a high place in sects such as the Fifth Sword Sect, is indeed extraordinary in the way of swordsmanship, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a generation of arrogance.

The two didn't talk nonsense, they collided directly.

"Boom..." What really collided was the swordsmanship inherited by these two people.

Haoran Zhenglan puts his love on the sword, he doesn't cultivate the sword field, he can't become the sword energy, regardless of the sword strength, only the sword itself can cut off all dharma, the sky and the earth!


The Qingtian Sword Domain was actually suppressed, as if it would burst at any moment, this was the first time in Chen Xinghe's fighting career.

"Qiang..." The 27 swords merged into one, and the Qingtian Sword Domain also merged into one at this moment, bringing endless sword lights to collide with each other.

I saw a glaring flame appearing in the air, and then immeasurable power spread towards the surroundings. No matter how fast those demon dragons ran, they could not avoid the misfortune of being wiped out.

Chen Xinghe stepped back ten steps, the 27 swords split inch by inch, the crack was as thick as a finger, and the opponent didn't have any damage.

This shows that Xiang Zhi was completely defeated in Qu Zhong of Qingtian Sword Domain, and he is not as good as the Haoran Zhenglan in front of him in terms of swordsmanship alone.

Haoran Zhenglan was shocked, he was determined to make the opponent look good with this sword, so he spent [-]% of his mana to defend the sword.

The Haoran family has been intertwined in the fifth sword gate for tens of thousands of years, and it is all due to Haoran's sword intent that they can survive.Although this kind of family-inherited unique knowledge is not overbearing, it is better than continuous and soul-stirring. Once it is used, its power is infinite, and the power of backlash is extremely impressive!

However, it only caused the opponent's flying sword projection to shatter and made him retreat ten steps. To be honest, he couldn't accept such a result.

Chen Xinghe didn't know that Haoran Zhenglan's sword intended to inflict serious damage on him.

Not to mention that the Guizang sword sank into the dragon's veins to practice together with him. It became stronger and stronger every day, and the aura became more stable. The body training alone did not allow him to be injured.

"This sword goes forward bravely, it's wonderful!" Once Chen Xinghe enters the fighting state, his resilience is beyond the imagination of ordinary monks.

He raised his hand and poured his mana, and the split flying sword recovered instantly, and it was another towering heavenly sword, just like pulling out a sword halberd peak.

Because he has a heart of persevering, working hard, and striving for the top, so Chen Xinghe's sword, like him, can recover from any blow, and the recovery speed is extremely fast.

Haoran Zhenglan became extraordinarily dignified, his dantian suddenly released a peerless brilliance, and a vast aura bloomed around him.

"Lingbao?" Chen Xinghe was taken aback for a moment, and immediately became vigilant, and with almost no time interval, he ordered Feijian to launch a fierce attack.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom..." Speed!

Yuanshen Yujian is too fast to catch, this is his true strength, and it is also the basic direction he has established for himself after practicing.

A simple quick word made Haoran Zhenglan extremely depressed. He used Lingbao to assist him to increase the power of the sword, but before he could put his feet up, round after round of fast swords made him block from left to right, and he was a little overwhelmed .

There is no way, this is a sword fight, should the opponent watch you get ready before attacking?That is obviously impossible.

Naturally, Chen Xinghe could rush to attack, and he, Haoran Zhenglan, could also gather momentum to counterattack.

The sound of the sword was pulled out, and everything around it seemed to be cut into countless layers. Chen Xinghe felt that the flying sword encountered a huge obstacle, and it was almost fixed in place.

"Quick!" Yuanshen Yujian reached the extreme, Feijian just trembled slightly, and then shuttled between different levels.

Haoran Zhenglan's eyes widened, he didn't expect the other party's Yuanshen to be so tyrannical, Yu Jian only paused under his full force to block it.

It is simply a monster. I feel that the reason why Chen Xinghe is strong is not because of the way of the sword, but because of all the help. The soul is unparalleled, the body is unparalleled, and the flying sword is unparalleled. Together, it is the sword of the gods. Pan Gu opened the sky, so he could kill all directions without hindrance.

"The darkness is indistinct, the heaven and the earth return!" The sound of the sword's cry was amplified to the limit, and Haoran Zhenglan showed his incomparable swordsmanship.

His sword has already touched the avenue of space, as if piercing from any angle, obviously there is only one sword, but because of the countless space levels created before, it has turned into thousands of swords, and the power of each sword is the same.

Chen Xinghe was taken aback. Thousands and tens of thousands of Haoran Zhenglan shot at him together. What kind of concept was that?

Fortunately, there is a slight gap in the space level, resulting in a gap between the front and back.

At this time, Chen Xinghe broke out, and the Heavenly Sword was re-divided into 27 flying swords, controlling the sword at an unprecedented speed.

Faster, faster, faster.

"Dang, clang, clang..." Each flying sword entered through a gap, blocking the attack that was just in time to break through to the front at that moment, and immediately shifted after repelling the attack, and rushed to a new battlefield.

This is the extreme speed against the extreme sky, Chen Xinghe faintly touched a trace of the sword of time, Mao Sai suddenly realized.

(End of this chapter)

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