Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1105 Magic Dyeing

Chapter 1105 Magic Dyeing
"You?" Haoran Zhenglan took a deep breath, why is the opponent's speed so fast?

It is impossible to happen, this speed exceeds the upper limit of the speed of the transformation stage.

At this moment, Chen Xinghe concentrated all his energy and energy, and it was the first time he hit the speed barrier after being promoted to the stage of transformation.

The Great Way of Extreme Speed, this is the foundation, every level of cultivation will be broken against the sky.

Breaking once can't make the state stable, usually it needs to be broken nine times, and it can be completely stabilized by the tenth time.

Today, Haoran Zhenglan divided the space into countless layers, and flew out a sword to shine into these spaces, so that the attacks were endless and hard to resist.

The Fifth Sword Sect is well-deserved, to be able to sit on the top spot of the Chihuangtian Sword Dao Sect, that is a real foundation!

It is no exaggeration to say that if this trick is used on any cultivator at the stage of transformation, it won't take long for him to shatter his bones to ashes. I'm afraid there won't even be a bone scum left.

However, Chen Xinghe is strong when he is strong, and even hopes that the enemy will bring him great pressure, because only in this way can he make progress.Only in this way can we focus on nothing else, concentrate on it, and put all our eggs in one basket for survival.

Chen Xinghe Yujian's speed is getting faster and faster, how fast is it? The 27 flying swords cut in along the gap between space and space, and can knock back the attack before it comes, that's how fast it is.

However, this kind of success can only be carried out in a small area and cannot be expanded.

Chen Xinghe knew that he was not fast enough. If he was fast enough to block all attacks in one breath, then he would definitely be able to break the speed barrier of the God Transformation Stage today.


At the critical moment, you can't be cowardly, and the 27 flying swords were divided into three, turning into 81 flying swords, and the mana was pouring out like a waterfall.

Chen Xinghe took a step. He was clearly standing in the air, but the ground was shattered by this step, forming a frighteningly large footprint with a width of two to three miles.


A broken word shook the heavens and the earth, reaching the depths of my heart.

This roar is so firm and outstanding, in order to increase the speed to the extreme, even if it drains the spinal cord, drains the mana, drains the primordial spirit, it will not hesitate.

The 81 flying swords turned into darkness, and then exploded with all kinds of brilliance, turning into great light, and then disappeared.

"It's so close that I can't feel it anymore!" Haoran Zhenglan was dumbfounded. You must know that he cuts the space to form a wonderful layer. The opponent's flying sword disappeared.

"Boom, boom, boom..." The attack from Haoran Zhenglan collapsed, and he realized it after a while, and stepped back twenty steps to look at Chen Xinghe, and asked in disbelief: "It's been so long since you took out your sword!" ?”

Chen Xinghe shook his head and said: "It's chasing, staying with the time, blocking your sword before it's about to strike, no matter how many times it doesn't matter, just block it!"

Strong self-confidence emerged spontaneously, Chen Xinghe had already broken through the extreme speed barrier of the God Transformation Stage, and gained a very unique insight.

As long as he breaks through eight more times, he will be able to stabilize this level of advancement by the tenth time, but that requires every shot to be in a full state, so naturally he can't use it right now.

"Time and time together?" Haoran Zhenglan was thoughtful, suddenly raised his head to look at Chen Xinghe and laughed loudly: "It's the ultimate way! All laws are broken."

"Hahaha, the ultimate way, the ultimate way! I underestimated the heroes of the world too much. Hahaha, different paths lead to the same goal. It turns out that I have never been able to get in, and I am just a layman who pays attention to form! Instead, others climbed to the top before me. Hahaha, ridiculous, I, Haoran Zhenglan, are so ridiculous! Hahaha, those thoughts before are all bullshit, and being in love with swords is also bullshit, all obstacles, obstacles, obstacles!"

Along with laughing loudly, Haoran Zhenglan became more and more insane, chanting non-stop: "I'm definitely better than you, I'm sure I can become an extreme person..."

"Yes, yes, yes, I want to understand the Tao, I want to understand the sword, no matter when and where, I can understand..."

The seven sword cultivators behind were shocked. They saw that the clean young man tore off his clothes indiscriminately, and plunged into the ground without knowing where he was going.

"My lord, it's not good, my lord has gone mad..." They looked at Chen Xinghe with boundless hatred.

Chen Xinghe waved his hand and said: "Hurry up and get out, you son is only half crazy, you can go to enlightenment if you get something today! I only fight with swordsmanship, and I won the fairness. As a swordsman, do you have something to say?"

"This?" The seven sword cultivators thought about it, this master really didn't use other means to prove the way of the sword purely, he really won the honor, if they say no, the reputation of the Fifth Sword Sect will be stink.

"Yes! Emperor Qingtian's swordsmanship has been cultivated, and I admire it so much. If you get something in the future, you will come to learn swordsmanship with your lord."

"Good!" Chen Xinghe nodded, as if he had accepted the invitation.

Seven sword cultivators rushed to find the young master, but Chen Xinghe suddenly frowned and looked deep into the plain.

After observing for a while, he suddenly let Thunder Dragon out, and ordered: "Leave this place immediately and return the same way."

"Ah? Master, are you not fighting for the hidden treasure?"

"Now I have been promoted to No.1 on the ranking list. Although the gap with No.2 is not too big, I am afraid that I will not be able to take time off if I want to."

"Why is this?"

"Don't ask so many questions, go back to the fifth plain first, the sky will change here soon." Chen Xinghe sat on the top of Leilong's head, and suddenly collapsed, so frightened that Leilong quickly stabilized his figure, for fear of throwing his master out .

Blocking Haoran Zhenglan's sword made him exhausted, even with the help of dragon veins, it would take half an hour to recover, and there were layers of phantoms waiting in the distance.

It means that the meal money and side dishes are almost eaten, and the main meal is about to start. His current state is not good, and he has to find a favorable place to fight.

Lei Long hurried back, something was wrong behind him, something came over.

Just when Chen Xinghe returned to the fifth plain, the earth suddenly turned crimson, and all the scenery in front of him was covered with crimson, and a sinister and devilish energy rose around him.

"This? Oh my god! This is Moran!" Thunder Dragon turned pale with shock, and immediately moved close to the ground at a very fast speed.

The plain suddenly turned into a field of Shura, where all kinds of monsters emerged one after another, frantically devouring each other to strengthen their strength.

This is the magic dye. It doesn't take a day and a night to produce the most terrifying twisted monster. It is said that a Mahayana monk once fell within the range of the deep magic dye.

Once the magic dye appears, it will be endless. The most terrifying thing is not the monster, but many human monks who also have the risk of dyeing.

At that time, there will be a scene of cannibalism. The specific situation is unknown, but it is recorded in the classics anyway.

Chen Xinghe was a little uneasy, because the pupils where the book of life and death were located saw a lot of colored spots.

This place is by no means a place of mild magic staining. These stains are as stubborn as age spots, indicating that the magic staining has erupted long ago. It seems that the seniors of the Qingtian Sect are far more sinister and cruel than imagined. This big pit was dug very carefully. deep.

"Not good!" Chen Xinghe suddenly thought of Haoran Zhenglan, this sword cultivator is a little unconscious, falling into the magic dyed area will not transform the demon, right?

(End of this chapter)

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