Chapter 1106

Chen Xinghe's worry was not unreasonable. About half an hour later, Haoran Zhenglan's points increased rapidly, and his ranking suddenly improved.

This kind of improvement was as fast as a gust of wind and fire, and the points of the other sword repairers also rose crazily.

Obviously, they are fighting the demons.

Eight people work together, they should be able to come out, the magic dye just broke out, there is only quantity, no quality, and the number one position in the standings may change hands soon.

Chen Xinghe thought it right, Haoran Zhenglan climbed to the top in just fifty breaths, and once he rode Juechen, the rate of points increase became more and more frightening.

The great war is coming, all demons and ghosts will become bloodthirsty and aggressive under the erosion of magic dye, and will never die.

Another quarter of an hour passed, the surroundings turned crimson, and pairs of blood-red eyes appeared in the darkness.

"So fast?" Chen Xinghe was a little surprised, he only recovered a small half of his mana here, and he didn't expect that Mo Ran had already driven the monster to kill him.

"Boom..." Lei Yin said loudly, Thunder Dragon is not a vegetarian, at least he has a mid-stage cultivation, but the snow-white lightning just brushed away a layer of monsters, and then rushed up another layer, so much that it makes people feel dizzy. numb.

It's nothing more than a large number, the key is that these monsters have become extremely difficult to kill, and after killing them, they will only encourage their arrogance to swallow each other.

These monsters were not wasted at all, they grabbed and devoured the corpses when they saw them, and then their bodies shook violently, becoming more ferocious and weird.

After devouring, scales appeared on the monster's body, or eyeballs appeared on its ribs and armpits. It felt that they were using the useful parts of the corpse that had not been damaged to integrate them together so that they could become stronger in a very short time.

It's not just as simple as a hodgepodge, these monsters ooze corpse-smelling pus wherever they go, and digest those imperfect organs at any time. It doesn't look bulky.

This kind of rapid promotion is terrifying, and it is even more terrifying not to look bloated, because these monsters are getting faster and faster, which is very suitable for fighting and fighting.

"Boom..." Thunder Dragon showed his power, trying to clean up the area.

If the magic dye was so easy to clean up, it wouldn't leave a heavy mark in the classics in the form of top-level magic trouble.

It can't be cleaned up at all. The key is that as a mount, he needs to protect the master to restore his strength, so he can't act arbitrarily right now.

"Hahaha, I'm coming!" I saw a woman sitting on the huge coffin and killed her.

The whole body of this coffin was full of magic light, and it slashed a bloody path to the front.

"And me!" The person who came was Han Zhongshu, the master of the Qingtianzong War Hall, and the woman who drove the coffin to kill was Li Kuixing who had gone through the trial of the underworld together.

There are people behind, all disciples of Qingtian Sect.

Chen Xinghe greeted and said: "You fellow Taoists have worked hard, and it will take half an hour to recover your cultivation, so I can't stand up and fight with everyone for the time being, and I hope Haihan."

"Why are you being so polite? Don't worry! We are fully prepared, and nothing will happen for the time being. You are running outside all day long, and the Zongmen has no chance to tell you the inside story." No changes in infancy.

"Inside story?" Chen Xinghe was taken aback.

"Yes! Some things can only be told to my core disciples, and it is inconvenient to spread them outside!"

Han Zhongshu said bluntly: "The sect did this out of helplessness. The reason why my Qingtian sect went downhill is directly related to this place. Under the nine-story plain is the Wanmo sect. From ancient times to the present, no one knows the details. Every time a disciple of the Demon Sect is born, there will be a bloody storm, and I, the monk of the Qingtian Sect, will be the target of killing! Once in a thousand years, the reincarnation of a thousand years has never stopped."

"Myriad Demon Sect? There is actually a Demon Dao Sect hidden underground?" Chen Xinghe heard such secrets for the first time. No wonder he discovered through observation that the magic dye is deeply rooted here, and it is by no means the first time it has occurred.

"No one knows exactly what the Wanmo Sect is like. The Underworld Trial was first initiated by me, the Qingtian Sect, in order to train a group of monks to fight against the descendants of the Wanmo Sect! No more than five people knew about it before. Because the Qingtian Sect is threatened by a demon sect all the time, it is neither good nor good to hear the news. However, the invasion of the demon world has caused the sect to lose too much blood, and it is already unable to suppress this demon stain."

Han Zhongshu sighed: "It's not just that, because the aura of the demon world is gradually penetrating the Chihuangtian, so that this time the demon dyeing must be stronger than before, and this place is a space node, and the demonic aura will attract a large number of monsters to come across the sky. , so the power of the magic dye is not as simple as increasing several times, it may increase dozens or even hundreds of times, and in desperation, we have to resort to damage."

"It's bad enough." Chen Xinghe smiled wryly, for so many monks to jump in together without knowing what's going on, it's fucking bad.

"Hahaha, what's the point? I am superior in the Qingtian sect, and the monks in the world are idle, so why not help out?"

Li Kuixing's mind has always been clear, is that a matter of effort?That is fatal!

I don't know how many lives have to be filled in it to end this magic dyeing.

And there are also disciples of the Wanmo Sect. There was really no news before, which proved that the Qingtian Sect was very strict about this matter.

Han Zhongshu continued: "The situation is like this. There are a total of 720 disciples of my sect here, who have already prepared before coming in. There are also more than [-] teams with a total number of [-] people. A person in the stage of transformation like me Lead by the monks, prepare to face the Ten Thousand Demon Sect."

Chen Xinghe nodded and said: "Okay, let's not talk about personal standpoints, the sect's layout is really clever this time, although the reputation of the sect has been bad afterward, but the sect has been disbanded, it's no wonder that the Qingtian sect is on the head. I also want to see what it means The Wan Mo Sect has dragged the Qingtian Sect down to this point."

"And don't be careless, this is the combat experience of the past dynasties." Han Zhongshu hurriedly handed out three jade slips.

Chen Xinghe controlled Yuanshen to sweep lightly, and the huge amount of text in the jade slips had been moved to his mind, and turned into multiple pictures under the influence of the meditation spell.

"Hiss..." After only a moment of deduction, he gasped and said, "Everyone protects me, I need to put all my body and mind into it."

"Obey!" Han Zhongshu took the order, the position of the emperor was far above him, the position of the emperor was determined early, and he dared not slack off.

Chen Xinghe closed his eyes to speed up his recovery, and at the same time separated most of his souls to deduce the massive text recorded in the three jade slips.

Before, he thought that the Ten Thousand Demon Sect was something like the Demon Sect, a pawn who belonged to the demon world invading the Chihuangtian, but after experiencing the experience of his predecessors in exchange for a lot of lives, he was shocked to find that it was not the case at all.

The Wan Mo Sect is indeed a demonic sect, but this mysterious sect pays attention to controlling demons, regards all kinds of monsters and ghosts as raw materials, and regards void demons as materials, just like many sects collect spirit beasts and monsters to collect the most powerful void. Demons, and then concoct them with methods that even demons fear, to control the world of demons.

(End of this chapter)

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