Chapter 1107
An hour later, Chen Xinghe slowly opened his eyes.

He has adjusted himself to the best condition, and has completely digested all the records of Yujian.

Know yourself and know your enemy, you will win every battle, you don't even know who the enemy is, what means the enemy has, how much will you suffer when you fight?
Now his understanding of Wan Mo Sect is no worse than those seniors who have experienced Mo Ran.

After reading these texts, I realized that the rumored demonic sects or demonic monks were all poor worms who were enslaved by demons.

The Wanmo sect is different, its primary purpose is to inspire and become the master of demons.

Whether it is the devil, the void demon, or even the demon, they are all regarded as the source of power.

I feel that this kind of purpose is a bit close to the way of the real demon, but the real demon is also the object of control of the disciples of the Wanmo sect.

For the monks of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, capturing real demons is a compulsory course, and even comparing them with capturing real demons is serious.

How can this kind of sect not be heard of in the world?

As a matter of fact, the disciples of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect were behind several serious demonic disasters in history, but it is an indisputable fact that there are few disciples of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect.

According to the records in the jade slips, there were only 13 people in the class with the most disciples of the Wan Mo Sect, but all of them were terrifying.

If they hadn't fought on their own, never teamed up, or even turned against each other, Qing Tianzong would have no way to stop the evil they caused.

Once the magic dye leaves the nine underground plains, people will inevitably be devastated, causing an effect like a plague in the world.

This has happened before in history, and twice.

The first time I was lucky, I happened to meet a great figure from the Qingtian Sect who rose up, sacrificed many monks vigorously, forcibly suppressed the evil and succeeded, and made the sect very prosperous for a while.

However, the second time was not so lucky, and the Qingtian Sect has plummeted since then, and it was no longer as prosperous as before, until the demon world invaded.

Every Wanmo sect disciple is at the peak of the same level, enough to be honored by the same level.

As for why the monks at the Qingtianzong's fusion stage and even higher levels didn't make moves, it was because they were held down every time.

If the Wan Mo Sect did not have the same number of monks, how could it possibly survive to this day?

Years passed, and the demon cubs of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect were about to come out to practice again. The demon world invaded at this time. It can be said to be worse. There is no worse situation than this.

In desperation, Qingtian Sect had no choice but to disband, and set up a scheme to lure a large number of monks, hoping to limit the raging demons.

At this moment, Chen Xinghe has recovered.

He stood up long and released countless strands of sword light while waving his hands. The monsters that were launching a fierce attack suddenly rolled forward, collapsed to the ground without even struggling, and stopped moving.

After only one round of sword silk, Chen Xinghe returned to the top ten on the leaderboard, which shows how many monsters he killed just now.

"Amazing, Xinghe! You've really grown up now." Li Kuixing made no secret of his envy.

"I want to call you uncle, hahaha." Chen Xinghe laughed, teasing this silly elder sister.

"When I get the treasure of Huantian Pavilion and reach the sky in one step, let's see who is called the uncle." Li Kuixing never admits defeat, and has never been a good opponent.

"Be careful!" Han Zhongshu hurriedly made preparations.

I saw a group of figures rolling forward pushing a group of figures. There were so many monsters that it could be described as a tsunami. One could imagine how terrifying the scene was.

It takes a lot of courage just to face such a sight.

There's no point running away, as the monsters will soon advance to your hiding place.

In this situation, it is better to stay where you are and fight to the death to get more points, so that before the disciples of the Wanmo Sect appear, you can exchange some more life-saving things with the Huantian Pavilion.

Chen Xinghe slammed into it, and there was no life in the place he went, gradually forming a mountain of corpses, like a huge reef blocking the oncoming monster tsunami.

But this mountain of corpses won't last long, and will soon be eaten by monsters, so we need to find another way to resist the tide.

"Look! Haoran Zhenglan's name has turned red, and the word "bewitched" is written on the back of the points." Someone observed the list and exclaimed.

"Obsessed? He has a sword heart, why did he become enchanted?" Chen Xinghe couldn't believe it.

Han Zhongshu frowned and said, "Moran doesn't have such great power. After all, it just happened not long ago. It's already very impressive to be able to cause such a mountain roar and tsunami. Unless..."

"The disciples of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect appear now?"

While everyone was vigilant, they heard the monks from the same team screaming: "The other seven sword cultivators have also become demons. Why? They are well-known in the fifth sword gate, and they are all cultivators at the stage of transforming gods. Why did the whole army Annihilated, and collectively possessed by demons?"

Li Kuixing suddenly pointed to the opposite side and said, "Is that the answer?"

"Hiss..." The people present could not help but gasp.

I saw a huge meat ball rolling forward.

So many monsters are streamlining themselves, only this meat ball is bloated.

Haoran Zhenglan and the others were all inside the meat ball, frantically releasing sword energy to kill the monster, and then opened thousands of mouths on the meat ball, swallowing it while rolling.

In fact, this meat ball is also simplifying itself, but it cannot keep up with the devouring speed, and its demonic power is indescribably strong.

The key is that these monks were fine an hour and a half ago, even if Haoran Zhenglan was a little crazy, he would not be possessed, and being able to make a name for himself in the fifth sword gate is by no means a vain name.

However, Haoran Zhenglan's obsession has become a fact, there is only one possibility, and that is the super strong external force caused him to become obsessed.

Presumably these external forces have come nearby, and they are looking at Chen Xinghe and others in the dark, wanting to catch new prey for physical and mental pleasure.

"Can you force Haoran Zhenglan into a demon in such a short period of time?" Chen Xinghe suddenly slapped the human race bag and released Suzaku's quadruplet brother Baihu.

"Old Bai, hurry up and help deduce where the enemy is." Chen Xinghe had been with Baihu for a long time, and originally wanted to put him at home to help repair the ship, but he relented before leaving.

This guy has a criminal record and worked for an assassin organization. In addition, his background is too mysterious. There must be a big shot behind him, so he should be with him for safety.

In the past few years, Baihu has devoted himself to studying spells and gained a lot.

When he saw the surrounding situation clearly, he forced himself to calm down and said: "I can be sure that there are three enemies, all of whom are lucky! It is because of their luck that I can make this assertion, but it is also because of their luck." It’s monstrous, and it’s impossible to calculate the exact position.”

"Three great enemies?" Chen Xinghe said solemnly, "It seems that we are surrounded."

"That's right, I'm surrounded, I can only defend to the death, there's no hope of breaking through." Baihu knew that the danger was extremely dangerous at a glance, but his luck might not be easy in front of Chen Xinghe's black hole of luck.

"Then hit it steadily, nail it here like a nail." Chen Xinghe released the anti-dao Huabiao, and plunged into the ground with a bang, and all kinds of spells spread out immediately, doing a carpet-like cleanup within five miles.

(End of this chapter)

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