Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1108 Magic Lane

Chapter 1108 Magic Lane
The white tiger was taken away by Chen Xinghe, let's continue to be a mascot!
The three great enemies have arrived, coming so fast, collisions are inevitable.

"Roar..." Haoran Zhenglan opened his mouth and let out a roar, all kinds of devilish energy turned into sword energy and confronted Nidao Huabiao tit for tat.

Chen Xinghe glanced around, but still did not find any trace of the enemy, he and the others guarded at the foot of the stone pillar, not planning to take the initiative to attack, just guarding.

"Be careful, this big guy is coming." Han Zhongshu was ready to fight.

Li Kuixing chuckled and said, "It's so exciting, do you think it's possible for the enemy to hide in this big meat ball?"

Chen Xinghe affirmed: "There is such a possibility, everyone must be cautious, no matter what kind of situation you encounter, you can't leave the Rebel Biao for two hundred feet, this is the boundary between life and death that I can stick to."

"Yes!" Everyone felt at ease. You must know that the spiritual leader in front of you is now a disciple of the Qingtian Sect. However, the combat power is really strong, so strong that it is beyond recognition, which shows that the Zun Zun has returned to the basics to the extreme.

In Qingtianzong, the young emperor ascended to the stage of transforming gods, that is, he has the essence of becoming the next suzerain, and the title changes accordingly, because the sect will bestow the throne, so it is called the throne.

The sects are all gone, so there is no need to think about the configuration, Chen Xinghe has already passed the stage of rigidity, his strength is inside but not outside.

First of all, its primordial spirit is super strong, and the speed of the sword is stronger. The 27 flying swords have wiped out their traces, and they are too fast to see them. They often look at where they will be hit hard.

At the same time, the body training is also very strong, with a ferocious animal body, unicorn armor, and golden bones, and the ability to resist blows is first-class and stronger.

There are also those treasures on the body, such as the canopy of the Buddhist gate, the blood-infected Mahayana sword, the seal of enlightenment, and the three-tone of the clock of the ten thousand worlds.
Then there is the combination of magic skills, which includes the supreme Zen skills that push the meditation mantra to the peak, and the outside has the Qingtian Sword Domain and the Nine Tribulations of the Underworld.

No one can match this kind of background, not to mention the big evil star on his right hand, who can trigger the world-shaking catastrophe at any moment, but Chen Xinghe is worried that he can't bear it, so he dare not try it lightly.

I don't know if the disciples of the Wanmo sect were lucky or unlucky to meet him. Only after fighting for a round will they know who is more skilled, and the other party will definitely become an important promotion ladder leading to a higher level.

Don't look at Haoran Zhenglan's swordsmanship is good, but Chen Xinghe is not placed in the same ranks of opponents, so he only competes with swordsmanship, and has never even thought about using other methods.

Speaking of equal opponents, there are really few equal opponents. Apart from the blood Shura who appeared in groups, there is only Yue Zenghui, the foreign golden-billed penguin he met when collecting the sunken ship. qualifications.

Despite Chen Xinghe's approachability, he actually has absolute arrogance in his heart, and it is hard to find a monk of the same rank who can command his respect.

So when others were full of fear, he was rather looking forward and excited, wanting to see how strong the disciples of the Wan Mo Sect were.

No matter how detailed those previous descriptions were, they were not as clear as the actual battle.

Chen Xinghe has a very good habit, that is, he never thinks that he is the strongest, he always feels that the world is big, and there must be someone who is driven by unique opportunities to go further.

So absolute arrogance is a recognition of the limit, but he doesn't take himself seriously, and always walks on the road of promotion in a down-to-earth manner, and has already reached the pinnacle.

At this moment, the big fleshy ball arrived with the glow of various spells.

Han Zhongshu shook his hand and released the measuring ruler.

This is his weapon, and it is also the most orthodox original magic weapon of the Qingtian Sect. If you want to fall to the sky, you must first measure the sky, and it represents the ancient path of cultivation.

Chen Xinghe glanced at the measuring ruler and figured out some taste.

He is now cultivating more and more, and his thoughts are no longer what they used to be. From the measuring scale, he can see the essence of the great way of seeking space.

Looking back at the Qingtian Sword Domain, I immediately know that this is the avenue of space instead of the avenue of time. It seems that the senior masters of the Qingtian Sect have great ambitions and want to practice both time and space.

Chen Xinghe suddenly felt that he had vaguely grasped a great general direction, which might allow Qingtian Sword Domain to make great strides forward.

This kind of enlightenment is completed in an instant, which is no worse than a long-term epiphany. It can be seen that everyone's "Zuo Zun" is not for nothing.

The meat ball came closer and let out a terrifying cry.

Eight enchanted cultivators at the transformation stage and a large number of monsters were crying loudly. Whoever has seen such a strange scene feels extremely nervous.

Immediately afterwards, the eight blood basins spewed out sword roars, and dense sword energy attacked against the Huabiao, trying to wipe away this awkward stone pillar in an instant.

Han Zhongshu led all his disciples to fight back, Chen Xinghe didn't make a move, but focused his eyes closely to observe Haoran Zhenglan's obsession.

Unexpectedly, at this hour, Haoran Zhenglan has already been deeply possessed by a demon, maybe he has a demon in his heart long ago, otherwise he would not have fallen into this situation.

The other sword cultivators still wanted to save Haoran Zhenglan even though they were possessed by demons. This kind of loyalty is worthy of recognition, but it is sad to be a nanny to do this.

Haoran Zhenglan's inner demons may have come from this kind of care, and they have never really experienced wind and rain, and no matter how colorful they are, they are also greenhouse flowers.

Chen Xinghe couldn't help sighing, he waved his hands and released all kinds of sword lights, and said loudly: "Hao Ran Zheng Lan, let me help you once, if you don't wake up, you will die! Other than these seven guys, no one else will care about your life."

The Sword of Extreme Speed ​​appeared, unlike before, the sword light disappeared in an instant, hiding the killing intent, extremely fierce.

The meat ball trembled violently, and the sword qi spewed out of the bloody mouth disappeared in the blink of an eye. Thousands of sword marks appeared on the meat ball, and pus leaked out wildly.

It really stinks, but fortunately, Nidao Huabiao sent the magic glow over in time and quickly cleaned the ground.

The meat ball didn't have any strength to fight back, and it was continuously disintegrated by the beheading, but Chen Xinghe held back for the time being, and hadn't beheaded Haoran Zhenglan yet, to see if he could get rid of the demon.

If there is no hope within [-] breaths, don't expect a Huangquan monk who has climbed a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood to forgive him, death is the destination.


Haoran Zhenglan seemed to be muttering.

At this time, twenty breaths have passed.

Chen Xinghe gradually intensified his killing power, his sword came out of the dark, the murderous intent was slim, and it was absolutely impossible.

"Ahhhhh..." Rouqiu let out a series of roars, and immediately after that, a dense wave of magic rose up from the ground. Instead of getting rid of the magic, Haoran Zhenglan fell into a deeper level of magic.

"Okay, this is your choice." Chen Xinghe's expression darkened, and he suddenly heard a loud laugh.

"Hahaha, Chen Xinghe, thank you for your kindness just now, allowing me to complete the final transformation. Why do you think I, Haoran Zhenglan, appeared here? What kind of existence do you think of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect? And why am I so easily possessed? Falling into a demon so easily?"

"Let's get to know each other again. I'm the No. 20 third-generation disciple of the Lower Ten Thousand Demon Sect. My brothers and sisters call me Mo Lan."

Chen Xinghe couldn't believe it: "You are actually a disciple of the Myriad Demon Sect? What a Myriad Demon Sect, it is truly unpredictable, but are you here to become the first fallen disciple of the Myriad Demon Sect?"

(End of this chapter)

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