Chapter 1110
"Sick!" Chen Xinghe pointed at Mo Lan with his sword.

This Ten Thousand Demon Sect disciple was very depressed.

He just split his body, left the dross and magic fire in the original body, tried to seal Feijian and refine Feijian in this way, but he didn't expect that Chen Xinghe had come close.

The damn flying sword instantly penetrated from the split body into the real body, raging again.

"Don't be arrogant!" Mo Lan was furious. He tried his best to fight Chen Xinghe in order to measure the opponent's strength, so as to know himself and the enemy, so that when he was born as a disciple of the Wanmo Sect, he would be able to overwhelm the world and decide the battle.

It's just that now, it seems that he is a bit trapped, Chen Xinghe's swordsmanship seems to be enlightened, and he is out of control.

"Combined!" The two demon bodies merged into one, and Mo Lan roared: "All the heavens and the earth return."

The magic flame flickered suddenly, forming a dazzling halo around him.

Afterwards, half of Mo Lan's body exploded, and the connection between Chen Xinghe and Fei Jian was suddenly broken.

A bald figure stood up on the spot, looking a little thin, covered with purple magic spots all over his body, he suddenly grinned and said: "I want to thank you for letting me give up so much. That's good, I become more pure gone."

Chen Xinghe raised his hand and grabbed it lightly, the sword energy scattered at the explosion site quickly gathered, and turned into 27 flying swords again, their shape and spirit were obviously weaker by more than one level, indicating that the consumption was huge.

Suddenly, a large amount of spiritual energy rushed in, Feijian recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and when he merged again, he could no longer see weakness.

"Hiss..." Mo Lan took a step back and tentatively asked, "Dragon veins?"

"You have good eyesight." Chen Xinghe looked back, and a fierce battle started at Nidao Huabiao. Is it another disciple of Wanmo Sect?The offensive is fierce.

"Ahem, you actually got a dragon vein. It is said that everyone identified by the dragon vein is a child of luck. As long as I kill you, I, Molan, will surely ascend to the sky in one step."

"Quick!" The flying sword penetrated into Mo Lan's body again, but Chen Xinghe's face changed abruptly, and he quickly grabbed it.

"Don't even think about it!" Mo Lan roared, her whole body became extremely weird, and she muttered in her mouth like a demon: "Nothing is empty, nothing is empty!"

The connection between Chen Xinghe and Feijian was broken instantly, and he said solemnly: "You really gave up a lot, and you managed to cultivate a Void Demon Physique in such a short period of time based on the supernatural magic of ten thousand transformations, you are really a formidable opponent. "

"It seems that the Qingtian Sect has not been useless these years. It is quite detailed in the information collection, so that you can understand our Wanmo Sect."

"Hahaha, you want to kill me? You're almost ready." Mo Lan soared into the sky, and the magic cloud under her feet turned into a flying sword.

He not only blocked Chen Xinghe's flying sword, but also forcibly drove it with huge magic power. The flying sword had already denied its owner and did not respond.

Chen Xinghe felt that it was extremely difficult, this Mo Lan was also a good hand, no matter how unfavorable the situation was, he could find ways to turn it around.

The two tend to be the same in essence, and somewhat similar.

"Dang, clang, clang..." After a round of frenzied killing, there were corpses of monsters all over the place, and the ground was covered with criss-crossing sword marks.

Mo Lan looked at the 27 flying swords scattered around Chen Xinghe, couldn't help gnashing her teeth, thinking how many ingots did this bastard seal up in the dragon veins?The aura is endless, and the speed of mana recovery is also extremely terrifying.With such reliance, Chen Xinghe seemed to be invincible, the reputation of the dragon veins was well-deserved, but it made him uncomfortable to put this well-deserved reputation on the enemy.

"Come again!" The magic haze erupted again, and the murderous intent of the evil way continued to rise, and layers of nothingness and sword energy surrounded Chen Xinghe.

The two are also very similar in the realm of swordsmanship, a sword of Xiu Jikong, attacking from the outside, revealing murderous intent in the dark, once the sword is released, thousands of swords will come together.

A speed-cultivating sword penetrated into the enemy's body to launch an attack, ignoring the defense by evasiveness, if Mo Lan hadn't made a major choice to go to the Void Demon Body, even a hundred lives would not be enough to kill Chen Xinghe.

One demon and one, one outside and one inside, one space and one moment, completely opposite, yet quite similar in nature.

After colliding again, the two retreated sharply in the air, looking at each other six to seven hundred meters away, both thinking about whether to use the bottom of the box next.

Chen Xinghe is going to use the Wanjie clock, if the bell ringing can exchange the opponent's life, it will be worth it!

Mo Lan is going to use the spiritual treasure of the Haoran family, at the cost of burning all the auras, to strengthen the sword of nothingness and silence by 36 times.

Who would have thought that at this moment, a huge magic hand suddenly appeared, grabbing Chen Xinghe and smashing it into the ground with a bang.

"Who?" Mo Lan was furious, unexpectedly a colleague came to pick peaches, how unreasonable!At the same time very vigilant.

The other party was able to come to the vicinity quietly and avoid Chen Xinghe's Yuanshen induction attack, and he was definitely not an unknown person in the Wanmo Sect.

"Brother! Give this prey to me, brother, and you go and kill other Qingtian sect monks!"

"You?" Mo Lan was about to get angry, but all of a sudden, she stopped and ran away in a hurry, unwilling to stay for a while like hiding from the plague.

He wanted to kill Chen Xinghe to prove the Tao, but he couldn't attack for a long time and attracted the attention of powerful people.

Due to the proximity of the Demon Realm to the Scarlet Emperor Heaven, the number of disciples of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect has increased sharply this year. He Mo Lan thinks he is not bad, at least he can be ranked in the top ten among so many demon cultivators, but he is still not as good as the previous ones. It's far away!Feeling hopeless in catching up.

Such as nothingness and nothingness, this is something left over from other people's long-term play. I don't know what level it has reached now.

There is an iron rule in the Wanmo Sect, that is, when you see the most fierce people, you must avoid them and walk away. If you hesitate a little, you don't have to leave, and you will definitely die.

So he didn't even look back, he lost interest in Chen Xinghe, knowing that he would never have another chance to take his life.

"Boom..." The sword shadow turned around and smashed out of the ground.

Chen Xinghe stood in the air panting, just now, he fell into the hands of the devil and went through the three thousand demon realms, all kinds of demons confused his mind and soul.

If it weren't for the extremely fast killing sword, it would have been completely blocked by the Three Thousand Demon Realm.

According to the Qingtian Sect's historical records, the Demon Realm in the Hand only appeared once in the Wanmo Sect.

Back then, the monks of the Qingtian Sect who had escaped from the Three Thousand Devil Realm by chance only had time to leave behind a wisp of remnant and turned into ashes, so that the sect would not be ignorant of such methods.

Thanks to the blessings of his predecessors, Chen Xinghe knew it was not good the moment he fell into the clutches of the enemy. If he could not break through in time, the difficulty of breaking through would increase tenfold and a hundredfold after the Three Thousand Demon Realm stabilized according to the evolution of the enemy.

So he went all out to draw the sword, but fortunately he was fast, otherwise he would be sealed inside.

"Huh? What a good prey. You are the strongest monk of Qingtian Sect's generation, right? Unfortunately, you have encountered the unprecedented heyday of this sect. Let me introduce myself, I am Mo Baobao of Wanmo Sect."

"Here comes a more powerful one." Chen Xinghe took a deep breath, knowing that he couldn't hold back this time.

(End of this chapter)

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