Chapter 1111
The shadow of the sword penetrated into the body of the person who came, and Chen Xinghe immediately knew that the other person was not his real body. As for where the real body was hidden, he didn't know anything.

"Boom..." The devil's hand was pulled out again, as if holding the three thousand worlds, endless magic fire descended between flipping hands.

This kind of magic fire is mighty and endless, and when it falls to the ground, it immediately ignites the corpse of the monster, turning from deep red to deep purple, just like the magic flame used by Mo Lan.

However, this is just the beginning, one magic flame sticks to the other, and the color becomes much darker.

Afterwards, the black magic flames superimposed on each other, and in an instant, four merged into two, and two merged into one.

After these magic flames kept converging, they were dark enough to absorb all the light, and suddenly moved towards Chen Xinghe's eyebrows.

"Peng..." The pitch-black magic flame pierced through the phantom of the Tianmen Gate, Chen Xinghe was more careful, and used the Enlightenment Seal in time, but he did not expect the magic flame to be so powerful.

The phantom of Tianmen couldn't stop the demonic flame, and when he realized it, there was a fist hole in the door, and the demonic flame was printed directly between the eyebrows.

"Boom..." A bell rang to set the universe, and the sound transmission of the Wanjie clock came here.

Mo Yan reluctantly slowed down, Chen Xinghe looked at it in shock, not understanding what the hell it was, it was so powerful.

He didn't have time to think about it, and hurriedly controlled the star power of the giant gate to open the deep hole, carefully moved towards the magic flame, and let it fall into the Styx River and perish on its own.

"Boom..." The magic flame caused a terrible shock when it penetrated into the entrance of the Styx River. If the Wanjie Clock was not exerting its power, there would be no way to send it away.

Sweeping with a sword, erasing the enemy's substitute under the pressure of the Wanjie Clock.

Chen Xinghe felt his heart ache, if it wasn't for the warning signs in his heart that were so intense, he would not have easily used up the precious bell.

Three bells are like three lives, which can be used to deal with people in the fusion period, but I always feel that it is a big loss to use it on monks of the same level.

And I don't know where the magic treasure is, so I can't make a move while the bell is ringing, which is even worse.

It is really rare to make Chen Xinghe feel heartbroken. Today, the Wanmo sect's Mo Baobao did it, which shows that the means are extraordinary.

"Star power teleportation? It turns out that your flying sword is powered by star power. There is also the bell of the ten thousand world clock. I don't know how many times you can borrow it."

Mo Baobao's voice became more and more excited: "This is interesting. According to those classics, the monks of the Qingtian Sect are all weak and weeds, and there is no experience for us."

"Hmph, you are very cunning. You have made the monk Qingtianzong useless, but you are hiding in the dark to avoid being attacked! I will not fight with those who hide their heads and hide their tails, because there is no sense of experience. When you are willing to stand up, we will Let's talk about superiority." Chen Xinghe felt that standing here and waiting for the enemy to attack is too stupid, he must turn passive into active, the most effective way is to shift the position and draw the enemy.

The voice stayed where it was, but the figure was no longer there.

"Want to run?" The magic hand suddenly chased after him, but it was difficult to perform the same trick twice in front of Chen Xinghe.

Just one word, fast enough and it's over.It wasn't Bai Rong who integrated into Dijiang's witch power before, he has been developing on the road of extreme speed.

Among the monks of the same level, there is no one who can surpass him in speed.

With a flickering figure, Chen Xinghe passed through the giant demon's hand, and then passed through a layer of inconspicuous darkness, slashing away the entangled magic thread with a wave of his hand, these methods can only catch the afterimage.

"Boom..." A golem appeared and chased after Chen Xinghe.

This golem is indeed powerful, but unfortunately, the speed is a little behind, so I can only watch the other party move away, leaving a sneer on the spot.

"In 500 years, no one has ever ignored me, Mo Baobao. Chen Xinghe, I will kill you." The ground shook, and a furry magic hand appeared, holding a huge dead horse in its palm. Move in the direction of the battlefield.

Chen Xinghe returned to Nidao Huabiao's feet, glanced around, and immediately knew that the two monks on his side had died.

Monsters emerge in endlessly, and it is better to have the Rebellious Biao standing here. Once such a strong protection is lost, more people will die.

"How is it? Are you okay there?" Li Kuixing took the time to ask.

"The powerful enemy of the Wanmo Sect is coming, and I want to cast spells here to face it. To be cautious, I will send you out of this place with the Rebellious Biao."

"Don't look down on people, my coffin contains many poisonous insects, if it can only be used once, it would have been released to solve the evil problem."

"Madran will turn these bugs into demons. Even if these bugs die, they will become monster rations. Are you sure this is a help, not a trouble for yourself?"

"This?" Li Kuixing's eyes widened, and he realized that he was too busy suppressing and collecting poisonous insects, forgetting the terrifying nature of the magic dye.

"He's here, set foot on the Nei Dao Hua Biao and hurry away." As he spoke, the Nei Dao Hua Biao made a loud rumbling sound, and Chen Xinghe raised his hand to send him off with star power positioning. This place will become extremely dangerous, and he may trigger a catastrophe to help the battle. , Naturally, you can't let your own monks stay nearby.

"Boom..." The stone pillar flew up, and the cultivator of Qingtianzong hurriedly stood up, and under the full force of the burst of magical light, he swung away waves of monsters that rushed towards him, and fled away.

Suddenly, a figure flew up to chase Ni Dao Huabiao.

"Come down for me." Chen Xinghe punched out without using the flying sword.

The fist pierced into the black hole and appeared six or seven hundred feet away, smashing the figure down from the air.

However, the figure was torn apart, not the real body, but a human-shaped stake covered with red fascia.

The disciples of Wanmo Sect are difficult to deal with and difficult to kill. Chen Xinghe didn't worry about it, as long as the opponent doesn't catch up to Nidao Huabiao, it will be fine.

The furry demonic hand fell slowly, and the dead horse in the center was exaggerating the indescribable magical artistic conception.

Chen Xinghe knew that there were at least two Wanmo sect disciples in this area, and now he could have a lively scene.

"Right hand, with so many monsters and a few powerful enemies, I think the conditions are met to trigger the Heavenly Tribulation! Shout out! There are so many monsters behind, it's worth it." Chen Xinghe made up his mind to trigger the Heavenly Tribulation at this moment.

In order to reduce the risk, he allowed groups of monsters to cover him, and let go of the real demon curse suppressed by the primordial spirit, attracting more monsters to follow.

The right hand emits a faint white light, and slightly releases its own energy.

Chen Xinghe was startled when he felt it a little bit, and hurriedly made all kinds of preparations for the catastrophe.

Suddenly, the right hand very rarely conveys ideas.

"Be careful, this catastrophe is the catastrophe of Yuan Xuxuan Yinghua's five thunder gods, and monks in the middle stage of fusion may not be able to hold on." After the reminder, there was no more sound.

"Hiss..." Chen Xinghe knew it was going to be bad, he now hoped that the monks of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect would be strong enough to be able to reach the fusion period.

"Kacha, Kacha, Kacha..." No Jieyun was seen in the sky, but the five-color divine thunder bombarded down. Fortunately, Chen Xinghe had been preparing for the robbery, so many monsters had already buried him below, which served as a buffer effect.

Qingtian Sword Field and Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue were launched, and within a radius of thirty miles, they died instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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