Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1112 5 Fangs and 5 Emperors Open the Tribulation of the Gods

Chapter 1112

Time was too tight, and Chen Xinghe didn't have time to ask Yuan Xuxuan what was unique about the five thunder gods and why they were called this name.

However, he knew that during the outbreak of the catastrophe, the right hand would stick to its origin, and it was unlikely to reveal its meaning.

It was extremely difficult to withstand the first impact of the catastrophe. If it weren't for the accumulation of massive monsters here, which greatly shared the danger, it would have been severely injured.

With the cooperation of Qingtian Sword Field and Nine Tribulations of Yellow Springs, with the help of Heavenly Tribulation, all the monsters within [-] miles were wiped out with one sword, not to mention making them disappear, and all obstacles on the ground were wiped out.

Looking around, the surroundings are flat and bare, and no matter how good the hiding skills are, they can't hide themselves.

In addition to the huge magic hand that was half charred in the air, there was another figure in this range.

I saw that this person was covered with a layer of blood-colored fascia. He was hiding in the monster's body and waited for an opportunity to move. Who would have thought that Chen Xinghe would suddenly attract such a terrifying catastrophe to cheer him up.

Suddenly, five clusters of aura appeared in the air, so frightened that Chen Xinghe quickly looked away, took out three defensive magic weapons, and forcibly blocked them on his head.

These magic weapons are all trophies, and the spirits don't cooperate, but they don't need their cooperation.

"Om..." Five directions and five thunders appeared.

Chen Xinghe understood why Yuan Xuxuan should be called to open up the five thunder gods. This is the five-element thunder that opened up the sky and the earth. It will cause double damage to the body and the soul. Killing the Nascent Soul will not stop, but will also perceive the soul to kill it, and will not even give you the chance to reincarnate, it is extremely vicious.

"Boom..." The three magic weapons immediately shattered into slag. No matter how rare and precious they are, they can only be reduced to cannon fodder now.

After being slightly buffered by the three magic weapons, Qingtian Jianyu was able to receive the tribulation force and slashed towards the surroundings.

"Boom..." With a sweep of the sword, it was razed to the ground within fifty miles.

The disappearance of those monsters could not effectively reduce the power of the Heavenly Tribulation. To eliminate the disaster, one had to get close to the two disciples of the Myriad Demon Sect.

The huge magic hand slammed and slammed, and Mo Baobao let out a roar, causing the electric light to explode into a ball and disperse.

As expected of the powerhouse of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, he forcibly withstood the terrifying tribulation force without suffering any damage.

Another disciple of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect couldn't do it. He used two magic weapons to resist, and the two magic weapons collapsed at the same time. The red skin on his body burned fiercely.

Chen Xinghe saw that the other party had given up his skin and was changing places.

It doesn't matter, this catastrophe is very special, it seems that it gathered outside many spaces a long time ago, and now it has finally locked its position and can be vented, its power has accumulated to be unimaginable.

After only enduring the Heavenly Tribulation Divine Thunder twice, the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue has absorbed enough tribulation power.

These tribulation powers can be described as the best protection, in the following fights, they can not only play a defensive role, but also absorb more tribulation powers.

If there is no such advantage, how can it be possible to control the catastrophe?The reason why the Nine Tribulations of Yellow Springs Jue became a forbidden law naturally has its defying nature.

Of course, if there is no effective target nearby to consume Jieli, then Jieli will backfire. It’s okay to swallow the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue, but if you can’t swallow it, you will die to cross Jieli. There is no second way to go.

Naturally, Chen Xinghe would not seek abuse, only the great enemy would find a way to trigger Heavenly Tribulation.

This catastrophe came too fast, and the disciples of the Wanmo Sect had just shriveled up, and the Qingtian Sword Domain launched the third blow.

After the previous two times of accumulating power, the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue already has the capital to resist the catastrophe, and its ability to control the power of the catastrophe is getting stronger and stronger.

"Boom boom boom..." The field was cleared within a hundred miles.

You must know that this is a strange catastrophe that even monks in the middle stage of integration may not be able to withstand. It is normal to have this kind of catharsis.

To Chen Xinghe's surprise, all four disciples of the Wanmo Sect were within this range.

In addition to the two people in front of them, there is Mo Lan and another person.

No matter how well they hid before, after the World Shaking Thunder swept over, they could no longer hide.

"Okay!" Chen Xinghe roared, all the acupuncture points on his body sparkled, and each acupuncture point projected a flying sword light and shadow to the outside world.

In an instant, the Qingtian Sword Domain spun extremely fast, expanding with these sword shadows.

In the second instant, the five-color divine thunder that was ten times more terrifying than before arrived.

What is terribly frightening is that the Five-Color Divine Thunder has a human form. If you hold back the stinging eyes and look at them, you will find that they are gorgeously dressed and majestic and inviolable.

There has been a custom among the people for a long time. On the nineteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, the god of thunder from the five directions descends, and the evil spirits retreat!
Thunder gods and heavenly generals are indispensable in Taoist science and law. They can be as small as purifying the altar and escorting the petitions, as big as issuing ultimatums, resolving grievances, praying for sunshine and rain, and eliminating disasters and locusts. figure.

The so-called five-party thunder gods, according to the Qing Wei Yuanjiang records, the five-party thunder gods are Dongqing Taiyi Thunder God Wang Ru, Nandan Taiyi Thunder God Ganxin, Xihao Taiyi Thunder God Shen Wei, Beixuan Taiyi Thunder God Lu Zhi, and Zhonghuang Taiyi Thunder God Wu Fu.

Five directions and five elements, five directions and five gods, five directions and five thunders, eliminate all odd numbers in the world.

At this moment, it was as if the five thunder emperors or the ancient five gods of thunder had come together, showing how unsurpassed the power was, and the monks in the middle stage of fusion might be completely wiped out without complete preparations.

The Nine Tribulations of Yellow Springs Jue is really harmful, harming others and benefiting oneself. It can be practiced in the midst of the Heavenly Tribulation to increase its power, and it can be carried out with the help of the enemy.

Just say that this approach is not harmful!No wonder it was included in the forbidden law by several other sects.

The four Ten Thousand Demon Sect disciples are so depressed!Mo Baobao is okay, he himself came for Chen Xinghe, the other three guys just waited and watched, didn't want to make a move.

Regardless of whether you want to or not, now that we are suffering together, we must contribute our strength to help Chen Xinghe practice the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue.

Because these catastrophes are ridiculously strong, as long as you have the ability to endure them, the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue will immediately be upgraded to a higher level on the basis of the Nine Tribulations Xiaocheng.

Others practice the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue, and the success of the Nine Tribulations corresponds to the late stage of transforming gods.Chen Xinghe practiced the Nine Tribulations of the Yellow Springs Jue, thinking and doing what others couldn't do. For him, the corresponding level of the Nine Tribulations of the Yellow Springs Jue must be advanced.

That is to say, his Nine Tribulations corresponds to the late stage of Nascent Soul, and then he will correspond to Huashen. It is very difficult to do so, but it has full stamina.

This time, the robbery was really good luck, and the smooth breakthrough made the Nine Tribulations of the Underworld Jue rise, reaching the corresponding level in the early stage of the transformation of the gods. After that, it was out of control, and the power of the catastrophe that could be controlled was increasing. The sword came into being.

"Cut!" Just this one sound, like piercing the apex of the heart.

"Not good!" The four Ten Thousand Demon Sect disciples turned pale with shock, and suddenly thought that the Qingtian Sect completely suppressed the Ten Thousand Demon Sect and reached its heyday, and it was precisely by virtue of the Nine Tribulations of the Underworld that it established its prestige.

Who would have thought that this time the Ten Thousand Demon Sect had the largest number of disciples, but there were also some who had practiced the Nine Tribulations of the Underworld Jue, which one was stronger and which was weaker would only be known after the collision.

However, the power of the five directions and five thunders is even more powerful than the records in the ancient books. What caused the catastrophe?It's definitely not a monk's achievement of the fusion stage, Chen Xinghe is far from reaching that level.

(End of this chapter)

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