Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1113 Thunder God Glares

Chapter 1113 Thunder God Glares
"General, kill the world-destroyer!" Mo Baobao didn't dare to take it seriously at the moment, the catastrophe caused by this bastard is too amazing, why does he feel that he, a hunter, has become a prey instead?It shouldn't be like this!He is a monk in the late stage of transformation, and he is a long-tested late stage of transformation of the Wanmo sect. Why can't he be a middle stage of transformation?
The dead horse lying in the center of the huge clutches moved, and a layer of blood light spread, revealing a transparent face.

"Roar..." The face opened its mouth to swallow Thunder.

Swallowed it, but within ten breaths, the transparent face began to crack!
The face broke once, recovered once, nine times in a row, and could no longer hold on, sputtering lightning towards the surroundings.

Fortunately, after being devoured, the thunder and lightning have weakened, and the huge palm trembled heavily, using the three thousand demon worlds to trap and rob the thunder.

Although this kind of absorption is very reluctant, it is much better than his three fellow disciples, and those three guys have already been messed up.

The problem is, the Heavenly Tribulation came too fast, and Chen Xinghe controlled the Qingtian Sword Domain even faster.

"Four, I have finally attracted a catastrophe, you must support it! Don't be cowardly, block it hard, for the sake of your own life, don't hide it, and shake those tricks at the bottom of the box!" , wouldn’t it be cheaper for me if I die?” Chen Xinghe is too bad, what is this called?But it seems to be the truth.

"Om..." Mo Lan was the first to use his trump card. He was always decisive in dealing with people, and he unleashed the killer move he had prepared before.

You must know that this blow is at the cost of destroying a spirit treasure. Although it is not completely destroyed, it can be demonized later, but the cost is huge.

The other two didn't have his courage, nor did they have spirit treasures to consume, let alone his determination, they were buried by lightning after only a moment's hesitation.

Mo Lan was in a mess, but he earned a chance for himself, a chance to live!
Chen Xinghe glanced at him from a distance, the main enemy was Mo Baobao, this guy was so strong that he was terrified.

"Kill!" Mo Baobao knew that in order to solve the immediate crisis, Chen Xinghe must be eliminated as quickly as possible, so that the catastrophe would stop.

"Good time!" The huge demon palm took the dead horse and slapped it down. This kind of tangible and qualitative attack is most suitable for collision. It is not afraid that the magic protection is powerful, but it is not powerful enough.

"You..." Mo Baobao was taken aback. The other party took the initiative to rush into the Three Thousand Demon Realm, and before he could react, it had already triggered a bright electric light.

The power of the five elements is gathered, and the gods and thunders of the five directions are piled up. This should not be the power that monks can borrow. Even the legendary immortals cannot control the catastrophe of heaven and earth, unless the Lord of Ten Thousand Immortals, Haotian God, has such authority.

Chen Xinghe told the other party with the facts, the fairy world has collapsed, why can't monks control Jieli?
As long as you dare to do it, you are willing to do it, you want to do it, and you continue to work hard for it, there is hope for success.

What about the Three Thousand Demon Realms?Gradually disappearing in front of the absolute divine power, but it also really counteracted the sky thunder, allowing Chen Xinghe to seize the opportunity to frantically absorb the tribulation power and strengthen his cultivation base.

In a short while, the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue has been upgraded to another level.

It's so cool!It was not as powerful as today's catastrophe, and the difference in power was too great to be compared.

It is precisely because the Heavenly Tribulation is so great today that the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue can be improved rapidly, otherwise a hundred years of hard work may not be able to improve one level.

Mobaobao was furious, his loss was too great, and he hurriedly withdrew his magic hand.

The paws have been handed over, and you want to take them back?When Chen Xinghe is dead?

The catastrophe came faster, and its power soared.

There was only a strange sound, and the huge magic hand was burning. He wanted to struggle for the last time, but he couldn't hold back the five thunders to kill him.

"Boom..." Chen Xinghe was extremely regretful, the Demon Realm in his palm was indeed powerful, but it was not strong enough to help him withstand all the tribulation thunders.

"Herod..." Is the dead horse alive?
No, it didn't live, it was a rare demon corpse in the world, and it stepped towards Chen Xinghe.

This hoof has the potential to tilt the sky.

"It really surprises me." The Heavenly Tribulation's power was about to climb to its peak, Chen Xinghe could only be happy when he saw this dead horse, and he had no fear.

"Boom..." The area within thirty miles was pure white.

"Boom..." The area within fifty miles was golden.

"Boom..." There was no sound within a hundred miles.

Those two disciples of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect used all their strengths to resist the Eternal Five Thunder God Tribulations. Before, they were very ambitious, thinking about how to hunt down the monks of the Qingtian Sect, but now they only have one thought in their minds, to survive.

However, in front of such divine power, living has become an extravagant hope...

As for Mo Lan, when he looked back, his eyes were full of horror and horror, and he burrowed into the ground, only wanting to escape further.

At this moment, Chen Xinghe heard a "ding", and then another "ding".

Yuanshen knew immediately after scanning that the first beep doubled the points, and the second beep doubled the points again, directly reaching four times the points. The ranking surpassed No.2 by too much, and it was no longer easy for people to catch up.

"Two!" Chen Xinghe took it for granted, he was injured, and the injury was serious, just to deal with the strongest power of this catastrophe.

Inducing robbery, resisting robbery, and exploding robbery are really not jobs for ordinary people.

Those two Ten Thousand Demon Sect disciples couldn't bear it and died!

The nearby horse is ashes to ashes, dust to dust, and [-]% of the power of the catastrophe is carried by this dead horse, which can be said to be the greatest contribution.

There is also a golem nearby, it does not know when it popped up.

Chen Xinghe didn't care, when the catastrophe came, so what if he hid it tightly?What the hell is the devil baby, why isn't it called fairy baby?
"How dare you destroy my orthodoxy?" The golem's eyes were scarlet, and it rushed towards it.

"Boom..." Five figures flashed, and they surrounded the surroundings. They were hundreds of feet tall, and they seemed to be looking down at the two little ones on the ground.

The golem was severely injured, the dead horse was blown into ashes, and it didn't have a long memory, so it rushed forward foolishly. Isn't this sending a shield to Chen Xinghe to solve the disaster?

Today's cataclysm was too terrifying, Chen Xinghe felt as if there were five eyes around him, and it was those five thunder gods locked in anger.

The golem shattered and collapsed, and Mo Baobao finally couldn't hide his real body, revealing his original mask.

"Oh? It turned out to be a short dwarf, no wonder it was so well hidden. Mo Baobao, didn't you say you wanted to hunt me down? How does the Nine Tribulations of the Underworld Jue taste?"

"Wow Yaya..." Mo Baobao was extremely angry, and he opened his mouth to spew out a touch of magic light.

Chen Xinghe knew that this guy was powerful, so he had already prepared himself for it. The Qingtian Sword Domain was unparalleled in defense, especially when the catastrophe came,

"Kacha..." The anger of the five thunder gods and the magic light converged, and the two sides stalemate for a moment, but it turned out that the magic light was slightly better and penetrated into the sword domain.

The devil baby raised his eyebrows and said to himself: "Are you surprised or surprised? No matter how strong you are in the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan, you can't resist this magic light."

What Chen Xinghe was thinking was that there was indeed an accident, there was indeed a surprise, it would be strange that this Mobaobao was so ferocious, that it could be easily wiped out.

(End of this chapter)

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