Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1114 Invisible Lightning Tribulation

Chapter 1114 Invisible Lightning Tribulation
The magic light arrived, and a pitch-black hole appeared in front of Chen Xinghe.

However, the star power of the giant gate failed, and the magic light did not penetrate into the Styx, but pierced through the black hole.

Look at this posture, even if you use the Wanjie clock, it may not work.

Chen Xinghe naturally wouldn't just stand there, but he knew that if the magic light could be dodged so easily, Mo Baobao wouldn't just stand there and do nothing.

Sure enough, as soon as he left the spot, the magic light chased him, and the speed was even faster than him.

Mobaobao was a little surprised that this kid actually ran into the body of a thunder god.

The five gods of thunder seemed to be standing outside layers of space, glaring.

Chen Xinghe had already run to the nearest place to Xihao Taiyi Thunder God Shen Wei, a brilliant golden thunder pierced the sky, and the power of Jin Xingjie suddenly soared ten times.

Pulled by a sword shadow, the thunder light collided with the magic light. Chen Xinghe saw the light burst, and hurriedly shifted his shape and came to Beixuan Taiyi Thunder God Lu Zhi's place.

Instead of disappearing, the magic light made Thor's figure fade by seven points.

Chen Xinghe suddenly realized that this magic light is the killer move in the early stage of fusion, and there is definitely a fusion period, maybe it will go beyond a lot.

"Om..." Beixuan Taiyi Leishen Lu only erupted, and Shui Xingjie was able to kill at the limit, with a strange femininity that slowed down the speed of the magic light by three points, which was a good sign.

Chen Xinghe rushed to Wu Fu, the Thunder God of Zhonghuang Taiyi, Wutu Jielei showed great power, more overbearing than the power of Jin Xing Lei and Water Xing Lei.

"Why is Earth Tribulation Thunder so powerful?"

"Is this Thunder God still alive? No, it's because this place is deep underground, and the power of Wutu is relatively strong!"

"Boom..." The moment the thunder light shattered, the magic light faded a lot, and Mo Baobao became a little uneasy when he saw this scene.

In order to collect this magic light, he spent a lot of energy. If he was consumed by the Nine Tribulations of the Yellow Springs like the Palm Demon Realm and the Zombie Demon Horse, he would cry to death.

"Come back!" Mo Baobao sucked in his mouth, and the magic light flew back.

Chen Xinghe was very close to Thunder God, and he would not feel better if the magic light left. Wutu Tribulation Thunder came down like a mountain of Wutu.

To his great surprise, Xutu Jielei, Chentu Jielei, Weitu Jielei, Ugly Earth Jielei, the four thunders arrived together, boundless bluntness exploded into his mind, and the other four thunder gods shot and killed at the same time.

"Oops." Chen Xinghe hurriedly sat cross-legged, urging the Nine Tribulations of the Underworld with all his strength, thinking: "This is unlucky! I'm taking the initiative to jump into the dead spot of this round of Heavenly Tribulation. I can only use the Wanjie Clock or That is the knife."

"Boom..." What is the collapse of the sky?This is.

Five thunders kill together, see if you die or not.

If this round of Heavenly Tribulation is at its peak, Chen Xinghe doesn't need to resist, just lie down and die!
Well, the two Ten Thousand Demon Sect disciples and most of Mo Baobao's net worth have already been thrown in, and with that magic light as consumables, this round of Heavenly Tribulation is falling, and plummeting.

If not, he would have no chance of surviving.

The Nine Tribulations and Huangquan Jue showed its strength, using the previously absorbed tribulation power to resist the thunder tribulation, and at the same time absorbing new tribulation power.

Mo Baobao regretted seeing such a scene. It turned out that when the other party provoked Tian Jie, he just had to do his best to get out of this place. Tian Jie would kill this bastard. Annoyed just thinking about it.

It's too late to react now, I feel that my heart is bleeding, and it won't recover after hundreds of years of dripping.

This kid was too hurt, and the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue was too hurt, seeing Chen Xinghe being struck by lightning felt relieved.

Mo Baobao did not leave.

This is a rare opportunity. When this kid is blown to half-death, he can easily harvest this prey, which may be able to make up for some losses.

Chen Xinghe felt relieved, as long as the demon guards are kept here, only when the enemy is dead will it be safe, don't be like Old Ghost Xin, who was unable to do so when he wanted to kill.

Thunder calamity gathers one ring after another, and the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue swallows the calamity power. This is very rare, and the usual heavenly calamity does not have such a strong five-element tribulation power.

The speed of improvement was much higher than expected, and there was a "boom boom" sound in the body. The Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue had reached the ideal state, and his appetite increased greatly.

One sip, just one sip, the power of the sky is reduced by [-]%.

Mo Baobao was shocked, is this a great achievement?Damn, it turned out that he was cultivating, and he stood here quietly like a guard.

In the second bite, the Mantian Tribulation Power was reduced by half.

Mo Baobao felt that if he didn't make a move, this kid would break out of the robbery soon.

"Kill!" After all, he couldn't hold back, and opened his mouth to spew magic light again.

The magic light unexpectedly recovered [-]% to [-]% of its power, and instantly killed Chen Xinghe, and it seemed that it was about to pass through.

"Om..." The five thunder gods flashed sharply, and even opened their mouths to roar.

Chen Xinghe laughed loudly, he couldn't digest some of the tribulation force, he could only counteract it.

If the other party doesn't send this magic light up, it will take a lot of painstaking effort and effort to eliminate the robbery.

Since Mobaobao is so good, it is natural to make good use of this opportunity.

"Zizizi..." A five-element thunder cone appeared in the air, facing the magic light tit for tat.

Obviously, the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue's ability to resist robbery has reached a new height.

If Chen Xinghe hadn't been suppressed by Thunder God, he would definitely have taken the rest of his tribulation power to fight against Mo Baobao.

But what surprised him was that although Jie's power had dropped to an extremely low level, he was still unable to move.

This is not normal, so he is very careful.

The magic light was as fierce as before, until the five-element thunder cone disappeared with all the power, it was still fierce and shot forward.

Mobaobao showed a cruel smile. In order to increase the power of the magic light, he consumed [-]% of his magic power, just for one blow to complete the work.

Just as Chen Xinghe was about to use Jie Dao to resist the magic light, his heart suddenly shook violently, and he felt the unparalleled murderous intent from beyond endless time and space.

"Not good." The phantom of Tianmen rose and shattered instantly.

At this moment, the mana previously stored in the Kaiming Seal was gone.

But because of this, Yuanshen sensed an invisible thunder calamity.

Too tough.

This is not the power that this round of Heavenly Tribulation should have. Something interfered, raising the power of the Five Elements Tribulation to a higher level.

"Sick!" Jie Dao appeared.

At this moment, Chen Xinghe really didn't dare to hold back.

The precious blood of the Mahayana showed its power, thousands of Buddhist scriptures protected the body, and the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue seized the opportunity to shake the invisible thunder calamity.

"Pfft..." The magic light and the invisible thunder collided together, and immediately shattered into slag.

I saw the lightning appear, and gently wiped away the magic residue.

The moment the magic light disappeared, Mo Baobao suffered a backlash, spat out a mouthful of magic blood, and fled away without saying a word.

Chen Xinghe had already brandished Jie Dao and blasted towards the invisible thunder.

This ghost thing is too scary, and he felt a huge panic in his heart, feeling that if he didn't deal with this lightning calamity as soon as possible, he would die!

Definitely will die, this thunder calamity is an odd number, an odd number can kill an odd number, this is a deeper level of heaven.

Therefore, if you are not dead and poor, even if you use this Jie Dao, you must direct the invisible thunder calamity to Mo Baobao, success or failure depends on it.

(End of this chapter)

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