Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1116 Exchange to treasure

Chapter 1116 Exchange to treasure

On the third floor, the rays of the sun danced, the qi of pills became a rainbow, and bottles of pills floated.

These elixirs are not ordinary, each one seems to have life, sometimes they read aloud, sometimes they cry, the moment Chen Xinghe Yuanshen was discovered, they all yelled and cried, it was very lively.

"Quiet, isn't it just a few magic pills? I haven't seen the Dao pill of the fusion stage."

The Gods Pill saw the strange Yuanshen walking slowly through the third floor and walking towards the fourth floor.

I don't know which elixir is so short-sighted, so I yelled: "Bah, don't look down on our third floor, you can't see the Dao elixir with cloudy eyes."

"Oh?" Chen Xinghe turned his head, glanced around carefully, and said very firmly: "There really isn't one, even if there is, it's a half-disabled Tao pill, with no activity at all, and the essence of the pill is dead."

"Hmph, who do you think you are? Our ancestors just slept, yes, slept." More and more divine pills began to complain.

"It's better to eat the magic pill early, once time goes by, all kinds of strange things will be born like you." Chen Xinghe wanted to leave, but suddenly stopped and asked: "I still have a few Ziyun Qinxin pills here, Can you get the half of the Dao Damage Pill?"

"No, absolutely not..."

"Wow, sure enough, you are here for the ancestors."

These divine pills began to yell and shout again, but Huantian Pavilion has its own will, and a paragraph of beautiful words has already floated out.

"Oh? Good!" Chen Xinghe was overjoyed.

Really able to exchange, he hastily released those pills that were integrated with many pills, and took out a few pills that had already reached the stage of transforming gods. These are all in stock, just in exchange for half of Dao pills.

The word "reach" appeared in the air, and a dark medicine bottle floated over.

The gods were weeping and weeping, but soon they began to welcome new members. The ancestors died anyway, and they never lived. They changed a few delicate ladies and made money.

Chen Xinghe shook his head, opened the dark medicine bottle and observed carefully for a while.

As an alchemist, he can see many things that ordinary people cannot see.

This elixir was a bit ruthless, no wonder it was exchanged for him so easily.

But it doesn't matter, he has the body of a ferocious beast now, and he has a golden pill that can detoxify the whole body, so maybe he has a chance to analyze the prescription of the pill.

On the fourth floor, the light of the formation is a bit dazzling, and the restriction is even more like the stars of the Ganges.

The defense is a bit exaggerated, but in the attention formation, Chen Xinghe is sure that such protection is necessary, even if the Huantian Pavilion itself is a spiritual treasure, these treasures must be carefully guarded.

The other treasures are nothing more than that, three of them are of great use to Chen Xinghe, and they are of great use with immediate results.

"Dumu Star Stone, the Doumu Star Stone from the fairy world, this is an ancient fairy world treasure! A real treasure, as long as you get this star stone, you will definitely be able to step into the role of Star King."

"There is also the fairy sword box, which is also a treasure from the fairy world. It can be used to raise swords, and it can also accumulate mana for flying swords."

"In addition, the most helpful thing for me is probably this stone egg with powerful witch power. Witch power is too rare in this era. Although it is not Di Jiang's witch power, it doesn't matter and can be absorbed."

"These are treasures, real treasures, I don't know how many points are needed to redeem them."

As soon as Chen Xinghe thought about it, a set of numbers appeared in the air. After reading it, he felt relieved.

It's not an exaggeration that he can't afford to redeem the number one on the ranking list, but he can only win two items, and he can't get the third item.

Fortunately, there are still a lot of monsters and disciples of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, so it shouldn't be a problem to win these three big treasures, but...

Chen Xinghe looked towards the fifth floor.

The fifth floor is the highest floor.

If this is the case on the fourth floor, what about going up one floor?What kind of treasure will you see?

He walked up to the fifth floor.

Different from imagination, the fifth floor is very simple and plain.

The sage's double pupil just glanced at it and didn't dare to look at it again. The restrictions here are too much beyond the stage of transforming gods.

The height is too high, and it is not a field he can set foot on now.

Eighteen things floated in the air.

The gods are self-deprecating, these treasures have nothing strange, and they don't even know what they are used for, but they are placed here, which is extraordinary.

Chen Xinghe only reads what he can understand.

A strange chaotic stone was silent.

This chaotic strange stone is shrunk more than 30,000 times by the shrinking spell. If the spell is released, it will be three hundred feet high, and it is a hill.

Ancient Qi practitioners needed this stone to improve their cultivation. After obtaining this stone, if they obtained a trump card of repeated power, it is not known whether it is possible to leapfrog to fight. However, if they want to improve their combat power immediately, this is absolutely impossible.

Chen Xinghe jumped over this stone, and was about to carefully identify other treasures, when suddenly his right hand slowly raised, pointing at a piece of scrap metal.

"You want this?"

"How many points are needed?"

Seeing this, he was not calm anymore.

Just this piece of black and white scrap metal requires him to get all the points, and he is still a little short.

"Dui!" Chen Xinghe trusted his right hand.

His right hand allowed him to achieve the body of a ferocious beast fairy armor, and Feijian's ability to become a spirit treasure is also due to his right hand. It is no exaggeration to say that his progress today is inseparable from the help of his right hand.

The doom is getting more and more terrifying, the only thing the right hand wants to do is to save his life!

Chen Xinghe has already demonstrated his super ability to resist the catastrophe, it is necessary to increase his right hand, because the next time he will trigger the catastrophe will be even more terrifying.

It has to be said that Heavenly Tribulation is not easy to take advantage of, and there is no need to count on it in the short term. It is still far away from the promotion and integration period. It is not easy to break through the limit of Heavenly Dao at speed, and it is even more impossible to use the right hand to lead Jie.

The only chance to trigger the catastrophe is the magic weapon to cross the catastrophe and become a spiritual treasure, but this seems to be more difficult, the magic weapon in hand does not have this kind of foundation.

Fortunately, the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue absorbed the tribulation power of the invisible thunder at the last moment. It will take several years to digest this tribulation force, and it is expected to go further after success.

The points have been emptied, Chen Xinghe took out the spoils and sent them one by one to the Magic Sky Pavilion.

Many trophies can occupy a place on the steps outside the building, but if you want to exchange for the piece of scrap metal in the right hand, you need thirty or forty pieces to make up the odds.

"Ding..." The gold and scrap iron fell out of the dense restraints, and the moment it fell into the hand, it was firmly attracted by the right hand.

The suction is very firm, this is still the soul here, I don't know what kind of vision will appear when sending this thing back.

Chen Xinghe returned to the fourth floor and looked at the three treasures.

He gritted his teeth and took out the Wanjie clock. The star stone and the sword box can be slowed down first. The witch power stone egg must be taken down, and it must be taken down now.

"There are still two bells for this treasure. The witch power is very important to me. The Dijiang Wushen has not entered the country for a long time. Only by raising the Dijiang Wushen can the speed go further. Because the foundation is not enough, now speed up It's already very reluctant, when encountering enemies at the level of Mobaobao again, the bell is not as useful as Dijiang Wushen."

After absorbing the two bells of the Wanjie Clock, Huantian Pavilion gave extremely high points, and a row of text appeared in the sky, indicating that the bell will be used once half an hour later to suppress monsters and help everyone fight against demons and demons Zong disciples.

(End of this chapter)

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