Chapter 1117
Chen Xinghe successfully got the witch power stone egg, and the points were not cleared, which shows how precious the bell of the Wanjie clock is.

He started digging out things, leaving only the necessary things, and taking out other items to enrich the collection of Huantian Pavilion.

Take down the sword box first, this is the most direct treasure to expand the power of the flying sword.

Others will be amazed when they see this fairy world relic, and they will definitely try their best to take it down, so first come, first served, don't miss the opportunity.

As for the Doumu star stone, there are very few people who practice star power, so you can take it easy for a while and wait until you get enough points to take it down.

Fortunately, Chen Xinghe had a great record, accumulated a lot of items in his hands, and after searching and cleaning up, he finally got the amount.

The sword box left the formation and slowly floated in front of it.

The formation above is too old, the spirit-gathering formation is far inferior to today's, sharp swordsmanship and other spells are not strong today, but the materials for making this sword box are really rare.

As far as this material is concerned, it's not wrong to take this sword box, and inject a small amount of fairy energy, and the consumption of the flying sword will be reduced by [-]% immediately.

Definitely seventy percent, no matter how you calculate it, I think it's a good deal.

Chen Xinghe drove his soul to leave, and the moment he opened his eyes, he found three more treasures in his hands.

"Sword box, witch stone, residual iron."

His right hand vibrated violently, and the piece of iron in his hand suddenly burst into light and shadow, turning into an extremely gorgeous war halberd.

"This is?" The light and shadow quickly dissipated, Chen Xinghe was stunned for a moment, and thought in disbelief: "This is a fairy artifact? Is it possible?"

He turned around and thought: "Why is it impossible? The sword box is also a relic of the fairy world. Using the spirit of the fairy is more powerful. Why not leave fragments after the fairy weapon is broken?"

"Isn't fairy artifacts divided into layers?" Chen Xinghe was thinking and guessing, when his right hand suddenly turned red, and the temperature rose accordingly.

Thousands of tortoise patterns appeared on the arm, and the Canggu symbol appeared in the center of each circle of tortoise pattern, and the piece of scrap metal in his hand began to disintegrate slowly.

The ripples spread, and Chen Xinghe was taken aback, this is aura!Massive aura?No, being connected with Tao can already be called Tao rhyme.

The right arm was as bright red as blood, and all the tortoise lines seemed to be alive, staring at this scrap of gold and iron.

Gui Zang Jian also benefited, attracting a Dao rhyme that is of great benefit to him, and the low-pitched sword sound gradually became high-pitched.

"Wonderful!" Chen Xinghe's heart skipped a beat. Before Feijian barely reached the spirit treasure level, after passing the tribulation, it all depended on the increase of dragon veins.

It's different now, Feijian only absorbs a sliver of dao rhyme, immediately makes up for all the deficiencies, and moves towards a higher level.

"So powerful?" Chen Xinghe was surprised by Gui Zangjian's advancement, who knew that the change that surprised him even more was yet to come.

Pieces of colorful scales grew out of the right arm, which was too magnificent.

At the same time, the ferocious beast's potential was fully stimulated, but it was only limited to the right arm, and the improvement of other parts of the body was limited.

Even this is quite remarkable, if it hadn't just triggered a catastrophe, I am afraid that such an improvement would immediately offend Heaven.

"Can it be promoted to the integration stage?"

Soon, Chen Xinghe was overjoyed.

The right arm is indeed hitting the fit period, time and time again, round after round, feeling a breath of rebirth.

"Om..." His fingers trembled.


It has indeed broken through, but the breath will disappear as soon as it is released.

"Did I drag down my right arm?" Chen Xinghe muttered to himself, he didn't take this matter to heart, as long as he knew that his right arm had become stronger, that would be fine.

At this moment, Gui Zangjian accepted a big gift, and the grand dao rhyme came through.

Chen Xinghe reacted very quickly, and hurriedly sent the sword box over, which was equivalent to building a dojo for Feijian.

"It's done! The sword energy is magnificent, vigorous but not radiating, the dao rhyme is deep, and the foundation is gradually formed. It will soon be promoted to a middle-grade spirit treasure. If Gui Zangjian completely absorbs this dao rhyme in the future, it will become stronger by then. .”

The fragments of the celestial artifact dissipated and turned into ashes, which brought him too many benefits. The combat power directly increased, and the future was even more limitless.

He immediately sat down cross-legged, and must absorb the witch power as soon as possible, not to mention that there are other disciples of the Myriad Demon Sect wreaking havoc, the Imaginary Heaven Pavilion will ring the Wanjie Clock in half an hour.

Sure enough, a bright border appeared, indicating that the clock of the world was about to ring, informing everyone that there was a chance to kill monsters with all their strength.

As soon as the news came out, everyone geared up and became eager to try.

This opportunity is so rare, if you can really suppress those monsters and let everyone kill them, wouldn't this be a free reward?

Although Moran appeared, most people didn't know the details, and the disciples of Wanmo Sect were very good at hiding themselves. Only the disciples of Qingtian Sect knew who was the enemy on this trip.

Half an hour was very short, Chen Xinghe tried his best to absorb the witch power, and his body felt like a dry reservoir suddenly flooded.

At the beginning, Dijiang Wu's body rose, which was very refreshing.However, there was too much witchcraft, and it quickly became a disaster, and it was out of control.

Suddenly, Chen Xinghe got up, four wings sprouted from his back, two horns appeared on the top of his head, his feet turned into hooves, and he rushed away in a whirl of green smoke.

He was running, as fast as he could.

Only in this way can the excess witch power be digested, and it can be smoothly transformed into Emperor Jiang's witch power.

If he didn't do this, he worried that he would be exploded at any time.

"Da da da..." After running across two plains, flying insects suddenly appeared in front of him. Chen Xinghe directly charged in, allowing his body to collide with the insect cloud.

This collision, he immediately noticed the difference, not to mention the smoother digestion of witch power, the speed increased instead of falling, and a hundred miles of black smoke was brought up.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." The wind roared and the howling swept across, killing all the flying insects around. The poisonous insects on the ground also failed to escape the tearing, and their bodies were torn apart.

Chen Xinghe understood that the Dijiang Wushen needs to fight, and it will be more powerful when it collides.

Then collide!It just so happened that he still lacked points.

The roaring sound resounded in the monster insects, especially the place where the monsters turned into monstrous tsunamis. When they hit it, they could experience the magic of the witch body.

"Okay!" Chen Xinghe began to frantically search for the place where the monsters gather.

At the moment when the speed surpassed the Heavenly Moat of the Transformation Stage, he stepped out of a dent in space with his hooves, and he suddenly entered a mysterious field.

"Eh? No, is this the Demon Realm? Why is the demonic energy so strong?" Chen Xinghe turned pale with shock, seeing countless monsters displayed in the sky and the earth, they seemed motionless like wooden sculptures made of clay.

This situation is really weird, the hooves started to slow down, but they still collided with the monster.

"Boom..." Everything around returned to normal. It wasn't that these monsters didn't move, but that they entered the state of time stagnation by accident just now.

"Is it the moment when I traveled through the space just now, causing space-time distortion and causing time to stand still?" Chen Xinghe tried his best to remember that feeling, and suddenly accelerated towards the overwhelming monsters.

The brightly colored frame bounced in front of him, reminding that this place is the Demon Taming Garden opened by the elders of the Wanmo Sect, and it is not recommended to go deep.

"What, Elder of Wan Mo Sect?" Chen Xinghe hurried back, didn't he think his life was too long to run wild in such a place?

However, it seemed too late, a majestic magical thought appeared, instantly formed a terrifying killing intent, and came across the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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