Chapter 1118


"Mother, is it so scary?"

Chen Xinghe frantically absorbed the witch power, and his body suddenly swelled, like a boy suddenly turned into a strong man, with muscles all over his body.

"Ton..." Taking a step forward, flat hoof prints appeared in a radius of ten miles. Those monsters naturally couldn't resist, and their bodies collapsed and pressed into the ground.

Regardless of the unluckyness of these monsters, Chen Xinghe was even more unlucky than them. He was slapped into the ground by the other party, blood was sprayed from the mouth, both horns were broken, four wings were broken, and most of Dijiang Wu's body was crippled.

"Hmph!" With a cold snort, the demon's palm plunged into the ground, and he grabbed it hard, trying to get rid of this Qingtian Sect disciple who dared to break into the Demon Taming Garden.

Just at this moment, a "boom" sounded, and the Huantian Pavilion used the Wanjie clock to ring.

The magic hand trembled slightly, Chen Xinghe seized this opportunity and shouted: "Witch Ji!"

The witch power burned wildly, and the broken horns returned to their places instantly, and four larger wings spread out from behind, and its body broke through the wall.

It was that feeling again, time stood still.

Chen Xinghe thought to himself: "As if we can comprehend this kind of time-space confusion, and the characteristics of time stillness appear in an instant, is there a chance to completely break the speed limit of the transformation stage?"

The time stillness is very short, more like a trace of stagnation, and it must be extremely difficult to grasp that trace of mystery and gain some insights.

The eyes stretched out, and he came back.

It seemed to be roaring behind him, but he didn't catch up.

Chen Xinghe guessed that the Nine-story Plain was used as a testing ground, which was restricted by certain rules, and monks in the fusion stage could not intervene.

Even so, he still didn't dare to stay longer, and ran away like a jerk.

The witch power is still abundant, and the injury recovers quickly, which seems to be more effective than any panacea.But Chen Xinghe knew that this kind of recovery was overdrawing his life every moment.

The column of lifespan in the book of life and death has dropped by more than one-fifth. If he is that kind of aging monk, he will enter the grave for three points if he does not die.

"What a vicious Wanmo sect, I don't know if I kill a few more disciples of the Wanmo sect, will those old guys behind be angry and jump out?"

At this moment, the monks are trying their best to kill the monsters.


No, hyper!

Many demons knelt on the ground with their front legs, unable to get up!
Only those super powerful monsters can withstand the suppression of the clock of the world, but the level will inevitably drop, and it is much easier to kill than before.

Chen Xinghe moved extremely fast, and his witch power was exploding.

In the blink of an eye, the Four-Wing Lianzhen has already crossed half of the plain, and every time the hoof of the vertical wind steps down, a piece of monsters must suffer.

So diligent, not for anything else, just to get Doumu Star Stone.

Originally, the points were rising smoothly, and his understanding of extreme speed was also steadily improving, but unexpectedly, his feet suddenly stopped.

Immediately afterwards, the whole person rolled into a ball.

Ten miles away, in the middle of the huge pit, when Chen Xinghe got up, he saw a green light drifting towards him.

"Hehehe, if you can run then, don't you still fall into the hands of Mo Yanran? Tsk tsk, this body is strong, and it should be able to last for three months. Good brother, how do you see my sister, is she born extremely beautiful?" The hairy woman stretched out her hand to tease her, and a hint of aphrodisiac was quietly rendered.

A voice came from the air: "Chen Xinghe has already killed the three of us, you'd better be careful, lest you follow in the footsteps of those three dead ghosts."

"Hehehe, Mo Baobao died in the hands of Mo Lan, not in his hands. The Nine Tribulations of the Yellow Springs Art is really powerful, but if you ask him to lead the Heavenly Tribulation again, I won't believe that he can still be so fierce." Mo Yanran raised her eyebrows provocatively, but also enchantingly.

Chen Xinghe suddenly took a step back, a little unbelievable, looked at the other party and said: "What kind of aphrodisiac is this? It makes me unable to exempt?"

"Ahahahaha!" Mo Yanran laughed so hard, she proudly stood up her twin peaks and said, "My sister has never failed to make the aphrodisiac personally. With your little knowledge, you are far from cracking it!"

Chen Xinghe immediately took out the dark medicine bottle, opened the bottle and swallowed the damaged Dao Dan, a strange fluctuation suddenly appeared on his body.

"Huh? How is this possible? There is a way to suppress my aphrodisiac?" Mo Yanran felt incredible.

Damaged Dao Dan is also Dao Dan. Although the essence of the pill is dead, the power of the medicine is not dead.If this elixir is normal, Chen Xinghe might not dare to take it!

The huge medicinal power instantly suppressed the aphrodisiac effect, and it was decomposed and transported by the golden elixir all over his body. Soon he felt that the effect of this elixir was actually to nourish yin.

"Nourishing... nourishing yin?"

Chen Xinghe was so frightened that he quickly rejected the power of the medicine, he didn't want to become a sissy, which aunt made this medicine?No harm.

Fortunately, he reacted in time, and under the squeeze of witch power, he forcibly sent the medicine power into Shangyang acupoint.

"Phew! It's okay, it's okay, you have to be very careful when taking medicine in the future. Ordinary nourishing yin is naturally fine, but this is a Dao pill. After nourishing yin, it may be forever yin! However, there are a few medicinal materials in it that are probably leftovers from the fairy world. It is still very good for the body to hold back for a while."

"What are you waiting for? This kid can't fall into my trap." Mo Yanran took the lead.

Chen Xinghe's speed was fast enough, and Mo Yanran shot at the same time, but the attack had to hit the other side first.

"Boom..." The green shield blocked the light beam, and Mo Yanran was full of sarcasm. Is it possible for a woman to survive to this day in the demon realm of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect?

For defense, she is confident.

Women have no sense of security, and sacrifice their attack power to improve their life-saving ability, which has reached a very high level over time.

However, the shield didn't vibrate, and the light beam didn't seem to have any power.

"No!" The light mist dispersed, and the poisonous poison killed a few cultivators at the transformation stage, just like playing.

Mo Yanran backed away immediately, and took out various elixirs to detoxify.

Chen Xinghe had already avoided the attack, approached Mo Yanran and was about to make up the knife, when she suddenly drifted back.

A thin man stood in front of Mo Yanran.

When did he show up?Chen Xinghe only felt a ray of murderous intent, and secretly said: "Is it also a speed monk? Or rely on some kind of treasure?"

"Very good!" The thin man just said two words, and the two knives were already on Chen Xinghe's neck.

"Ding ding ding ding..." The two were also terribly fast, flying swords against double knives, fighting Mo Yanran kept backing away, the surprise in her eyes became more and more intense.

"Boom..." Chen Xinghe backed away from the opponent at the same time.

An expert stretches out his hand to know if there is any, Chen Xinghe knows that he is not as good as the opponent in just one fight.

The man in front of him frowned slightly, and said solemnly: "My name is Mo Dingfeng, I never thought I could reach your level in the middle stage of transformation."

"Your control of power is superior to mine. You make no sound when you strike the knife, and you are restrained enough when you move. I want to learn from you."

When Chen Xinghe said this, Mo Dingfeng frowned even more, slowly clenched his scimitar and said, "You are very troublesome, it is not accidental that you have come to this day."

"It's not a coincidence that anyone has come to this day." Chen Xinghe smiled heartily, and 27 flying swords were superimposed and fell into his hands, the sword intent, sword energy and sword light all converged, and it looked the same as the machete of Demon Peak.

(End of this chapter)

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