Chapter 1122
Chen Xinghe's killing two true demons was already quite remarkable, but the disciple of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect in front of him captured the real demons alive, and transplanted some important parts of the real demons' bodies to himself.

How persistent is this?How crazy is the pursuit of power?That's how you treat yourself.

You must know that it is very difficult to integrate into the body of a real demon, and the difficulty lies in resisting demonization. Even if the Wanmo sect has some secret methods, it would be extremely crazy to go this way.

"It seems! If you don't go all out, it will be difficult to fight with fellow daoist!" Chen Xinghe called the enemy a fellow daoist, which meant that he had recognized him.

It is not easy to find a respectable opponent to reach his level.

Di Jiang's witch body exploded, and something strange appeared in his right arm.

Mo Dingfeng's pupils shrank, fixed his eyes on Chen Xinghe's arm, and said solemnly: "If you read correctly, this kind of scale belongs to that guardian beast."

"That's right, the celestial lin guarding the Scarlet Emperor Heaven was fortunate enough to get a piece of scale armor, which was planted on his arm and grew up to this point." Chen Xinghe said lightly, in fact, how his right hand fused with the celestial scales, he has not figured out until now.

Mo Dingfeng shook his head and said: "This is a perfect transplant, the realm I have been pursuing! I didn't expect to see it on you, it is really fascinating! You are my prey, I want to get your body, maybe I will cut off this arm transplanted."

"Oh?" Chen Xinghe looked at the scimitar in the opponent's hand and said with a smile: "Hearing what you said, I have a lot of interest in you, and maybe I can learn something from you."

When he said that, he naturally had the idea of ​​seizing the house, but it is difficult to seize the memory of such a master!

The eyes of the two collided, and at the same time, they had an intuition that as long as they killed each other, they could make themselves better.

This rise is likely to involve luck, personal luck, sect luck, and even the general trend of the world.

The intuition is very clear, this battle is somewhat similar to the battle of fate.

The two showed their true skills and collided with all their strength, their levels and destructive power were completely different.

The huge aura suddenly shrank between the two of them, shrunk violently, and then bloomed crazily, piled up and piled up around them with whistling sound.

"Boom..." The Great Desolate Demon lay down completely, his head sunken in, blood spurted out, and his injuries fell into hell.

Mo Dingfeng retreated ten steps, Chen Xinghe retreated nine steps.

Chen Xinghe had a slight advantage in terms of retreating steps alone, but when it came to mana consumption, Mo Fengfeng had a much greater advantage.

Fortunately, the dragon veins provide dragon energy all the time, and it only takes a moment to convert it into mana. If it weren't for this support, Chen Xinghe would have no chance of winning in the fight with the late-stage cultivators of the Wanmo sect.

In addition, after he absorbed a large amount of witch power, his body refining cultivation was about to break through, before reaching the corresponding level in the late stage of transforming gods.In addition, the right hand absorbs the fragments of the fairy artifact, and is promoted to the fusion period for a short time. Although it is suppressed by the way of heaven, there is no doubt that the essence has a breath of harmony.

Therefore, in terms of comprehensive strength, there is almost no difference between him and the monks in the late stage of transformation. In addition, he still has the medicinal power of some immortal plants in his body.

This kind of medicinal power is extraordinary, and it can almost save three Jiazi's penance.

As a result, Chen Xinghe is no longer considered to have just entered the middle stage of transforming gods, and his cultivation base is already very strong.

Therefore, he has the confidence to fight the opponent.

"Come again..." The two collided again, getting higher and higher.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang..." The scimitar and the heavenly sword collided violently. They were obviously the sharpest magic weapon in the world, but when they collided together, there was no sound of metal clashing.

This means that things must be reversed when extremes are extreme, and extreme fronts turn extremely blunt.

Chen Xinghe praised again, the magic weapon machete is not inferior to the Lingbao in the hands of Mo Dingfeng.

This ability is too powerful. I don't know how the opponent honed it. In short, it just needs to be very strong, and there are not only two scimitars.

"Dang, clang, clang..." Chen Xinghe stepped back slightly, responding to the stormy attack at full speed.

The two real devil's arms behind the devil's peak are not for display, and at this moment, two scimitars are called out to cut through the void at the limit speed of the transformation stage.

Even the void can be cut through, and it is not easy to cut off the enemy's body?

Chen Xinghe is not a vegetarian, and the four Dijiang wings behind him erupted with sword threads.

Compare speed with him?Isn't this Guan Gong dancing a sword in front of him?
Soon, Mo Dingfeng was surprised to find that he was faster, this kid was faster, he had two more arms, and the opponent had four more wings, so overall he was at a disadvantage.

"Magic Dye!"

With a soft murmur, very obvious traces of demon dye appeared in a radius of thousands of miles. These traces absorbed the demonic energy and transferred it to the peak of the demon in an instant.

The pair of true demon eyes opened, but they hadn't been fully opened before.

Chen Xinghe immediately closed his eyes, the double pupil of the underworld sage met his nemesis, the terrifying true magic pupil power, almost fell into a terrible illusion.

"No! I'm still tricked."

The sword was drawn, and the sword was drawn again, and he was deeply in the illusion, and he could no longer tell the truth of the attack from the fake.

Zen is dissolving the illusion.

It takes time, a little time.

"Pfft..." Chen Xinghe's chest was stained with blood, he quickly backed away a hundred feet, and a knife cut appeared on his back, and the blood splashed and turned into green smoke in an instant.

Mo Dingfeng frowned slightly. He cut out the blood and was about to cast a spell, but he didn't expect the blood to self-destruct.It shows that this kid is very careful and has rich combat experience.

"Chi..." With a swipe of the sword, he actually broke through the illusion, and cut terrible sword marks on his body.

"So fast?" Mo Dingfeng couldn't accept it.

He spent a lot of effort to integrate into the eyes of the real demon. Once activated, no one has been exempted so far.Naturally, Chen Xinghe couldn't be exempted, but it was really unfathomable to get rid of the influence so quickly.

"Fight!" Chen Xinghe opened the sword box, a beam of light appeared above his head, and the edge of the sword burst out rapidly.

The fight between the two became more and more frenzied and fierce, and sometimes they couldn't help it, and there were more and more wounds on their bodies.

The blood is bleeding, but when it comes out, it will self-destruct immediately, and they are afraid that the other party will cast a spell.

The higher the cultivation base, the stronger the vitality and blood, the more careful you need to be!
"The big demon has no demon!" Although the demon's peak cultivation base was high, he was defeated by weapons that were not spirit treasures, and the residual treasure on his body could not stop him long ago.

Suddenly, his stature skyrocketed, turning into a towering demon god.

The prehistoric monster below wailed, its body shriveled instantly, and it contributed its magic power to the air.

All the monsters within three thousand miles had no time to make a sound, and lost their vitality in an instant.

Several disciples of the Wanmo Sect looked towards the direction of the battlefield in surprise, and the fear in their hearts rose rapidly.

"Is it Brother Modingfeng? Has he reached this level?"

Chen Xinghe felt the tremendous pressure coming. This peak of magic is really the peak of the magic way. The so-called big devil has no magic means that he is too strong and will drain all the magic energy and vitality of the magic way in the vicinity.

"The fit period? A breath of harmony."

The terrifying blow came, even more powerful than the previous attack in the Demon Taming Garden.

"Shock!" Chen Xinghe wouldn't sit still, his body kept changing between Di Jiang Wushen and Monkey King Monkey King, and then raised his arm to touch them.

(End of this chapter)

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