Chapter 1123 tragic
One moment Chen Xinghe was Di Jiang, and the next moment he had become the Great Sage Equaling Heaven.

When the transformation speed reaches a certain level, the emperor's witch body is superimposed on the great sage's golden body, and the ferocious beast's body merges with the fairy armor, and multiple powerful boosts erupt.


Looking at the slightly bent arm, Chen Xinghe felt a lingering fear in his heart.

However, the other party suddenly raised the corner of his mouth and revealed a weird smile.

"Boom..." The body flew out, the viscera and meridians were violently impacted, and terrible power broke into the body and went on a rampage.

"Damn it, I forgot that the opponent's control of power is at its peak!"

"Strength...power has seeped into the body."

"This is a destructive force inspired by huge magic power. It is very weird and difficult to deal with. If I can't control it as soon as possible, the consequences will be unimaginable. The defeat will only be in an instant."

At the critical moment, Chen Xinghe devoted himself to meditation.

Everything around suddenly stopped.

Naturally, it is not really static, but his thinking is fast to a certain extent, and all thoughts are realized in a flash.

How to fight against the magic force that invaded his body, Chen Xinghe imagined it from his own perspective.

"Explode the golden core of the whole body to delay time?"

"No, even if you hold on, your strength will be greatly reduced. How will you fight in the future?"

"Confine this force, discard some flesh and blood, and forcefully drive away?"

"The price is too high. Once this is done, it may not be repaired within three years."

"Wait, there should be a better way!"

"The Yin-nourishing medicinal power remains in the Shangyang acupoint, because it is not poisonous and has not been used. I don't have the blessing to enjoy this kind of medicinal power, but it may be able to restrain this power by using it to attack this force."

"As long as it can be restrained, it can be suppressed and expelled."

Chen Xinghe immediately ended his meditation meditation, his ears were filled with noises, he was falling fast.

The medicinal power rushed into the meridians, just about to nourish yin and nourish yin, when suddenly encountered a violent destructive force.

Immediately, the power of the medicine was twisted into pieces.

"That's it?" Chen Xinghe almost fainted, it's useless, is it the power of Dao Dan?No matter how bad it is, you should support it for a while!
"Huh? This medicine is so powerful! It's broken but not scattered, scattered but not messy, what you need." He found that it wasn't that bad.

The strength of the fusion stage that invaded the body became softer, and the destructive power suddenly weakened, and the body formation immediately suppressed it.

But this was not enough, the Nine Tribulations of the Yellow Springs Art was activated, and a black Jielong appeared on his right arm.

The sound of dragon chant runs through the darkness.

"Break!" Chen Xinghe yelled, and threw his fist towards the place where Moding Peak was standing.

What a quick punch.

The black Jielong burst out, and Chen Xinghe slammed into it. His body first flapped its four wings to accelerate, and then turned into a piercing sword.

"Death?" Mo Dingfeng had just thought this idea, and the sword light had already pierced his skin.

"The tribulation power!" Chen Xinghe didn't save any tribulation power, he frantically broke out and saved the tribulation power before, the shadow of death had already appeared, and if he didn't try his best, he might have no chance.

"Kill!" Mo Dingfeng drew out the sword and then the sword, Chen Xinghe drew the sword and then the sword, a strange scene of space rupture appeared between the two.

The sword fight did not stop until it was broken, and the arms continued to collide.

"Roar..." Mo Fengfeng's demonic nature exploded, sharp teeth sprouted in his mouth, and he gnawed wildly.

"Fuck your grandma." Chen Xinghe relied on his right arm to pinch the opponent's real devil's arm under his arm, rumbling and tearing it off forcibly.

Is that human being?It's just two humanoid beasts.

"Boom boom boom..." Thumping and pounding, confrontation and confrontation, Mo Dingfeng was slightly taken aback, and looked down at the big hand resting on his dantian.

It was his great demon power, which returned nearly half of it under the restraint of a layer of feminine power.

"Idiot." Mo Dingfeng was extremely disdainful, his control of power has reached an extraordinary level, how can this kind of instant kid understand?

Chen Xinghe's bone age is very short, isn't it a quick success in the eyes of the other party?

But when it comes to working hard, what's the use of living long?

Just when Mo Fengfeng easily dispelled the great demon's Wumo power, Chen Xinghe had already grasped the opponent's magic weapon, the scimitar.

He tried his best to tear off an arm of the opponent, not to cut off a large arm of the opponent, but to use the scimitar for this arm.

"It's a magic weapon refined by the mind and spirit, that's good."

The channel for seizing the house suddenly opened.

"Quick!" The sword box opened, and a sword shadow sprayed out, followed by another sword shadow.

Gui Zangjian knows that success or failure depends on one action. First, there is the blessing of the fairy weapon, and then there is the sword box to store the spirit of the fairy. The foundation is true!

As soon as the Duoshe channel was opened, without saying anything, attack the soul!
Mo Dingfeng's body trembled slightly, and his movements were somewhat sluggish, Chen Xinghe immediately knew that the opponent's soul had been impacted, and the two swords of Guizang Sword had an effect.

Of course, with this level of cultivation, how strong is the soul?It is definitely not something that can be solved by two swords.

"Spirit-shocking technique?" Before Mo Dingfeng could see the truth, he received another blow from his soul.

"Damn it, give me..."

The magic light expands, the magic peak is really powerful, the body is more calm, and all abnormalities are stripped in an instant.

If he is called to recover, the chances of winning are even less.

"Kill over there!" Gui Zang drew his sword out of the box.

Once the hidden sword comes to the light, it is the last fight.

Chen Xinghe shook his right arm, not giving the opponent a chance to take care of his soul, no matter how much damage his body suffered, punch after punch at full speed.

"Kill!" Both of them are extremely tough people, although each blow hurts a lot, but there is no way to stop.

"No! You..." Mo Dingfeng suddenly sensed that something was wrong. The real Lingbao flying sword actually penetrated into the depths of the soul, and the primordial spirit was severely injured in an instant, and it was even difficult to speak.

"One more punch." Chen Xinghe held back the pain all over his body, swung his already somewhat bent arms, and pressed towards the devil's summit with the greatest strength.

"Block!" The real devil's arm blocked it, and it broke with a "click".

"Quick!" Gui Zangjian was attacking bravely.

The middle-grade Lingbao flying sword directly attacked Yuanshen, this kind of damage was too great, and it could be said that there would be endless troubles.

Mo Dingtian's sight began to shake, and he opened his mouth to spit out a strange light, which was extremely lethal.

He actually has such a trump card, Chen Xinghe hastily raised his hand to resist, but felt a piercing pain.

You must know that this is the right hand and right arm, half of it melted from the back of the hand to the forearm, and a wave of dry heat eroded rapidly.

"Not good!" Chen Xinghe couldn't imagine that this magic light could be so terrifying, and all the remaining Yin-nourishing medicinal power in his body surrounded it. It was indeed useful, but it was not ideal.

The injury was so serious that he could barely lift his right arm. Chen Xinghe yelled through gritted teeth, a crack appeared in the middle of his forehead, and nine rings shot out.

This is a deadly blow from the Nine Tribulations of the Yellow Springs Jue. Once it is used, the skill will inevitably regress, but at this moment, I can't care about that much.

"Ah!" Mo Dingfeng screamed, the Guizang sword successfully pierced the soul and pierced the god, and the full-strength blow of the middle-grade Lingbao was too difficult to defuse.

"Kill!" Chen Xinghe drove the primordial spirit across the Daoshe passage, caught the Guizang sword and killed the demonic primordial spirit who was struggling.

"Explode!" Mo Dingfeng was really resolute. Seeing that the situation was taking a turn for the worse, he immediately exploded and died together.

(End of this chapter)

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