Chapter 1124
"Duo..." Chen Xinghe stabbed out with a sword.

Mo Dingtian wanted to explode the baby, honestly speaking, no one could stop him if he took a breath early.

It's too late now, a breath late.

The sword comes out like a rainbow, and enters the soul in an instant.

"Seize the house!" Different from the previous times, Chen Xinghe really wanted to seize the house this time, besides wanting to see the secret of the opponent's cultivation, he also wanted to get this demonized body.

This Demon Dingtian is truly extraordinary, and it is the ladder to enlightenment.

It is no exaggeration to say that being able to obtain this cornerstone is important for the present and the future.

"No..." Mo Dingtian was not reconciled, his body and his territory were fine, why was he suddenly attacked?What kind of astonishing secret technique bridged the bridge and approached here?
The mind and soul dissipated all of a sudden, and Yuan Ying was completely dispersed just before the self-explosion.

Chen Xinghe rushed over immediately, opened his arms to frantically absorb memory fragments, his mind sank suddenly, and he went back to a thousand years ago in a daze.

A boy, his name is Du Rui.

The heaven and earth are short of aura, this is not the Chihuangtian, but somewhere in the middle thousand world, monks are in charge of the various houses.

Young Du Rui stood at the foot of the waterfall, holding a machete and chopping wood piles.

"Young master, you...don't be so persistent, we have no way to take revenge, the mansion is biased towards the Zhang family, and the Du family will no longer be able to stand up."

The boy clenched the scimitar tightly, and suddenly cut it in half, and his confidant died in shock.

"Since you can't stand up, the Du Mansion will never exist, so what use are you for?"

Seeing this scene, Chen Xinghe couldn't help his heart skipping a beat, and shook his head secretly: "This is a born devil, with deep demonic nature, and he will kill people if he doesn't like it, and he would rather let the world down than let the world down on me. Delete these useless memories , only search for the essence.”

Du Rui is the devil, he lived for 13 years from 33 years old to 20 years old, and that was to find ways to get revenge.

He didn't care why the Du family was destroyed, if the whole city applauded for it, then he would slaughter the whole city.

In 20 years, he killed 90,000 people, but most of them were ordinary people. The fledgling Du Rui became the devil of the rivers and lakes. Many people tried to kill him, but they failed.

Finally, at the age of 35, he encountered an opportunity to change his life.

It was a magical scripture, very rough and primitive, but in Du Rui's view, it was like a precious treasure.

When a devil encounters the magic scriptures, it can be said that he encounters a changing dragon once in a while.

A demon monk who climbed from the bottom to the top put in a lot of effort and effort to fight on this road, and when he reached the middle stage of foundation establishment, he happened to encounter the killing situation set up by the Wanmo sect.

All the heavens and all walks of life have teleportation arrays set up by the Wanmozong.

With these teleportation arrays as the center, suitable candidates are automatically screened.

Du Rui was the lucky one. He survived many tests and finally entered the teleportation formation.

Stepping into the teleportation array did not directly enter the Wanmozong, but entered the second round of killing, which was more cruel and secretive.

For a full 100 years, all the time has been spent in trials.

Chen Xinghe gasped, Du Rui killed too many people, countless competitors and monsters died in his hands.

During this period, Du Rui had to accept a fact.

He is too ordinary, nothing special, not to mention those eye-catching supernatural powers, and he also has no talent in magic.

Very bitter!

This period of time was very painful and difficult, but it also honed a will of steel.

There is no advantage, so every fight must be desperate.

After fighting for another 50 years, Du Rui was scarred and scarred, and a near-death experience transformed him.

Chen Xinghe suddenly shouted: "It's now, enlightenment!"

In the memory, the body fell into a pool of blood, and the pain became numb.

"I'm tired!"

"I'm really tired!"

"However, I don't want to give in! Such a Myriad Demon Sect uses the heavens as a chessboard and all living beings as pawns. If you can't enter the Myriad Demons, you won't be reconciled!"

"If... If I, Du Rui, can have such a slight advantage, I won't be reduced to this."


He suddenly had a strange discovery that after the magic power dries up, there is only a trace left, and this trace of magic power is so tenacious and indomitable!


"The essence of magic?"

"I... when did I hone the essence of magic?"

Looking back on his life, Du Rui suddenly realized that he was born suitable to be a cultivator of the demonic way. Only by being extremely tenacious can he hope to enter the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, otherwise he is not worthy of being a Ten Thousand Demon disciple.

It is this kind of suffering that makes his magical power so resilient.

Once enlightened, reborn.

He realized it, and his understanding of power stepped onto a new level.

This guy was lucky enough to survive, and since then he has been out of control and has begun to emerge.

Chen Xinghe went deep into it, comprehending it repeatedly from his own perspective.

Du Rui, who later became Mo Dingtian, realized the Tao, and his Tao lies in controlling himself and controlling power.

Such memories are too important, Chen Xinghe is like picking up treasures on the road, stooping to pick them up one after another, integrating them together yields a lot.


"Miao Miao Miao!"

Comprehend the high depths, and the horizons suddenly broaden.

Chen Xinghe found that Mo Dingfeng was really limited by his congenital inadequacies, but if he could get some help, the situation would be much better.

But if it really has an innate advantage, is the Devil's Peak still the Devil's Peak?He may not be able to get out of such a road!

To be honest, they were all forced out, wandering between life and death, if they want to survive, they can only force themselves to open up a path to the sky.

However, Chen Xinghe discovered Modingtian's shortcomings!
He couldn't run all the way to the black.

Transplant the body of a real devil?It looks powerful, but it's out of the way!


Chen Xinghe surveyed Mo Dingtian's journey, and found that the top three disciples of the Wan Mo Sect were only short of the ultimate.

"Not perfect enough, Brother Du!"

"You are wrong, why bother to transplant the body of a real devil?"


"It's really hard!"

"In other words, I may not be able to go to the extreme."

"If I take this step, I'm afraid I have to make a choice. When it comes to myself, it's really not easy to make a decision."

It feels like I have experienced a whole life, and the years before and after have exceeded 1000 taels hundred years. I am afraid that Mo Dingtian can't remember many memories.

In fact, it didn't take long before and after. Many enlightenments were completed in the blink of an eye, and the understanding of the way of self-control skyrocketed.

Chen Xinghe opened his eyes, and suddenly sat down.

The injury was too severe to maintain normal movements.

"You? Did you kill Fengfeng?" Mo Yanran suddenly came up to her. As a monk of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, she was not weak.

However, Chen Xinghe didn't care, and didn't even look at her.

"Take your life!" Mo Yanran had initially suppressed the toxin, and a green light appeared between raising her hands, with a deep murderous intent.

This is a fatal blow, there is death but no life.

Who knew that the attack hadn't touched Chen Xinghe yet, Mo Yanran let out a scream, her eyes were full of fear and doubt, her body limp and fell down.


Not only was he dead, but his soul was also destroyed.

Chen Xinghe glanced lightly, the reason why Mo Dingfeng could make this witch show her teeth and claws by her side was because she knew where the opponent's door was.

In addition to blocking the door, he also used tricks on the witch. It is nothing to destroy the opponent, and the points are doubled and doubled.

enough!Instantly exchange Doumu Star Stones.

However, what he never expected was that the star stone was exchanged away.

(End of this chapter)

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