Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1125 Killing Order

Chapter 1125 Killing Order

Chen Xinghe cried out depressedly: "Who exchanged this? Do you also practice the Star Power technique? What do you want the Star Stone for?"

"Dumu Star Stone is too rare, I... how much opportunity did I miss?"

"It's over. Once you miss it, God knows when you will see such a treasure."

"What should we do now?"

"Hey! I can only take the next best thing and exchange for that strange chaotic stone."

Points were poured out, and the strange stone of chaos floated in, and he quickly collected it.

This strange chaotic stone is also very rare, it can open the path of the ancient Qi refiner, but Chen Xinghe wants that star stone more.

"I don't know if I can sense the Doumu Star Stone. If I can find a buyer, I will pay double the price to get it."

He didn't have time to think about it. The price of this battle was not small, and the damage must be repaired as soon as possible. If it was too late, it would easily leave sequelae.

In addition to his own injuries, Mo Dingtian's body also had to recover, and it was even more difficult to take care of both.

All the disciples of the Qingtian Sect moved over to protect the emperor.

Fortunately, Mo Dingtian had a few high-quality pills on his body, and after taking them, his injuries improved a little.

However, the injury is too serious, and it cannot be compensated by a few pills.

The dragon veins spew out dragon energy.

These dragon qi are the best panacea in the world. Using the dragon qi to maintain health and vitality, one hour is equivalent to 81 hours.

Two people fight, there are no demons for three thousand miles, so this place is safe for the time being.

Everyone relaxed, and Transsion discussed the battle just now.

"It's too scary, who can stand such a casual blow?"

"This lord has risen so fast. 30 years ago, he was still unknown. Now he has stood above all living beings. It's a pity that the Qingtian Sect has been disbanded. Otherwise, the emperor may become the sect's heir."

"No, not only the suzerain, but also the next suzerain, and also the master of Zhongxing!"

"He is also the master of Zhongxing now! Whether the sect has been disbanded or not, you and I can't figure it out? After this calamity, we may announce the restoration someday."

"It's hard to say! With so many monks brought in to deal with the evil, I'm afraid I won't be able to come out under the name of Qingtianzong. Changing the name may have a chance to regain its glory!"

"Hehe, the world is like chess. Fortunately, our strength is in place. No matter how much the disciples of the Wanmo Sect can kill, they will not be able to surpass this mountain."

"Yes! It's good to enjoy the shade under the big tree. With this blessing, we have a much higher chance of surviving than other monks."

Fortunately, everyone didn't take it lightly, because the disciples of the Wanmo Sect were very cunning, and they might have lurked close.

Chen Xinghe needed time. Fortunately, this battle cleared the surrounding area, so he shouldn't fall into an irresistible battle within an hour.

In other directions, a large amount of devilish cascades appeared in the sky, and the monsters swooped down.

While cursing and resisting, the monks exchanged items with Huantian Pavilion, trying to increase their life-saving ability.

When someone finds that sending items into the Magic Sky Pavilion can get points, they immediately clean up the useless items and try their best to grab important treasures.

From this moment on, Huantian Pavilion has become a self-service trading platform, and the utilization rate of resources is getting higher and higher.

When three groups of Qingtianzong monks arrived at the same time, Chen Xinghe heaved a sigh of relief.

If there are powerful monsters coming, so many monks are enough to last for half an hour.

He began to heal his wounds with all his strength, his body was already tangled up like hemp, and it was very difficult to sort out.The Moding Peak is not much better. It must be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise this clone will be useless.

Chen Xinghe turned both ends, he was busy!
Fortunately, he has excellent medical skills. After treatment, serious injuries turned into serious injuries, serious injuries turned into moderate injuries, and all moderate injuries were cured.

An hour later, the battle strength recovered by [-]%.

The next step is very important. Whether you can really recover depends on the control ability you just acquired.

For a quarter of an hour, Chen Xinghe's body trembled slightly.

"Bang..." A ripple was ejected from the chest, and then the arms, thighs, back, and all the wounds shot out ripples, strangling the distant monster with a crushing force.

Afterwards, Mo Dingtian's body was extremely introverted, and after holding back for a quarter of an hour, a sword shadow erupted, completely driving away the sword intent that had invaded his body.

"It's done?" Chen Xinghe opened his eyes, his eyes were full of joy, he immediately shook his head and sighed: "It's not done! It's still two steps away."

"Only by going to the extreme can we form a boost. This first step needs to eliminate all external forces, cut off all superfluous parts, return to the original, and strive for excellence!"

"This second step is even more difficult. You have to shrink your own strength to the extreme. It doesn't look like you have any cultivation. You are just an ordinary person!"

"I'm on the road of extreme speed. Before I join the road, I can't have both roads. After joining the road, I'm afraid... It's very difficult to have both, so it's as difficult as reaching the sky."

Chen Xinghe pondered for a long time, and gradually got a direction in his heart, and outlined a grand blueprint in his mind.

What surprised him was that the Wanmo Sect died down and stopped coming to him to fight and kill.

"Could it be that they killed many disciples of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect in a row, and they got scared?"

As soon as this idea came into his mind, he rejected it, because after he seized the Devil's Dingtian, he knew everything about the Wanmo Sect.

"The enemy is determined to win, especially the three most mysterious disciples of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, which makes even a natural demon like Mo Dingtian feel fear."

"Mo Dingtian is known as the top three, but in fact he knows better than anyone else that he is not qualified to be among the top three!"

"So if the enemy doesn't come now, it doesn't mean they won't come later!"

"Besides, the monks of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect's body stage are standing in their own half-cave sky, watching this battle all the time."

"Although they won't take action immediately, they have never let up, looking for an opportunity to take advantage of it. The Demon Realm is penetrating the Scarlet Emperor Heaven. If the Qingtian Sect is so weak that the Ten Thousand Demon Sect will dismiss it, those Demon Cultivators in the Fusion Period will liquidate without hesitation. "

"It's really exciting! Only by wandering on the edge of life and death can you find your true self."

"I have to admit that I am a little crazy! Knowing the moment when the crisis surrounds me, my blood boils overwhelmed my worries."

"Since the enemy is not coming, let's hurry up and refine Qi. This Chaos Stone is enough to support me to break through the shackles and rise to the level corresponding to the fusion stage. Although it is only a blow, it is better than nothing."

When Chen Xinghe was recuperating his body while practicing, he found that his control over his body had reached an unbelievable level.The benefits are obvious, the Qi meridian grows in one go, and the realm between movement and stillness is profound. If the feeling is really taken to the extreme, I am afraid it will become a mess.

Just as he was concentrating on preparations, the disciples of the Wanmo Sect took out their tokens to watch at the same time.

When they saw the handwriting on the token, they couldn't help shaking their hearts, and murmured to themselves: "The leader of the Qingtian Sect is very strong! Twelve hours count down, if this guy can't be eliminated, all disciples will be wiped out! "

"Hmph, in the mid-stage of transformation into a god, kill Yier!" A disciple of the Wanmo Sect moved towards Chen Xinghe's place.

Mo Lan got out of a cave, frowned slightly and said: "How much strength is that guy hiding? I hope that the brothers will put the overall situation first and stop killing each other. No, I have a bad feeling, and I need to plan ahead. Transform into Haoran Zhenglan again!"

(End of this chapter)

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