Chapter 1126
Mo Dingtian narrowed his eyes and grinned with a smile.

This Ten Thousand Demon Sect disciple had already changed his core, and recovered [-]% of his combat power after emergency adjustments.

Four percent?Rarely, it is enough to deal with ordinary cultivators in the transformation stage, but it is difficult to deal with disciples of Wanmo sect.

However, Mo Dingtian has one advantage, the true devil.

This guy transplanted the two true demons into himself, which can play a huge role at critical moments, and they can also play a huge role here in Chen Xinghe.

"Fellow Daoist! You have not been able to take the Great Dao of Yuli to the extreme. I have some insights, and I will walk on your basis. If you get through, you can expect to merge together in the future."

Thinking of this, Chen Xinghe searched for the elixir in the Huantian Pavilion.

Mo Dingtian was seriously injured, it would be good to recover more, but after searching for a long time, he didn't find a satisfactory pill.

"I have points that I can't spend?"

"Huantian Pavilion, besides the baby I saw before, are there any big ones?"

Chen Xinghe tried to ask, if Huantian Pavilion didn't respond, he planned to exchange all kinds of fairy stones to enrich dragon veins, but he didn't expect Huantian Pavilion to save face and directly sent a picture.

"Huh? Ganqing really has reservations!"

"A piece of cloth, a hatchet, a peony, and a gold ingot?"

"What's the use of these four pieces? I can't understand them at all."

Chen Xinghe looked very carefully, but couldn't see anything.

I really can't see anything, there is a limit to self-obscurity, and these things can't be seen no matter how you look at them.

A line of words appeared on the screen, and Chen Xinghe yelled: "Profitable merchant! It turns out to be a mortal thing, but it is only tainted with a trace of immortality, so it can be kept for a long time."

"Wait, immortal energy? Isn't it the energy of a fairy spirit? Is it the authentic energy of an immortal family?"

"Sages are also divided into levels, right?"

"Which of these four items is the most important?"

Chen Xinghe was excited, and first ruled out the peony and gold ingots.

Fairies keep flowers, right?The gold ingot may come from the God of Wealth, even if you realize that a touch of stone can be turned into gold, it doesn't matter.

Forget about the cloth too, it feels unreliable!So, only this hatchet is left?
"Is this immortal poor? He even keeps the hatchet, but if he doesn't choose the hatchet, what should I choose?"

"It's a huge amount of points, but it's not enough?"

Chen Xinghe felt a headache. In order to redeem this hatchet that he didn't know if it was useful, he sent Mo Dingfeng and Mo Yanran's entire net worth to the Huantian Pavilion, and shaved himself clean.

Such hard work will lead to this hatchet.

However, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. He held the hatchet to comprehend for a long time, but felt nothing.

"No way?"

"I gave all I had in exchange for a broken hatchet?"

"This hatchet?"

"This hatchet seems to have only one advantage, it is stable, unbreakable, and lasts forever."

After repeated observations, Chen Xinghe finally confirmed that there was nothing unique about this hatchet, except that it was protected by a touch of immortal power, and its strength was comparable to a high-grade spirit treasure, that's all.

"It's a big loss, it's better to exchange for a real spirit treasure!"

"Am I too greedy, or too incompetent? I can't comprehend the methods of the immortal family, so I can only admit defeat?"

He is not reconciled!With a cruel heart, he did not hesitate to consume his mind to enter the meditation.

The surroundings suddenly fell silent.

Everything seems to be static, but the hatchet in his hand has changed. It becomes rusty at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then returns to its original appearance in an instant, seemingly unchanged.

"Huh? What's going on here? Everything hasn't changed in this very short moment, but this hatchet is changing!" Chen Xinghe withdrew from the meditation, staring at the hatchet, still like that, unable to see anything come out.

He lost his composure, and once again entered the meditation, his mind became active in an instant.

"Is this [-] births and deaths in an instant?"

"Are immortals so powerful?"

"Impossible, no matter how powerful the immortal is, it is impossible to use this kind of immortal power that has been passed down through the ages on a hatchet."

"Why don't I believe it! Is Xianli so much useless?"

"That's why I must have overcomplicated things. From the great to the simple, these methods must be close to the Tao."

"So, it's the Dao of Life and Death?"

"Wait, just for a hatchet, let it go back and forth? Isn't this nonsense?"

"If the avenue is as simple as it is, the power of immortality will not be as simple as it is?"

"Since it's not the Dao of Birth and Death, is it the Dao of Time?"

"What I can be sure of is that this hatchet is looping every moment, from intact to rusty, and then back to intact from rusty, time seems to be reversing every moment."

"This must have been done casually, it is impossible to do it deliberately in order to save a hatchet."

"However, such things are rare in the world, which means that it is definitely not the work of ordinary immortals. It must be the kind of legendary upper-level immortals who can easily create such miracles, and such immortals must be extremely rare."

"Is it Xianli? Is it also Dao?" Chen Xinghe said with a flash of inspiration: "This is a closed power loop, which seals the damage of items, and the control of power is amazing! So, this is Yuli Dao? And Mo Dingtian A road number?"

"Closed loop? Yes, this is obviously a trace of immortal power, which is always circulating, not reversing time."

Chen Xinghe followed this thought, and gradually realized the subtlety of it...

In the blink of an eye, it was another hour.

The monks of Qingtianzong gathered together, reaching 300 people.

With so many people in formation, the power can be imagined.

While Chen Xinghe was delighted, he continued to practice. His body was absorbing the strange stones of chaos, and his mind was feeling the power of the immortals here in Mo Ding Tian. After finding the direction of his efforts, he could control the power more delicately.

He was even thinking, is this the luck of Demon Peak?

If Wan Mozong breaks through the Huantian Pavilion, at least one of the four mortal objects of the immortal family can fall into the opponent's hands, and the Dao of Yuli will inevitably rise with the tide.

now!Such a chance is Chen Xinghe's achievement.

At this moment, the monsters have filled the area where the big demon has no demons, rushing to the front of the formation to launch an impact.

This kind of monster has no brains and is easy to kill.

In addition, two groups of monks gathered ten miles away, more or less sharing some of the pressure, so they couldn't threaten Chen Xinghe for the time being.

"Tai Chi?"

Now he has comprehended on the hatchet again. The so-called Dao of Yuli is a previous idea, but now he suddenly has a clear understanding.The yin and yang of this hatchet turn each other, creating the most primitive Tai Chi formation.

"Sure enough, the Dao is as simple as it is! Dao produces one, one produces two, two produces three, and three produces all things. It is Wuji that produces Tai Chi, Tai Chi that produces Liangyi, and the combination of Yin and Yang to produce all dharmas!"

"Visible things come from intangibles, so Wuji is Tai Chi. Tai Chi is endlessly healthy. Movement generates Yang Qi, while stillness generates Yin Qi. In this way, Yin and Yang Qi are the roots of each other, and they circulate in infinity."

Just got a hatchet, the more Chen Xinghe comprehended it, the more miraculous it became, and the deeper the comprehension, the immortal power lingering on the hatchet began to tremble slightly.

Seeing that his thoughts seemed to resonate with Xianli, he suddenly looked into the monster.

The disciples of Wan Mo Sect came, and there were four of them, and one of them was close to Mo Baobao in strength.

"Be alert, change formation!"

The expressions of all the cultivators of the Qingtian Sect were shocked, and their feet immediately changed their positions. The flying sword was lifted into the air, and the sky ruler was used to mobilize mana, and 300 people joined forces to strike together.

"Crack..." The four figures drifted away and retreated, their eyes full of viciousness.

One thousand three against four, naturally the four of them suffer!
Chen Xinghe squinted his eyes and said with a sneer, "The Wan Mo Sect is nothing more than that."

(End of this chapter)

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