Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1127 Cohesion

Chapter 1127 Cohesion


Yuanshen's sound transmission can be clearly heard even if it is three hundred miles away.

What did the man say?The Ten Thousand Demon Sect is nothing more than that?
How bold are you?Dare to say that?
If it weren't for the fact that the Wan Mo Sect had too few people, the five major sects of the Scarlet Emperor Heaven would be nothing.

As a disciple of the Wan Mo Sect, how could he endure hearing these words?

But...the four of them were enemies against 300 people, including Han Zhongshu, a cultivator at the transformation stage, and Chen Xinghe, who was protected by a heavy sword curtain. It was very dangerous.

The outside world can't see the center of the sword array, let alone the Demon Peak, so these Wanmo Sect monks don't know that this senior brother is still "alive".

The sword formation changed slightly, and the sword shadow burst out.

It's just a sword shadow, not a flying sword. Even so, it's terrifyingly strong under Chen Xinghe's leadership.

"Hey..." The sound of Jian Ying's cry was overwhelming, and the expressions of the four Ten Thousand Demon Sect disciples changed drastically, and they retreated again and again, in a panic.

"Hmph! How dare you despise my Myriad Demon Sect, die!" The four Myriad Demon Sect disciples took out their bone flutes and began to whine.

Chen Xinghe knew it immediately, it was the magic song!

The monsters appearing all over the sky are the army of disciples of the Wanmo Sect, and controlling demons is a major feature of the Wanmo Sect.

The monster's eyes were scarlet, and it rushed towards the sword array like crazy.

The thunder dragon suddenly flew high, and with a loud roar, it launched its full strength.

Thunder broke out in the sword array, and in a blink of an eye hundreds of flying swords flew out with dazzling lightning, like a god's scimitar swirling and slashing, the monster was so fragile that it was unimaginable.

After killing a few waves, the demon corpses piled up like a mountain.

Monsters in the Nascent Soul stage are almost all intelligent, and they cherish life very much, so most of the monsters that rush over are only in the Golden Core stage.

This kind of stuff is really nothing in front of more than 1000 Nascent Soul stage monks, and it would be even less worth mentioning if there were not too many of them.

It has to be said that the sword array is mighty, and the thunder dragon is mighty.

These monsters have strong vitality, and it is difficult for them to lose their ability to move due to ordinary injuries. They must be destroyed to a certain extent to contain them.

Ordinary monks are caught in the tide of demons. It’s okay to say that their cultivation base is strong, but their cultivation base is a little weak. They are surrounded by hundreds of monsters, and basically have no way to survive.

Now that the sword array is facing hundreds or even thousands of times of monsters, is there a lot of pressure?

Big indeed, but not beyond the handling range.

After all, everyone got a full rest before, and it was the time when mana was abundant, so you can take care of any monsters that come.

Once the sword formation was activated, Chen Xinghe felt something else, how much mana each person used, and how much mana was mobilized by the Tianru, it was clear.

"Some people keep a lot!"

"Some people secretly hinder the sword array."

"Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. It seems that even if the Qingtian Sect has closed down, the four major sects still have not relaxed, and the penetration is strong."

"So, since you have already made your choice, I will not be polite."

The sword intent passed through, and the sword array changed again. Those monks with problems came to the edge of the sword array. If the external force was strong enough, they would be cannon fodder, the unlucky ghosts who were the first to die.

Don't want to contribute?It's up to them now.

Block it! Can more than 1000 people stop four Ten Thousand Demon Sect disciples?It is a good thing that the Qingtian Sect has been disbanded, and there will be no mention of rebuilding it from now on.

The four Ten Thousand Demon Sect disciples were not angry, they stepped forward on the head of the monster, each occupying one side with all their might.

The heart-eating dance of phantom demons in the east, the dark magic transformation of Vientiane in the south, the reincarnation of the blue demons in the west, and the magic dragon destroying the palm of the gods in the north.

As soon as they raised their butts, Chen Xinghe knew how capable they were, how to attack next, and how hard they wanted to hit.

Knowing yourself and the enemy, and winning every battle, facing an enemy who knows the Wanmo sect so well, it's no wonder that these disciples of the Wanmo sect can gain the upper hand!

The phantom magic heart-eating dance communicates with the mind, and illusions abound.

Chen Xinghe spread the word with a light shout, and the monks of Sword Formation suddenly came to their senses, feeling a little ashamed of their performance.

If it weren't for this soft shout, they would have almost fallen into a demonic state and could not extricate themselves, and they might even go mad on the spot. The disciples of the Wanmo sect are indeed terrifying.

Of course, Emperor Zun is still powerful, and he can easily break it with a light drink.

The Ten Thousand Demon Sect female cultivator who was doing her best to perform the Phantom Demon Heart Eater bit the tip of her tongue and spat out a mouthful of blood, and a layer of blood mist spread towards the sword formation immediately.

"Oh?" Chen Xinghe raised his eyebrows slightly, controlled the sword array to change rapidly, and the measuring ruler quickly stepped forward, floating in the air and turning around, the blood mist immediately deflected.

"What?" The witch was shocked, when did the measuring ruler become so powerful?
There was something even more powerful, when the measuring ruler was turned again, there was a loud "boom", and the blue demon reincarnated passed through the sword array and attacked her.


The witch hurriedly dodged, and all the demon heads behind her turned into pus. Such a scene was terrifying.

"The measuring ruler is so strong?"

The cultivator of Qingtianzong was extremely shocked.

Chen Xinghe sighed: "If you want to tilt the sky, you must first measure the sky. Today, I know that to achieve the Heaven-Qing Sword Domain, you must first understand the ability to measure the sky, climb up step by step, and connect the past and the future to soar! You have to go back and re-understand. But it’s not too late, and we will be able to reach Xiongji soon.”

He was sighing secretly, the monks under his command were full of energy, and said in his heart: "No matter how strong the monks of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect are, what can these few guys do?"

"Our Qingtian Sect is still powerful. Under the leadership of Emperor Zun, we are very likely to die and become auspicious and revitalize the sect."

I hope that sometimes it will bring illusions to people. Under the extreme anticipation, some monks' heads became hot, and they shouted: "Qingtian Yuji, ten thousand demons bestow heads, just a demon door, that's all."

Contempt, boldness, the arrogance of the top sect immediately returned.

"A mere magic door, but that's all..."

"But so..."

Roaring by one person is nothing, but roaring by thousands of people at the same time is very powerful.

Forced by the momentum, the wave of monsters became chaotic.


With vigor and murderous intent.

Great war is the best way to hone a person's character, no matter how calm the weather is usually, no matter whether you are a wild crane, once you enter the battlefield, you will definitely be affected, fight hard if you don't want to die!
"Kill..." Killing erupted.

Are Qingtianzong monks bad?It's really not bad. After being suppressed by the four major sects for many years, I have long been holding back my heart.

In fact, what everyone lacks is victory.

As long as someone can bring everyone victories, then he is the master and respect, and a cohesive force will naturally form.

Chen Xinghe is now the most sensitive to the changes in the sword formation's aura, and found that the power of the sword formation not only did not weaken as the monsters were strangled, but instead increased steadily.

"This is the military spirit available?"

"Understood, why are the monks of the Qingtian Sect so weak? How can a sect such as Chihuangtian tolerate humiliation?"

His mind moved, and his voice was loud.

"The disciples of the Qingtian Sect listen to the order, and perform the Qingtian Sword Formation with me, kill, trap, kill, kill, set up the sword gate, kill!"

"Stand up the sword gate, kill!"

The military spirit can be used, the killing heart can be used, and the rainbow light of the sword path bursts out, and these monsters nearby are like snowflakes meeting flames, melting in an instant.

"Escape!" The disciples of the Wan Mo Sect had an ominous premonition in their hearts, and they saw four crystal points shooting towards them.

(End of this chapter)

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