Chapter 1128

The four Ten Thousand Demon Sect disciples froze for a moment, the flying sword had passed through their bodies.

The defensive magic weapons on his body are useless at all, this kind of offensive is beyond the scope of defense, this battle was fought so uselessly, facing this sword array, he couldn't find a place to start.

"Hahaha!" All the cultivators Qingtian laughed, the four of them were enemies of 300 people, so brave.

"Pfft..." Without any hesitation, a disciple of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect abandoned his body, escaped from the demon baby, and fled thousands of miles in an instant.

The other three Ten Thousand Demon Sect disciples hesitated for a while, and used methods to suppress their injuries, but the next moment they all exploded, their bodies disappeared, and they had no chance of life, even reincarnation.

Chen Xinghe glanced at it and didn't care.

Trouble hasn't come to your door, so hurry up and recuperate your body to recover from your injuries.

The monsters attack from time to time, and they can fully cope with the power of the sword array. The monks rest after shifts, and they seem relatively relaxed.

In the blink of an eye, four hours passed.

Chen Xinghe had a bad feeling.

No one from Wan Mo Sect has come over for so long, are you afraid?

There is no such possibility. There is only one possibility for this group of demon cultivators to be so bold and quiet, and that is that they are preparing a big move.

Fortunately, four hours is enough for him to recover from his injuries.

The combat strength of the main body has recovered to [-]%, and Mo Dingtian has recovered to [-]%. It is naturally different to have the assistance of dragon veins, but he is still wearing Mo Dingtian's body, ready to surprise those demon lunatics.

After another hour, the atmosphere suddenly became uncomfortable.

Han Zhongshu reminded loudly: "Be careful, the concentration of magic energy becomes thicker very quickly, monsters..."

At this point, the voice was swallowed up by the roar, what a terrifying wave of demons, attacking this place from all directions.

Chen Xinghe directly transmitted the voice: "Follow me into the air and strangle!"

"Yes!" The sword array rose from the ground, reaching over a thousand feet.

A large number of monsters with astonishing flying abilities rushed towards them wave after wave, and the sword array turned murderously, twisting the monster corpses like rain.

There are too many monsters, and there are many Nascent Soul stage monsters.

The attack was very powerful, and Chen Xinghe responded methodically.

The sword array became extremely powerful under his specifications, and the number of monsters was indeed dizzying, but that was it, and the number was still piled up desperately. There was no monster in the transformation stage, and it was not difficult to kill.

"Kill!" Maintaining the operation of the sword array consumes a lot of mana. To everyone's great joy, a fairy spirit erupted in the center of the sword array.

This fairy spirit is abundant beyond imagination, mana is being recovered while being consumed, although the consumption is still greater than the recovery, but the consumption speed has slowed down by more than ten times.

With such help, it's nothing to say, strangling and strangling, ten times more monsters are no problem.

"Roar..." The roar was a bit unusual.

I saw a black figure jumping up high, with blue rings around his hands, feet, and neck, rushing towards the sword formation with a face full of pain.

"Shrink the formation, this void demon is covered with magic thunder, guard carefully."

Chen Xinghe knew at a glance that the blue ring came from a disciple of the Wan Mo Sect.

After a long time of preparation, this is the time to launch a decisive blow.

"Ho, ho..." Ten void demons appeared, all equipped with magic thunders. As long as they approached a certain distance, the sword array would definitely suffer an impact.

"Let go of your body and mind, let me control the sword array." Chen Xinghe ordered, those cultivators who respected him immediately let go of their bodies and minds, while a small group of people with ghosts in their hearts were still hesitant.

With a "shua" sound, the sword array turned into a full-strength defense.

The sky-measuring rulers were all lifted into the air, superimposed into a giant ruler, and spun around above the sword array.

"Boom boom boom boom..." The magic thunder exploded, and the impact force built up in a breath, and the figures of all the nearby monsters swayed slightly, and then fell straight from the air.

A bizarre scene appeared, the measuring ruler rotated extremely fast under the impetus of the sword formation, and the impact forces from all directions were either deflected or canceled each other out, and unexpectedly held the formation forcefully.

But those few cultivators who were unwilling to fully integrate themselves into the sword array, and even less willing to open up to Chen Xinghe, were miserable.

They are already on the fringe of the sword formation, and they are awkward and don't want to contribute, they just want to be protected by the sword formation, where in the world is there such a good thing?

When the aftermath of the shock wave was raging, they screamed again and again.

Thirty or so monks resisted with all their strength, but were still swallowed up, becoming the first batch of cannon fodder in this battle.

Seeing this scene, everyone was vigilant, and had the most intuitive impression of the power of the magic thunder.

If it weren't for the measuring ruler hanging high, the sword array would be over.

In addition, those cultivators who had ghosts in their hearts were startled for a while, only then did they realize that something was wrong, the sword formation always surrounded them, and it turned out that their ghost thoughts had long been exposed.

These monks couldn't help but think too much, the sound of flapping wings came to their ears.

They were Void Demons in the Transformation Stage, and their number exceeded one hundred. With chains around their necks, they uttered painful long chants and killed them.

"Exorcism lock?" Chen Xinghe said via voice transmission: "This time it's not a magic thunder, but these void demons can explode themselves, and attack with all their strength as I rotate the sword array."

"Yes!" Everyone's hearts tightened, and they cooperated immediately.

There was a loud buzzing, and hundreds of flying swords flew out of the sword formation, attacking these void demons, once, twice, three times...

"Boom..." The sword array almost collapsed. Before a dozen Qingtianzong monks could scream, their bodies collapsed and dissipated.

The attack came from a Wanmo sect disciple. This guy suddenly appeared, glanced at the center of the sword formation, and then disappeared suddenly.

Chen Xinghe's complexion sank, and he pondered: "The Demon Emperor?"

He knew that this Demon Emperor was the strongest among the disciples of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, but there was also a mysterious Demon Qing, who was unfathomable.

Now that the Demon Emperor has appeared, the sword array has become precarious and may soon be broken.

Chen Xinghe knew that once the sword array was broken, he would not be able to gather all his strength to defend against the enemy, and the cultivators of the Qingtian Sect were definitely not opponents of the disciples of the Wanmo Sect.

Therefore, the sword array cannot be broken, and this advantage must be guaranteed to continue.

"Boom, boom..." The void demon exploded, and at the same time, the demon emperor reappeared, with a huge magic sword in his hand, and burst into the sword formation with a howl.

More than 30 Qingtianzong monks died in an instant, and suddenly there was a "dang" sound, and a hatchet held the huge magic sword, and the voice spread: "Senior Brother Demon Emperor has not been seen for a long time."

"You?" The Demon Emperor responded immediately: "No, you are not the Demon Peak."

"Explosive!" Chen Xinghe knew that the opportunity must not be missed, and he would never come back.

Mo Dingfeng stretched out his arms from behind and pierced it, and at the same time a pair of magic eyes appeared on his cheeks, and the power of the vast pupils poured out.

"Puff puff puff..." The air between the two collided, and the Demon Emperor was taken aback. This bastard gave up two real demon vitality and launched a death blow to him.

"The devil master ups and downs!" The devil emperor showed his might, and the magic sword in his hand seemed to penetrate the 33rd sky, annihilating everything in a burst of "crackling".

The devil's peak retreated sharply, a mouthful of devil's blood spewed out of his mouth, and his body was almost broken, which shows how superb the devil's power is.

However, the Demon Emperor was not much better, with three phalanxes inserted into his chest, two lines of demonic blood flowed from his eyes, and he was temporarily blind.

"Ahhh..." The roar was overwhelming, but Mo Dingfeng, who was in a violent retreat, stood up again, and drew a stunning gossamer with the hatchet in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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