Chapter 1130
Chen Xinghe was a little uneasy, the sword array was controlled by him so powerfully, why would he still have a whim, and his right eye would twitch?
It seems that the crisis has not passed, but is rapidly intensifying.

"Everyone meditate and cultivate." As soon as the words fell, the dragon's veins were fully opened, and the aura in the sword formation was overwhelming, and he was happier than any cave.

Eighty percent of spiritual energy and twenty percent of fairy energy are extravagant in the eyes of ordinary monks. It may take two quarters of an hour to fully store mana and be alive and well.

Seeing everyone practicing meditation, Chen Xinghe felt a little relieved. Unexpectedly, a team suddenly came from Dongfang, calling out from a distance: "Senior Brother Han."

This team was in a terrible state, many monks supported each other, it seemed that they came here after a fierce battle.

Han Zhongshu was moved: "Brother Xu, you have worked hard!"

Chen Xinghe said in a loud voice: "The sword array will remain in its original state, and I will immediately exchange it for three hundred immortal stones for those who come to restore their combat power to prevent the tide of demons."

"Yes!" Han Zhongshu felt that it was normal to do this. The thousand more than 200 monks under his command had already formed a tacit understanding, and the sudden integration into other teams might affect the performance of Emperor Zuo.

Who wants to come and quit, and roared angrily: "Senior brother Han, didn't you send a message to let us come and gather? We have gone through untold hardships to fight here, why can't we integrate into the sword array? We need time to rest and don't want to be afraid."

The monks under his command rushed to support: "Di Zun, Emperor Zuo, let the brothers and sisters integrate into the sword formation! Let us protect them and help them recover their combat power, so that in less than an hour, everyone can fight side by side."

Han Zhongshu's face was serious, he felt that there was something wrong with this normally dull Junior Brother Xu, suddenly he heard Chen Xinghe say: "Okay, enter the sword formation immediately, and use the sword formation to recover."

"Emperor seat! Isn't it too hasty to do this?" Han Zhongshu hurriedly transmitted the voice.

"They are indeed monks from the Qingtian Sect. I need this combat power to strengthen the sword array. However, the magic way is best at deceiving people. If you can't be hard, you can be soft, and if you can't be bright, you can be dark. It's normal for Wan Mozong disciples to mix into this team .”

"Then you still?" Han Zhongshu felt strange.

"Once we prevent them from integrating, the morale of the army will immediately become unstable. There are many ways for the monks of the magic way to engage in internal strife and attract demons. Instead of scolding and blocking them, it is better to take the risk. Listen to my arrangement and assign positions."

"Observe!" Han Zhongshu suddenly realized that this was to divert the foreign teams. As for how to deal with them after the diversion, it is unknown.

Chen Xinghe closed his eyes, feeling the changes in the sword array.

This is a self-challenge.

Where everyone sits, how the muscle lines go, whether they look around vigilantly, or really integrate their breath into the sword array, all are reflected in their minds.

If it is so simple to distinguish friend from foe, that would be too easy.

Chen Xinghe has an intuition that can make him feel uneasy, which is definitely not something that can be controlled by inner demons or spies. It must be those few most tricky monks from the Ten Thousand Demons Sect who have sneaked in.

"Haoran Zhenglan is also Mo Lan. It reminded me that a disciple of Wan Mo Sect may have another identity, even a disciple of Qingtian Sect."

"The hunter and the prey may switch identities at any time, so no matter how careful you are, you can only deal with various emergencies if you are strong."

"Extreme! The only thing I can use now is this hatchet. One step further in the Great Dao of Yuli, yin and yang complement each other, and Tai Chi complements each other."

Chen Xinghe held the hatchet and put all his attention into it. He was forced to make it this far. He knew better than anyone else how terrifying the Wanmo Sect was.

To be honest, even if you get the memory of Demon Summit, you don't know very well about those advanced monks of Wanmo Sect, but even if the known part is in front of you, it is enough to shock people!

What frightened him even more was that there were many indications that the Wan Mo Sect was going from the dark to the bright, so this was the last fight.

Last time!How can we not give up without killing a sea of ​​blood?
Two quarters of an hour later, another team rushed over.

The number of sword formations doubled immediately, reaching 500 people, but it is not bad for the monks of Xinxiang sect to have five achievements.

Because Chen Xinghe cleaned it up before, only a few monsters came over.

The monks became more and more relaxed, and suddenly a ball of divine flame appeared.

"Ah! Be careful." The chaos ensued as expected.

"Is it messed up?" Han Zhongshu looked unhappy, and was about to stand up when suddenly a black needle pricked him.

"Who?" The opponent shot too fast.

The measuring ruler flashed, but failed to block the black needle.

"What?" Han Zhongshu couldn't believe it.

"Master, be careful!" Li Kuixing was very vigilant, and came over with her relic coffin, but it was too late.

The black needle was inserted straight into the forehead.

"Ah?" Li Kuixing yelled, and found that Uncle Han had changed his appearance.

Chen Xinghe received a solid injection, and it was a very vicious injection.

He raised his hand and pulled out the black needle, looked carefully, and pondered: "Qi Mo blood has been dyed and dyed through ten processes for 370 years, and this top-quality product is willing to take it out? It's really urgent."

"Where's Uncle Han?" Li Kuixing asked.

"Swapped places with me, dealing with those arsonists."

"What should we do now? The sword array is in chaos." Li Kuixing stomped his feet anxiously: "You shouldn't have let these people in! Those Ten Thousand Demon Sect monks will definitely attack later."

"Don't worry, I can hold on for a while." Chen Xinghe smiled slightly, and shot the poisonous needle casually, and the cultivators of the Qingtian Sect's transformation stage who were separated by seven or eight positions suddenly fell to the ground, and shouted in horror: "You, you How do you know it's me..."

This needle is too poisonous, and the monks in the stage of transformation are also dead but not alive.

The voice echoed in the sword array: "Anyone who respects me and believes in me, kneel!"

The coercion spread.

"Your Majesty?" The little half monk was astonished and did not doubt that he was there, and immediately knelt down to bow down, but this group of people only accounted for [-]%.

In Chen Xinghe's opinion, [-]% was already very good, and the next [-]% monks hesitated a little, and knelt down.

Chen Xinghe said again: "How about the rest? Have you ever respected me?"

A monk yelled: "Are you a ball? Let us respect you? You have offended so many sects and masters, please ask for blessings first!"

Anyone who uttered wild words immediately found out in horror that he was shifting shape, and in the blink of an eye, he came to those rioters, and bumped into them without any explanation.

"Ah..." At the critical moment of life and death, they had no choice but to save their lives.

The three formations in the southeast were lit up, Chen Xinghe said without moving, "Follow me to practice the sword formation."

At this moment, [-]% of the monks did not bow down, and these monks suddenly realized that something was wrong.

The sword array changed rapidly, and by the time they realized it, they had fallen into chaos.

"Kill! Don't let the sword formation break away."

"Asshole, there's no need to hide it anymore, let's do it."

Three Wanmo sect disciples appeared, and more than 200 magic dyed monks gathered around them.

bow down?If they really knelt down, the devil's heart would immediately collapse, and he would curse at the other party that this move was too damaging.

Chen Xinghe sneered, watching the cultivators Moran rush to kill, all the monks with problems were killed in a group, and there was no need for a sword array to strangle them.

However, the real test is not on these people, but...

Sitting on the relic coffin, Li Kuixing became extraordinarily beautiful: "It seems that I can't hide it anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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