Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1131 Tai Chi Immortal Power

Chapter 1131 Tai Chi Immortal Power
Chen Xinghe looked at Li Kuixing, and said regretfully: "After Qingtianzong's downfall, it is riddled with holes, one moth after another has gnawed the giant tree into dross, and the core is completely rotten!"

"Hahaha, it's good to know! Chen Xinghe, I, Mokui, was originally the number one in the trial. According to the plan, I was supposed to become the all-powerful empress of the generation. It was you who stole the limelight from my old lady, and you made me lose my face."

Before the words were finished, a little cold star appeared and pierced into Chen Xinghe's body with a "duh", Li Kuixing was very happy seeing this scene.

However, she didn't have such joy after that, and saw Chen Xinghe's body swaying, and the cold star fell on the palm of his hand intact. After observing for a while, she said, "Good thing, you have invited Mo Yi Shenlei, even a monk in the fusion period I'm afraid it will be quite troublesome if I get a mark."

"What about you?" Li Kuixing was a little uneasy.

"Why didn't I get the trick? Just don't let it explode?" Chen Xinghe casually tossed it, and a ball of green light suddenly exploded a little distance away, causing heavy casualties.

"You can actually control the ten-foot space around your body?"

"It's very simple. You can do it as long as you give up your magical skills and magic power. The more you give up, the stronger your control."

Li Kuixing said solemnly: "I didn't expect you to have reached this level, but no matter how high the level is, you have to die for me."

Ten wooden thorns appeared, very poisonous.

However, this is not a killer move, the real killer move comes from the coffin formed by her devil relic.

"Boom..." Chen Xinghe felt unbelievable. With such a high level of soul cultivation and such a strong self-control ability, he actually fell into layers of illusions. What he saw was extremely real, and...

And this is the world of Immortal Sword, he became the half-demon Liyan who had only used it once.

A few years later, Banmo Liyan has become an adult, with loose and messy long hair, long and messy bangs, dark red hair, and pale skin.

The basic tone of the clothing is black, and he wears strong clothing, with several muscles exposed, a large area of ​​magic lines and scars on his right hand, and a bandage wrapped around his hand and leg.

Chen Xinghe frowned slightly, and said in his heart: "No, I really entered the fairy sword world, and I was forcibly pulled in by that coffin."

There was a sound of piercing through the air in Lin Hai, and someone shouted: "The devil is right ahead, catch up and kill him."

"Oh? Everyone is yelling and beating again? What have you been doing, Li Yan, all these years when I'm not here? Are you still unable to get rid of the established fate?"

"That's right, how strict is the shackles of heaven and earth? It is difficult for a half-devil to break through, but I don't have time to walk out a road for you right now."

"How to go back?"

At this moment, Li Kuixing giggled and said happily, "No matter how powerful you are, you can't escape my means."

She raised her hand to press Chen Xinghe's forehead, but her expression froze suddenly, and she burst out with demonic energy crazily, roaring: "How did you come back?"

The flying sword pierced through the body, inserted into the back, and exposed the front chest.

Li Kuixing revealed his true cultivation and was in the early stage of becoming a god.

However, Chen Xinghe's flying sword has become a middle-grade spirit treasure, even if it is not a physical attack, it is equivalent to a low-grade spirit treasure.

Before five breaths, Li Yan woke up in a trance and saw an unbelievable scene. ,
The dense forest in front of him disappeared, the trees turned into tiny fragments, and all the decent people who chased him disappeared.

No, it didn't disappear, it was reduced to pieces like those trees...

Chen Xinghe felt fortunate that he wasn't the one Li Kuixing cast a spell on, so he casually helped Li Yan deal with the enemy, and immediately cut off Duoshe.

There was a squeeze feeling around him, and after the roar, he returned to the main body smoothly, and raised the corner of his mouth and said: "You don't know the enemy, it's your bad luck."

So there was the scene of the flying sword piercing through Li Kuixing.

"Brother..." Li Kuixing screamed in alarm, she was scared, really scared, Chen Xinghe actually managed to escape from the relic coffin, so he called for the Demon King who was much more powerful than her.

The Demon Emperor has arrived, and his majestic body descended from the sky.

It's just that a hatchet appeared in time, passing by with dense sword shadows.

"Qiang..." The demon sword broke inch by inch, and the demon emperor let out a roar.

In the sword formation, 26 monks of the transformation stage suddenly appeared, plus Han Zhongshu and other transformation monks, a total of 42 people.

Under their suppression, Chaos was forcibly suppressed, and the sword formation instantly recovered.

Chen Xinghe smiled slightly, how could the Qingtian Sect have no backup?Can fight each other for many years, is it weak?
Soon, however, he stopped laughing.

More than 300 monks blew themselves up in the sword array, they didn't know what kind of magic they had been hit, and they didn't leave any escape for themselves.

"Boom..." The sword array suffered heavy damage.

Although under Chen Xinghe's deliberate arrangement, those monks who were on the brink of chaos were all cannon fodder, but the power and range of the explosion both exceeded expectations, and it was definitely impossible to use the sword array to meet the enemy for a while.

"Hahaha!" The Demon Emperor laughed, fixed his eyes on Chen Xinghe, and said excitedly: "See what you can rely on this time?"

The gigantic sword slashed at Mount Hua with howling ghosts and gods. During this period of time, he was really useless. How could a mere cultivator of the Qingtian Sect be considered a bird?It was a character who was completely allowed to be killed by him, but he supported it for several hours.

it's good now!Finally breaking the sword formation is tantamount to driving this kid into a dead end.

"Demon Master Ups and Downs!" The huge sword pressed down, with infinite power.

26 flying swords tried to defend, but broke in response.

"Hmph!" The Demon Emperor showed cruel eyes.

However, the moment the 26 flying swords were shattered, the first unlucky one was not Chen Xinghe, but Li Kuixing!
"No!" She exploded to death in an instant, and the blood sword sprayed in all directions.

There are a total of 27 flying swords, and there is a deep connection between them. 26 flying swords greeted the demon emperor, and one more nailed Li Kuixing. Under the combined power, the result can be imagined.

It was the Demon Emperor who killed Li Kuixing in one hit.

To the enemy, Chen Xinghe will never show mercy.

"Roar..." The Demon Emperor summoned up immeasurable aura, and the reunion of the Demon Sword was like a god staring at him, never letting Chen Xinghe have a chance to escape from death.

The relic coffin was shattered, crushed by the invincible magic sword, and smashed into Chen Xinghe's avatar, it was about to devour everything, unexpectedly, the broken body instantly recovered.

Chen Xinghe took his time to stand in front of the Demon Emperor, and seemed to inadvertently stroke his palm.

"Om..." An unimaginable scene appeared, the Demon Emperor crashed into a galloping carriage like a rag sack, and his majestic body suddenly flew out.

what's the situation?
too suddenly!

Those Ten Thousand Demon Sect disciples were completely stunned.

"Boom boom boom..." Chen Xinghe caught up with the Demon Emperor and punched.

Mountains of fists and seas of fists chased after him, causing the Demon Emperor to howl wildly, urging his magic skills to resist with all his strength.

No matter how much he resisted, it would not be able to save him from becoming a rag bag at this moment.

Why is Chen Xinghe so strong?
First of all, Moding Peak is a strong person in the late stage of transforming gods, and he also takes into account body training, which is definitely not bad.

This is nothing, what really allowed him to savagely beat the Demon Emperor was the hatchet.

The hatchet is Tai Chi by itself, just now Chen Xinghe deliberately asked the Demon Emperor to destroy this clone, and then connect to Tai Chi Immortal Power at the moment the body was damaged.

(End of this chapter)

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