Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1132 Dai Yuhe

Chapter 1132 Dai Yuhe

"So strong in combat power?" The Demon Emperor was shocked, and finally summoned the Demon Sword to stabilize his figure, but found that he had left the sword formation, and all his efforts were in vain, so angry that he roared to the sky.

Chen Xinghe was no longer polite, and said via voice transmission: "Defend the enemy!"

"Yes!" The sword array reluctantly converged, cutting off hidden dangers under the guidance of wisps of sword energy.

Someone escaped from the Nascent Soul to escape, useless, die!

Someone yelled and begged for mercy, it was useless, death!
In the battle to the death, these people are cancerous, and not killing them is not enough to calm the anger in their hearts.

Dozens of heads flew high, they were able to fight on their own just now, but now they have no power to fight back.

"Do not……"

no what no?What did you do long ago? If you betray the sect, you will die.

Chen Xinghe wasn't annoyed by these cultivators. A good bird chose a tree to live in. Standing on a different standpoint, it wasn't wrong to choose no matter what. What was wrong was that these people were not strong enough.

The Demon Emperor was very strong, but he was stunned all of a sudden. In fact, Chen Xinghe paid a lot.

This avatar is like a rumbling furnace, which suddenly burns out most of the charcoal fire. Although the flame is not completely extinguished, it cannot continue in a short time.

But in any case, this path is the right one, otherwise it would be difficult to suppress the Demon Emperor to this extent.


After the sword array wiped out those relatively weak monks, the rest were all hard bones.

There are a total of three pinches of this kind of hard bones, which are very tough and difficult to kill.

Chen Xinghe let out a surprise, and moved his feet to avoid the blow.

"Mo Qingqing?"

"Are you familiar with me?" Two women stood side by side, one plump and beautiful, the other dry and thin, said in unison.

"Are you going to use Demon Extinguishing Slash on me, or are you planning to use the magic gourd? Even the Demon Emperor does not have Lingbao-level magic treasures, and you have two of them."

"You not only got Mo Dingtian's body, but also his memory?" The two women were very surprised.

"Why pretend to be surprised? I'm afraid you have seen this long ago, and used two puppets to attract my attention. Where is the real body? Is it approaching me? I am also a clone, so what if I am broken? Give it to you Kill, come on!"

"You're too arrogant," the woman yelled.

One of the two women released a small purple gourd, and the other took out black scissors, and the magic rhyme spread towards the surroundings like a storm.

"So strong!"

Being able to control two Lingbao-level magic treasures at the same time, and still controlling them as a clone, Mo Qingqing is strong in her huge magic power, which even surpasses the dragon's veins, so Mo Qingqing must have a mystery in her body.

With a flash of the little purple gourd, Chen Xinghe's primordial spirit almost left his body.

Shaking the gourd again, the primordial spirit really left the body, protruding out of the body like a ghost, half outside and half inside, looking very weird.

The scissors closed with a "click".

The moment the primordial spirit left his body, Chen Xinghe knew that he was going to be hit by scissors, Mo Qingqing had cut too many powerful monks.

"This woman is vicious!"

A figure sprayed out from the ethnobag, and the scissors were knocked back with a sword.

Chen Xinghe returned to his body, and just as he was about to borrow strength from the sword formation, the third Mo Qingqing was already standing behind him, like a wife embracing her husband who is about to go far away, with boundless love and nostalgia.

In the haze, that ray of tenderness is obsessed.

It was not enough for Chen Xinghe to enter the meditation, and he had to use all the power of the meditation spell to regain his senses.

"Is it beautiful?"

It's beautiful, this feeling is really beautiful.

Chen Xinghe was certain that even if his real lover stood behind him, the feeling created by Mo Qingqing might not necessarily be better.

No matter how stable the Dao heart is, there will be some hesitation at this moment.

"Gentle kill!"

The murderous intent blooms precisely at the most beautiful moment.

The third Lingbao-level magic treasure appeared, it was a peacock fan, brushed across the neck, and took off the head.

It is so soft that you are willing to die.

Chen Xinghe raised his sword, and with a slight twist of his wrist, strands of sword gas turned into bright circles of light.

The arc moved from top to bottom, and Mo Qingqing saw a picture of Tai Chi suppressing him.

"You have such an unbelievable entry!" The three women used magic treasures at the same time, and it was impossible to believe that one of the three enemies could not withstand the opponent's sword.

However, it turned out that she really couldn't stand it.

"Pfft..." A clone split in two.

"I don't believe it!" Mo Qingqing was extremely stubborn, and fanned the peacock fan with all her strength.

A murderous intent surrounded him, but stopped outside Chen Xinghe's sword circle.

Seeing that Mo Qingqing's second clone was about to split from the top of his head, there was a crisp "ding" sound in the air, and a willow leaf actually ended the sword circle.

"Willow leaf?" Chen Xinghe was on alert, secretly said: "A master!"

"Papapa..." The visitor applauded: "Okay, very good, you are really good!"

Chen Xinghe looked opposite, no matter how mysterious Ren Jian's formation was, he couldn't stop this person from entering the formation. The Demon Emperor seemed tyrannical, but he couldn't reach this level.

"Moshe, the most taciturn and mysterious among the disciples of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect!"

"No, it's too far-fetched to use the name of the devil, I am me, Dai Yuhe!"

Chen Xinghe paid special attention to this sentence, nodded and said: "You are the strongest among the disciples of the Wanmo Sect. They dare not challenge the authority. You have already ignored these forms and are not burdened by foreign things."

"It doesn't make any sense. What about the first one? What about the second one? Whether it's a demon or a Tao! It's been so boring for tens of thousands of years. Your appearance makes me see a little bit of fun, so it's good."

"That's a lot of nonsense! It's nothing more than a collision." Chen Xinghe drew a flash of sword light, and pressed down the Taiji diagram steadily.

"Zheng..." A little bit of frost popped out of the strings.

The Taiji Diagram was actually fixed in the air, and it was unstable for a moment, the balance was lost, and it disappeared without a trace.

It is really extraordinary to be able to break the Taiji diagram so easily. Each string of the banjo condenses a kind of true magic.

Dai Yuhe said lightly: "Five demons and five truths, thief, death, exposure, abuse, abuse."

"Zheng..." A zither sound drilled towards Chen Xinghe, this is a "thief"!
Tricky, treacherous, cunning.

"Zheng..." Another sound of the piano was rendered.

Chen Xinghe clutched his chest and his heart stopped beating. According to his cultivation, not to mention his heart stopped beating, even if his head fell off, he could recover.

However, any cultivation base would be useless under the rendering of the piano sound. He was about to die, and all cultivation bases seemed to be useless at this moment.

The piano sounded again.

The cruelty is dark, it is by no means illusory, it is a real manipulation artistic conception, which goes directly to the origin of the avenue.

A series of imaginary lines appeared under his feet, Chen Xinghe knew that this Dai Yuhe was so powerful that he really had a way to completely erase him from the inside out.

"You, just die like this? Don't you resist?" Dai Yuhe felt that it was too smooth, and it was impossible for the other party to stand still at this level.

"How to resist?" Chen Xinghe asked stupidly.

"Are you asking me?" Dai Yuhe sneered: "It's really interesting, no enemy has ever asked me how to resist like you."

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm dying soon." Chen Xinghe looked impatient.

Dai Yuhe suddenly put away his smile, and said to himself, "No!"

"Bang..." A big hand suddenly grasped the tone, and by holding the tone, the power was transmitted to the strings.

"Zheng..." The sound of the piano turned back, and Dai Yuhe was moved for the first time, and he felt a little bit of surprise in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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