Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1143 Collective Tribulation

Chapter 1143 Collective Tribulation
Standing on the ground is a figure, 360 feet high, with white hair and a childlike face, with a fairy demeanor.

"Qiang..." This fairy-like figure drew out his sword.

One sword, tilting the sky!

It is the real Qingtian, a huge sword abyss appears above the head, and countless earth and rocks fall down, forming endless mountains.

This newly formed mountain range is like a city wall, dividing the magic tide into two.

Hunyuan in the sword formation is like a sword fairy reappearing in the mortal world, and the face changes continuously to show the face of everyone in the sword formation.

"Taiji Wuji, the universe borrows the law to help the three realms, slay demons and eliminate demons!"

The sword came out like a rainbow, and the monsters piled forward suffered heavy casualties.

Suddenly, a finger crossed the shadow and pointed towards Chen Xinghe's forehead.

"As expected." Chen Xinghe predicted that the Wanmo Sect would not let it go.

Magic way!If you are not jealous, you will be punished, and if you are not cruel and excessive, can you be called a demon?With Wan Mozong's pissing nature, it's not surprising to tear his face.

"Ding..." With a sharp point towards the center of the finger, the world suddenly turned upside down, the universe turned upside down, and the three realms lost their color.

The atmosphere around him was solemn, and the awe-inspiring righteousness swirled wildly on the tip of the sword.

Within three thousand miles, there was a boom boom.

A huge wave was formed, and the terrifying air waves spread layer by layer, and countless monsters turned into skeletons in an instant, collapsing to the ground.


"Boom bang bang..."

The Reincarnated Sword Immortal retreated ten steps, and after ten steps, he collapsed behind him.

Fortunately, Chen Xinghe stopped, the sword array stopped, the finger flickered, and spread out suddenly.

Someone laughed: "Hahaha, fellow daoist, you are so naughty! I tried to kill my sect's descendants several times, but I was defeated several times. It seems that the Wanmo sect is like this. After all, the entire army of disciples was wiped out this time. After that, that's all! Haha, that's all!"

Hearing the voice, Chen Xinghe immediately knew that there was someone up there.

There was a "hissing" sound in the distance, and a higher level of fighting was going on deep underground.

It's good to have someone, although I have made some preparations, but I don't have any confidence in my heart.

Sword Immortal is the fusion of heaven and earth, relying on the strength of the people and the aura of dragon veins, it is not the early stage of fusion, but the middle stage of fusion.

The master of the Jade Hand was intercepted by the masters of the Qingtian Sect. However, this patriarch and Laomo Yan were not the only elders of the Wanmo Sect. The other elders had received orders, whether they were willing to act or not, they had to make a statement at this moment.

A huge magic bat, a brightly colored magic horse, a magic chariot with thousands of blades, and a magic blood cassock rushed to the front under the impetus of the sky filled with magic clouds.

"Elder Four Rings?"

Chen Xinghe felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy, and said solemnly: "Four seniors, there is no precedent for the Ten Thousand Demon Sect Trials to deal with juniors during the fusion period."

"Hmph, there is no precedent for the fusion of gods and gods! Why do you still mention trials? The Wanmo Sect will never let you leave alive." One sentence reveals the sinister intentions, and the Wanmo Sect does not allow such a heaven-defying sect to appear in the Qingtian Sect. Disciple, so this is a lore.

"Thank you four for looking up to me." The sword array threw out a stream of sword energy, fighting with the four great enemies.

Although this is a battle of 800 people against four people, the cultivation base is still there!Just reached out and got stuck.

The stormy attack severely damaged Fatianxiangdi, and many places were sunken, making the Sword Immortal look in a panic.

Chen Xinghe took a deep breath, fully opened the dragon veins to support the sword formation, and the spirit of the fairy surged towards the formation.

"Hey..." The sword's energy was like blood, and it was so majestic.

"Kill..." one thousand 800 people roared.

There are many people with great strength, and everyone is brave together. As long as the sword formation is not broken, life is guaranteed.

Chen Xinghe yelled: "Who can overcome the calamity? Those who are in the same realm, who have been suppressing themselves, don't hesitate to overcome the calamity immediately. I will bear the cause and effect for you."

"This?" Several monks were slightly taken aback.

"What are you waiting for?" Someone realized that the opportunity was once in a thousand years, and if the Lord bears the karma, there is a high probability that they will survive the catastrophe.

Many monks have reached the level, but dare not take that step!

This is the sorrow of ordinary monks. Although the level has reached, but the background is not enough. Knowing that when the catastrophe comes, the body and spirit will be destroyed, so the life span has not yet come to an end. It is better to enjoy a stable life honestly. Maybe there is a chance to wait for a certain opportunity. How about crossing that fatal pass in one breath?
Who would have thought that such a unique opportunity would arrive today.

More than a dozen monks at the peak of the Nascent Soul stage unsealed their own seals one after another. Some used talismans to suppress themselves, some used Shenxin Vine, and some used leeches. After removing these seals, dark clouds rolled over their heads.

"Hiss..." The four elders of Wanmo Sect froze and hesitated.

That kid from the Qingtian Sect had practiced the Nine Tribulations of the Underworld Jue, but he didn't know where a violent catastrophe came from.

Yan Laogui's cultivation level is deeper than theirs, and the patriarch failed to save him even though he tried to rescue him. It can be seen that the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue is against heaven and earth. No wonder the four major sects want to ban this exercise.

When the first thunderbolt struck, Chen Xinghe did not use his magical skills to help these monks resist.

There are extraordinary auras in the catastrophe, and you need to accept the baptism of the sky thunder to enter a higher level.

When crossing the catastrophe, with the help of foreign objects or other people, the power of the catastrophe must be improved. As for how much it will increase, the situation varies.

The four elders of the Wanmo Sect let out a sigh of relief and were scared to death. It turned out that it was just a few little guys in the Nascent Soul stage who crossed the catastrophe. How powerful would that be?
Nascent Soul's promotion to Huashen, to them, is like facing a small flame, which can be extinguished with a single finger.

Another ten Nascent Soul cultivators exploded their energy, triggering a catastrophe!

Chen Xinghe voice transmission: "Don't be idle in the late stage of the Nascent Soul, go further if you can, the robbery power... the robbery power is not enough, far from enough."

"Yes!" The forty monks of the late Nascent Soul stage immediately used methods to enhance their mana, and forcibly raised their cultivation base to feel the way of heaven.

The opportunity is so rare, and you don't have to worry about side effects, you are not a fool!
That was the stage of transforming into a god!

Apotheosis!As soon as one steps into this level, one's lifespan will immediately strengthen for thousands of years. Isn't it the purpose of all these years of hard work to cross the boundary one day?

"Quick, lead robbery!"

"These four old guys are in the fusion stage! They are too tall and too strong. Your lord is in the middle stage of transforming gods. Without the help of the heavenly tribulation, they will definitely not be able to defeat the enemy."

"Hateful, we have too few monks in the late Nascent Soul!"

less?Not a lot at all, and there are as many as 150 monks in the late Yuanying period.

This number is quite high among the Nascent Soul cultivators.

Even if only one-third of late-stage monks can touch the upper limit, that's not too small.

more than 50 Nascent Soul stage monks crossed the catastrophe of the God of Transformation together!The momentum is quite impressive.

However, Chen Xinghe sighed in his heart. Compared with the right-hand Heavenly Tribulation, it is still much worse for so many monks to cross the catastrophe. I hope it can be alleviated.

Even if it fails to meet expectations, Chen Xinghe must show fearlessness to give everyone confidence, so he laughed: "Hahaha, the catastrophe is coming, kill with me!"

Everyone didn't know that this boss had no idea, and thought it would be awesome for so many people to cross the tribulation together!So the mind was impulsive and "killed".

(End of this chapter)

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