Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1144 Not Worth It

Chapter 1144 Not Worth It


With so many people in the sword formation, Chen Xinghe became more courageous!

Grandma's, aren't they just four old guys?He can kill Old Yan Yan alone, so many people try to find a way together, but can't beat the other party?

Do it but do it!There is no way to go behind.

In fact, it is not necessarily true that there is no way out, Chen Xinghe still has some ways to avoid these four veterans.But he escaped, what about the monks under his command?
Cultivation is cultivating the mind, and we cannot be sorry for everyone's support for him, so until the last moment, we must stick to this place and continue to die.

The sword fairy comes to the world, the universe is rectified, nine robberies and nine kills!

The Tai Chi Flywheel was quickly formed under the support of the heavenly calamity, bursting out with great murderous intent to slash at the giant bat among the four old demons.

One is that it is huge, and the other is that it has the highest cultivation level. Taking advantage of the power of the first sword, it is possible to break the fast of this bat first.

"Pfft..." The sword was cut in, and the bat was shattered in an instant, but Chen Xinghe immediately realized something was wrong, the sword didn't cut well!

"Squeak..." Hundreds of bats appeared in front of the eyes, and they rushed up the sword formation along the long sword.

Chen Xinghe grinned straight away, let's disperse!The level of Heavenly Tribulation is not enough, and it is very difficult to attack the fortifications, but if they are scattered, it will be easy to handle.

"Bang, bang bang bang..." The drums were loud.

No, that's not the sound of drums, but the sound of bats being smashed.

Very cool!So cool!

Hundreds of bats fell into the dust with their eyes wide open. They proved that it is not wise to disperse their attacks as usual. At least when the thunder is rolling overhead, this is an extremely stupid tactic.

After the bat was shattered, an old man showed his figure, his face was full of arrogance, and he raised his hand to punch.

Just at this time, the attacks of the other three elders also smashed into the sword array, they suddenly realized that something was wrong, but it was too late to stop.

"Boom..." The arrogant old man roared, trying to escape, but was held in place by the force of the sky, and nine Tai Chi flywheels flew across his body.

The sword formation is a huge Taiji formation, and it is assisted by thunder and thunder, conducting attacks under the leadership of Chen Xinghe.

This is equivalent to three Wanmozong elders plus Sword Formation and Mantian Jielei dealing with one Wanmozong elder at the same time.

After all, the arrogant old man had cultivated a trace of He Dao Qi, and a trace of red smoke rose from his feet instantly.Although the body was broken in the next moment, Yuanshen stepped on the red smoke and fled away.

"Escaped?" Chen Xinghe felt a little regretful, but fortunately the other party fled too quickly, and all his belongings were left where they were, so maybe he could find something good inside.

This is a monk in the fit stage, and he must be rich. The race bag has been active outside, and the demon corpse was taken away with a light roll.

The other three Elders of Wan Mo Sect are so angry!Does this damage one person?Also too fast.Damn it, Sword Array took advantage of them.

"I'm the black sheep!" The bright demon horse turned its eyes round, and its surroundings trembled suddenly.

Can the black sheep also become enlightened?Is it unexpected or uncomfortable?

The sword array was almost collapsed by this black sheep, it was amazing!

However, to cause such harm to the large formation in the middle stage of integration, the consumption must be not small.

"It's just you, the black sheep." Chen Xinghe glanced at the cultivators who were crossing the catastrophe, feeling that the tribulation power was still not enough, so use a little less.

It's too difficult to kill a body-fit monk, and if you want to gain something, you have to pay the price.

The three Wanmo sect elders were not careless, their figures were erratic between advancing and retreating, and they had learned to be smart, so they never attacked at the same time so as not to give the sword formation a chance to use their strength.

"Be careful, the next blow is crucial." Chen Xinghe sent a voice transmission.

Everyone's heart trembled, knowing that the boss is about to expand, the specific size is not what they should think about, just contribute mana and evolve with the sword array.

Soon, Mantian Jieyun whimpered, appearing extremely abnormal.

The three old ghosts knew that the boy was urging the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue, and he would definitely make a thunderous blow next.

This idea is correct, but they didn't expect how decisive the next blow would be.

The calamity cloud is almost flat on the ground, and there are countless Tai Chi flywheels rotating in the open and in the dark, how much calorie force is drawn and how much calorie force is drawn, and then it blooms just like fireworks...

The bright magic horse exploded in the deafening roar, and then exploded again.

want to run?One after another, the sword shadow came to kill.The other two old demons did not dare to attack at this time, because Taiji Flywheel is too good at using external forces.

The black sheep used all its strength to shake, but compared with the power of one thousand and eight hundred monks, it was still a bit weaker after all.

Of course, what really plays a role is the catastrophe of transforming the sky into gods.

After the noise, this black sheep was much worse than the previous mephit.

Under Chen Xinghe's guidance, the sword shadow suddenly teleported hundreds of miles away, passing through his real body without giving Lao Mo any chance.

The old devil wanted to escape, but it was obviously not as fast as the previous mephit in terms of escaping, so the elder of the four rings became the elder of the third ring, screaming for tens of thousands of miles, anyone could hear it.

"Ah! I'm not reconciled..." Such a high level of cultivation, such a strong skill, when bad luck comes, it can be said that it will be wiped out in one day!
With nothing left, even if there are other means left, the hope of resurrection becomes extremely slim under the deterrence of robbery and thunder.

"Fallen?" The two old devils near the front were stunned.

But Jiang is still old and hot, and the two old demons immediately saw that this blow absorbed all the power of the sky.

At this moment, there were only bits and pieces of lightning left on the top of the head, and the extraction was too much, so that the catastrophe came to an end directly, and the breath in the sword array was soaring.

The 53 monks sat cross-legged, and with the help of the dragon veins, they laid the foundation of immortality, and their foreheads thumped.

Yuanying and Xinshen quickly merged, and Yuanshen stood out.

It is true that good fortune is extraordinary, and blessings are endless.

They were promising, but Chen Xinghe couldn't help but change his face here.

"It's over, and I have to pay so much under the entanglement of karma!"

"The column of blessings in the life and death book has been reduced crazily. Killing the old demon Yan and so many disciples of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect! Hehe, all of them were killed for nothing. If it wasn't for killing another old demon just now, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to keep my original level. .”

"It seems that helping the right hand to cross the catastrophe is different from helping these monks to cross the catastrophe. This is only one time, there will be no next time, otherwise I will stop at the peak of the fusion stage. I can't just try to put my future into it for a while, it's not worth it."

He slandered and depressed in his heart, and immediately cheered up to deal with the other two old demons with all his strength.

When it was handed over again, the power of the sword formation had improved significantly.

This kind of improvement does not involve any external force, because 53 monks in the transformation stage have been newly released. With their help, it is only natural for the sword array to become stronger.

"Qiang Qiang Qiang..." Huihong Jianying moved towards the Wanblad Demon Chariot. As for the demon blood cassock next to him, let him attack instead of defending.

The two old devils were depressed to find that it was impossible for them to take down the current sword array with their abilities.

This is exactly why it is better to cut off one finger than to hurt ten fingers, and there is always reward for hard work. Chen Xinghe sacrificed so much, and finally stabilized the current situation.

(End of this chapter)

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