Chapter 1160
"Bang bang bang..." A punch was faster than a punch, a punch was stronger than a punch, and it hit the Boshan stove.

Chen Xinghe suddenly withdrew his fist, and slowly stepped back to sit down.

"Crack..." A bolt of lightning snaked down, just hitting the top of the alchemy furnace.

This bolt of lightning is like a signal, followed by hundreds of thousands of lightning bolts.

The catastrophe is coming, very strong and fierce.

However, the alchemy furnace was bombarded by the thunderbolt without any change.

Soon, Heavenly Tribulation became more majestic.

Chen Xinghe glanced at it. This kind of catastrophe is only equivalent to three full-strength attacks by a cultivator in the late stage of transformation, which is really not much to watch.

There are still many palaces and palaces near Tianmen, resplendent and magnificent.

The influx of calamity power makes the immortal law more stable, which means that the wonders of the palace can last longer.

The alchemy furnace didn't move at all, it was so mad!

The sky beat a drum beat hard, and finally dispersed reluctantly, making the atmosphere of the world clear.

"Dan is refined now?"

"No way? I think other people's alchemy takes a few days and nights, and it's possible to refine alchemy for a few years."

"The furnace, that is the furnace!"

"It turned out to be Zhan Furnace and Zhan Dan, the fastest method of alchemy in the world."

"This lord is really... really born for fighting."

Fierce medicinal energy spurts out, thirteen sets of elixir have a total of 190 five pills, if it is refined by other alchemists, it is considered a master if they can refine half of this amount.

Chen Xinghe felt that he had made progress in alchemy again, that there are many ways to go, and the same goal by different routes.

Of course, there are not so many pills on the surface, only 150 pills, which is close to the limit that thirteen sets of medicinal materials can refine.

He took out 36 pills and gave them out, and asked the three "uncles" to divide them up by themselves.

He opened his mouth and swallowed more than 100 pills into his stomach.

The medicinal power expands rapidly in the body.

Because the ferocious beast has a special physique, I have doubts in my heart, and I don't know whether this kind of medicinal power is effective for me.

When the chest and abdomen exploded, he immediately knew that the golden turtle's water pill was really useful.

The medicinal power exploded quickly, and the convergence was also extremely fast, his face was frozen, and frost even formed on his eyebrows.

"The golden turtle entered the water? It's a little cold!"

"That's how it is. First expand the primordial spirit, and then freeze the primordial spirit. Within twelve hours, the pressure will increase. It's like slowly swimming into the bottom of the sea to practice, refining the spirit and refining the body, and the divine power will be self-generated."

"Well, tell me to calculate carefully, can I enter the late stage of transformation?" Chen Xinghe calculated with his fingers, his face showing joy.

The potency of the medicine is indeed powerful, and it can play a good role in advancing, but the real explosive point is still on the Xingjun God Table.

In my mind, Tianji star has really become a climate, accompanied by Jumen star, and the double star is like a temple, solemn and solemn.

The Doumu Star Stone has been completely consumed, while the Absolute Beginning Star Stone has not changed at all, so it is forbidden.

The upper and lower acupoints of the whole body are connected, the perfect combination of the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation and the Taiji Sword Formation, and the Spirit Gathering Formation as the base, which is extremely efficient for the absorption and transformation of spiritual energy.

Taking this step forward is already different, adding this batch of elixir can save 300 years of hard work.

300 years is almost enough, enough to step into the late stage of transformation!Yuanshen will grow to five feet upwards.

The mid-stage of Transformation is a watershed. Once you cross the past, your practice speed will become slower, but the leap in combat power will also become more obvious.

Of course, cultivation bases belong to cultivation bases, and killing people belongs to killing people. As long as they can attract robbery, the enemy can also be touched.

Chen Xinghe feels like an old turtle now, lying on the bottom of the sea and exhaling slowly, his soul is getting stronger and stronger, showing all kinds of miracles.

The monsters were still rampant, and the members of the Anbu directly eliminated them without bothering the sword array.

Some monks were sensitive, and said in a daze, "The growth rate of monsters seems to be slowing down."

"Don't seem like if you show some confidence, you're slowing down."

"That's a good thing, the god-killing Myriad Demon Sect, this demon disaster is finally over."

"Passed? Impossible. There will be no peace here in the future. Haven't you seen that the one behind has set up a heavenly gate here?"

"Hey, this Tianmen is to contain the demons, not the demons."

"That was before, and now those monsters will fall into the golden palace of immortality when they come over."

"Yes! Observe carefully, the monster will be sealed if it falls into the golden gate."

While everyone was discussing, the distant sky slowly healed.

"what 's wrong?"

Chen Xinghe could see clearly that connecting with the demon world was a strong act of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect. Now that the magic power is about to collapse, most of the gaps will be healed, only some special ones have a chance to keep the gaps.

I couldn't help but feel relieved, this evil disaster has finally passed, and there must be fewer and fewer monsters running over from behind. At the same time, the magic dye will slowly shrink if it cannot be replenished.

Every Ten Thousand Demon Sect monk is very powerful, but their number is their blemish. They can face ten times the enemy without any scruples, but what about a hundred times and a thousand times?Still have no scruples?Even though they are good at driving monsters, Qingtianzong has attracted too many monks this time!
After this battle, a large number of monks died, and the survivors might scold Qingtianzong to death after returning.

I don't know who will fall on this kind of karma in the end, anyway, those monks dare not come here to trouble Chen Xinghe.

As a monk, it is better to have more self-knowledge. They are a joke in front of the Qingtian Sword Formation. Even if relatives and friends die in this monstrous conspiracy, if you want to seek revenge from the young emperor of Qingtianzong, you must first weigh your own strength. depth.

The evil troubles turned from prosperity to decline, and other monks were too timid to come and find fault. Normally, they should sit back and relax, but Chen Xinghe was still vigilant.

"Han Zhongshu, Li Kuixing, Mo Qingqing and that Haoran Zhenglan don't seem to be dead. During the battle just now, I felt some faint aura. Although they have changed, Yuanshen will not admit their mistakes."

Chen Xinghe was shocked by the resurgence of these people, and became even more eager to improve his cultivation!
In fact, compared with these people, he waits like a baby who has just been born. Which one is not an old guy who has practiced for hundreds or even thousands of years?However, in terms of morality and deeds, he is not bad.

Because of the power of the dragon veins, one year of practice is equivalent to 81 years of practice for others, and more than [-] years of practice is equivalent to obtaining a thousand years of Taoism.

If there is another thing, follow others on the road of practice once, if one fails, just two, raise your eyes, you will always be able to lay a solid foundation and find the fastest way to rise.

In this way, the enemy is still standing still, he has achieved five jumps, and even jumped seven or eight steps up, so naturally he will not be the same when he fights again.


This time is different, he has an intuition that these resurgent enemies are extraordinary, and it is very likely that he will be stationed in the fusion stage before him.

"Cultivation, cultivation, I must find a way to maintain the speed of improvement, otherwise I may be pulled down by these guys!" Chen Xinghe thought of this, and devoted himself to cultivation.

Twelve hours passed in a flash, and there was a sense of swelling in the body again, and Yuanshen suddenly broke through the limit and stepped steadily on a new level.

In the late stage of Transformation God, it's finally done!

(End of this chapter)

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