Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1161 The Birth of the Demon Venerable

Chapter 1161 The Birth of the Demon Venerable
"Your Majesty!" The Sword Array cultivator felt moved, and turned his head to look at Chen Xinghe.

"The matter here is over, I want to go back with the wind! If you concentrate on practicing, you will be guided." The voice was still echoing in place, Lei Long's body trembled slightly, and some more reminders appeared in his mind.

"Yes!" He bowed his head.

These monks can be introduced into the Xuantian warship, and after training, their future is bound to be limitless.

The gate of the underworld is open, Chen Xinghe doesn't want to wait for the Qingtianzong to open the door, he is looking forward to returning now, how can he have the time to wait?
Once the monsters fell into continuous death and injury, what would the Wanmo Sect have enough manpower to do?After all, there are only a few people like the White-haired Sword Demon and Elder Tu.

Now that the evil trouble is about to disappear, he has no intention of staying any longer.

The smoke piled up, and after ten steps, it fell to the ground.

Looking around, he has returned to the world of Huangquan, the Buddha's Eye Cave.

A little ghost floated over, stared wide-eyed and said, "Who are you? Are you His Majesty Guizang?"

"Lead the way ahead!" Chen Xinghe knew that Suzaku wanted him to take the place of the legendary Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, but he lacked interest, so it's okay to take up the post.

The kid was not slow, and led Chen Xinghe into the palace.

This underworld is really magnificently built, but there are still many things to be done, and there are still many places that are not satisfactory.

A dark aura emerges from under the feet.

Chen Xinghe sensed it, and nodded slightly: "The Fortress of Huangquan is on the rise, I wonder how are those testers doing?"

Suzaku was not in the main hall, the underworld was empty, except for the little ghost leading the way in front of him, there was no ghost.

Dozens of circles of light are suspended in the air, and each circle of light is associated with a high-ranking underworld official.

It turned out that they were fighting in the three major ghost kingdoms, and the world was smashed. This is a necessary process for power change.

"Old Zhu, where's the white-haired sword demon?"

Suzaku looked back, looked over through the light circle, and laughed loudly: "That old guy! He ran to fight with a powerful old ghost in the world of the turtle."

Chen Xinghe frowned: "They didn't decide a winner, so you dare to attack the three ghost dynasties?"

"Hey, I closed the passage just after they passed by. Our Huangquan Fortress is the hub of the surrounding world! If they can climb back within ten years, I will lose."

"Hahaha!" Chen Xinghe also laughed, he was happy to think that the old guy from the Wanmo sect was disgraced, and the other party seemed to have only ten years of life left, and he might never come back in this lifetime.

The two were full of love, Suzaku suddenly yelled, and came back via voice transmission: "Those bastards started to fight back, they don't have time to spank you."

The voice said: "Go back quickly, the sooner the better, the later will change."

"Oh?" Chen Xinghe was slightly taken aback, his heart beating wildly.

He knew that Suzaku must have figured out something, and it might have something to do with Luo Chan'er.

That being the case, he must go back as soon as possible.

Ripples swayed under his feet, Chen Xinghe was no longer where he was, and returned to his residence in the Underworld with just one step.

"Master? You're back?" Bai Huo was ecstatic.

"I need the Yuanshen to return."

"Uh, if it's just the return of the soul, it will be relatively simple. If the two sides are completely synchronized, at the current level of the master..."

The voice paused for a moment, and Bai Huo said in disbelief: "How long has it been? The master has reached such a state. If you want to synchronize the main body with this side, you may not be able to reproduce it for ten days and ten nights! And you need to invest a lot of resources."

"You slowly engrave it for me, and my primordial spirit will return first." Chen Xinghe then took out a hundred ingots and a hundred immortal stones, which should be enough.

Bai Huo happily said: "Leave it to me! During this period of time, I have helped Master earn a lot of gold coins, which can be used to deduct a lot of expenses. No matter how poor the Underworld World is, it cannot ignore its responsibilities."

"Okay!" Chen Xinghe immediately sat down cross-legged, letting the beam of light shine on his body, Gao Dayuanshen emerged from behind, Bai Huo was shocked to see, he didn't know how the master cultivated, it's only been a few decades!How can you reach such a situation?

Shocked by pressing the white fire, Chen Xinghe felt that the starry sky was vast, and his soul followed a beam of strange light refracted and then refracted, and he didn't know how long it took to suddenly fall towards a big world.

"Boom..." Nine Heavens and Ten Earths shook the Demon God Shuttle.

Chen Xinghe has already returned to his body, but his primordial spirit is too powerful, and his body can't carry it for a while. It takes time to synchronize with the body in the Underworld.

It's nothing, the Moon Moth Sect is in another land, even if they can leave the customs and rush over in ten days, no matter how fast they are, it will take ten and a half months.

That way the cucumber dishes might be cold, so take the easy way.

He has a backhand in the Moon Moth Sect, that is, the demon body, which slowly recovers under the suppression of the Mahayana bone, and it is time to use the demon body.

"Seize the channel, now!"

An ethereal passage appeared in the Niwan Palace, and Chen Xinghe took a firm step forward.

"Pa..." With one step, the whole world seemed to be turned upside down.

The barren land of the Moon Moth Sect trembled suddenly.

Fortunately, no monks passed by nearby, otherwise they would definitely find something abnormal.

Half an hour later, a crack opened on the ground.

The tall body rose slowly, and the space between the sky and the earth suddenly became dark.

Wisps of magic energy rushed in.

Chen Xinghe has obtained the memory of the Devil Peak, and he is very familiar with the methods of magic, and he is extremely familiar with the Void Demon.

This demon body was originally very strong, and it was probably in the middle of the catastrophe, but the original source was lost too much, and it is not bad to reach the early stage of transformation.

"Da Yan Tian demonized." The most powerful technique of Wan Mozong is running in this body.

Mo Dingfeng didn't dare to practice this magic skill because the way of magic came from Chaos Demon.

After all, there is a difference between the human body and the body of a chaotic demon. Few people can bear the pain if they want to cultivate into a heavenly demon and then become a chaotic demon through returning to their ancestors. The Wan Mo Sect has put this exercise on the shelf for many years, and every disciple can read it.

Many disciples know this exercise, but all of them are afraid to step outside the method.

Chen Xinghe found out that this demon body was originally very strong, so he thought, the Void Demon is not as good as the Heavenly Demon, especially not as good as the Innate Heavenly Demon.

Heavenly Demons are a unique existence. They adapt to both the void environment and the breath of heaven and earth, just like amphibians can swim in the water and rule the roost on the shore.

But when it comes to returning to the ancestors and tracing the Chaos Demon, the Void Demon is closer. The reason why the monks of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect imitated the Heavenly Demon is because the Heavenly Demon is more suitable for the human race, that's all.

Being able to take over the Void Demon and practice such magic skills with the body of the Void Demon really complements each other and is a matter of course.

In an instant, Chen Xinghe shrunk his body, suppressing his demonic nature with the Mahayana bones, and preventing his primordial spirit from being corroded.

In this way, when he flew out for three or four miles, Dayan Tian's demonization had already reached the first level, and the degree of fit with this body was even higher.

The second layer is faster than the first layer and can be achieved with one breath.

The third layer is a little more difficult, corresponding to the golden core stage. Fortunately, this is a pure demon body, and I believe it will be achieved soon.

(End of this chapter)

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