Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1177 Crossing the Void

Chapter 1177 Crossing the Void
Remembering that I still have a elixir, I hurriedly took out the medicinal gas that was shaken into a small ball, and put it into the mouth of my lover.

Real Motianling Yunlan is injured, and he promised to find a medicine for her.Chen Xinghe believes that with his current means, he can help her recuperate her body without using the pill, so this pill is used as an emergency.

"Sun Die and Moon Die, hurry up and evacuate, I'm going to escape into the void." Chen Xinghe told Er Die that he was full of strength now, and his right hand was still devouring the butterflies, so there was absolutely no problem in running.

"Okay!" Erdie was overjoyed, they saw that Chen Xinghe was making preparations, and the reason for holding Cang Ji back was for this moment.

The two butterflies flapped their wings vigorously, and running was also their forte.

"Hmph!" Taoist Cang Ji sneered, and lightly flicked the dust whisk, Er Die's body was disheveled, and two clouds of purple blood mist were drawn out.

Er Die felt pain, his body shrunk a lot, and he ran away in embarrassment.

Chen Xinghe sent Luo Chan'er into the human race bag, and his figure was no longer in place.

He knew that he was the opponent's target, so he could leave Erdie as soon as possible to avoid being destroyed by Cang Ji.

"So fast?" The Taoist looked at the direction Chen Xinghe was leaving, and took a step in surprise.

With this step, the sky is spinning and the world has already entered Qingming.

The old man was so fast, he was surprised to find that instead of catching up with the opponent, he was left behind by a large distance, and the distance was getting further and further away.

"What a fast speed!" Even though his cultivation base is advanced, he has to admit that this kid is very good at speed.

"Hmph, Mu Cangtian." Cang Ji raised his hand and pointed, and the worlds near and far became his dojo, with an unbelievably deep foundation.

Chen Xinghe only felt that the resistance in front of him increased greatly!

Never slow down at critical moments.

"Star chariot!"

The Xingjun Fajia appeared, and immediately gathered all the star power.

The body of the Dijiang witch zoomed in rapidly behind his back, and his four black wings beat the colorful mist across the void.

Chen Xinghe didn't dare to run to his hometown, that would be causing trouble for his family. After thinking about it, only the void is not restricted, and he can go wild as much as he wants.

fly!Burn all the power to gallop.

First of all, those calamity powers were added, and the four wings behind the back erupted with calamity thunder, quickly approaching the speed of lightning, and successfully broke through Cang Ji's limit.

"Is it Mu Cangtian's thaumaturgy? He actually used the nearby world as a dojo. The engravings he left in the cave have problems and distorted the core."

"Sure enough, such characters are very vicious, so they won't pass on their true skills to those who come after them. Fortunately, my vision was limited at that time, and I only understood a little superficially."

Chen Xinghe didn't dare to hold anything back, he burned his divine power crazily, and then released the Guizang Sword to shuttle back and forth.

"Zhou Tian Star Dou Great Formation, teleport!"

The powerful one is coming, and the Taoist is also speeding up. I don't believe that I can't hold back a junior. How dare an ant-like existence dare to jump in front of him?
He had already become serious, and he didn't catch even a hair when he tried to scoop it up, which made him really uncomfortable.

"Closer!" The word "near" was so magical that it suddenly shortened the distance.

Chen Xinghe was so frightened that his little heart jumped wildly, and cursed inwardly: "Is this also okay? You can't say what you say?"

In extreme fright, he began to perform super-level, and ran even more smoothly.

"Huh?" The Taoist was moved for the first time, and this kid was teleported thousands of miles away in an instant!Even if he takes one step at this distance, it takes almost three steps.

"Papa papa" Cang Ji took three steps, landing with a sound, shocking all directions.

When he came to Chen Xinghe's teleportation point, he saw a large piece of rock floating in the void.

If I remember correctly, there used to be a small thousand world standing in this area, but it was broken in some unknown year and month, leaving a large amount of earth and rocks to form a rocky area.

"Heh, you thought I would have nothing to do with you if you hid here?" Daoist Cang Ji waved his whisk, and a large amount of earth and rock gathered, forming a road in front of him.

He floated down onto the dirt road, frowning slightly as he walked.

The kid is gone?how is this possible?

At this moment, Chen Xinghe was in the human race bag, observing Luo Chan'er's injuries while cutting snake sloughs to make surrogate death talismans.

In the past, he tamed a little blue snake to protect his body.

The little snake has shed its skin three times in these years, and the third time the snake shed is very good, very suitable for getting a high-level rune.

At this moment, in order to survive, Chen Xinghe made some progress in refining talismans.

"Integrate into the divine sense! Store the spirit of the fairy!"

"Spirit Gathering Rune, Alternative Rune, Mirror Image Rune..."

The snake slough is covered with runes, and it becomes so bright that it may blind your eyes just by looking at it.

A sense of crisis erupted, and Chen Xinghe hurriedly took the death talisman and left the race bag.

As soon as he appeared, he heard a soft drink: "So you are hiding here."

The surroundings instantly darkened, which is the magic of blocking the void.

"Not good!" Chen Xinghe knew that he couldn't be locked, once locked by the other party, it would be over, and the death talisman in his hand was useless paper.

"Golden Immortal Method, Juque."

Chen Xinghe poured out the spirit energy while waving his hands, and a large number of air bubbles arched in the nearby earth and rocks, just like the giant ancient sword piercing the darkness.

"You actually comprehended an immortal technique?" Cang Ji was really surprised, how many years has this kid only practiced?How could it be possible to comprehend the immortal law.

One must know that it took him 500 years to comprehend the magic of immortality, which was considered fast. What kind of luck can he achieve such an unimaginable state?It made him even more curious about this kid's background.

Chen Xinghe rushed out of the blockade, finally breathed a sigh of relief, and thought to himself: "Immortal art is indeed effective for immortal art."

Before he had time to think about it, he opened the Zhoutian Star Dou array again, and put his left hand deep into the star chariot, trying to increase the star power traction with all his strength.

A secret door appeared, and Chen Xinghe slammed into it.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly, and Cang Ji approached again.

When he saw the power of the giant stars gathered to form a secret door, he frowned slightly and said, "Why is this kid's practice so complicated? He still wants to step into the lineage of Xingjun? Hmph, I'm not greedy enough, I will regret it sooner or later."

He didn't realize it until the words fell to the ground, and sneered: "I made a mistake, and you have no chance to regret it."

Chen Xinghe lay prone on the star chariot, accelerating and accelerating.

If you don't fight now, when will you wait?

Anyway, he is good at running, he has been running since his debut, blame him for wandering, he can always dig out some old guys, see that he can't beat the opponent, why not run?

Cang Ji put away his arrogance, and found that this kid ran with all his strength, and it was really possible that he ran without a trace, which made him lose face.

"Shoot!" It was the words that did not follow the words again, and the whisk caught a light and shadow while waving it, turning and embellishing it several times.

Chen Xinghe looked back, just as he was about to speed up, his big hand was like the sky covering him.

"Let me stay here!" Cang Ji was a little angry. He had just recovered, and he had a lot of things to do in a hurry, but he wasted so much time on a little brat, so he took a heavy hand to kill him. Let's see if this kid has any How weird.

"Explosion!" The powerful sword screen appeared, the Taoist's heart shuddered, and blood appeared on his fingertips.

He was actually injured. Although there was only one scratch, it was unforgivable.

"Destroy!" Anger rose, Taoist Cangji extinguished a section of the void, but what made him even more annoyed was that there was only one death talisman in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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